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[Accepted] DasFox | CCIA

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CCIA Staff Application

Basic Information
Byond key: DasFox
Character names: A lot, honestly more than a lot. Common ones lately are Kazima Varselle, Natalie Manell, Seless Ioraks, and my other head whitelist chars.
Age: 22
Timezone: EST (GMT-5?)
What times are you most available?: Generally afternoon to evening. Sometimes mornings.

How long have you played SS13?: Honestly, way too long. A decade now, if not more.
How long have you played on Aurora?: Also way too long. I remember the end of Boxstation, if only vaguely, and got my first whitelist on the NSS Aurora properly.
How active on the forums, discord and/or server are you?: Forums and Discord? Not very, unless I get caught into something. I do chat in game a lot, though, and play at least once or twice a week the last little bit, when work allows. (More lately.)
Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: I've been banned probably three times? Maybe more. The most egregious of which was a permaban for meta behavior on an antag, validhunting stuff. But, that was several years ago, and my latest administrative action that I can remember.
Have you ever volunteered as moderation staff for any other servers, SS13 or otherwise?: I run a moderately sized RP community across MMOs, of a few hundred people, but that's not an exceptionally active endeavor on my end as it's an on-off thing. I've also been a Head Administrator on Sojourn, though that's a time of my life I'd rather not return to, and I was a Moderator on Polaris for a time but I really wasn't fit for it then.
Do you have any other experience that you believe would be relevant to a position in the CCIA?: Sure, I work a very public facing job right now -- A Paramedic, a lot of it is patience.

Why do you want to join the CCIA?: CCIA's always interested me, but knowing exactly what CCIA does has always been sort of enigmatic. I've always viewed CCIA as IC moderation when I used to play, but it's more like narrative police I think now. Where the goal is to help maintain the server's narrative ICly, more than it is policing everything ICly whenever it's necessary, people can do that on their own already. And I'd like to help with that, as I like it here.
What do you think are the most important qualities for a CCIA Agent to possess?: A level head, an ability to make reasonable decisions within the confines of their job is a big one. Being able to function as that 'big bad Corporate HR guy to my dystopia' is another, not necessarily evil but able to enforce the narrative that the MegaCorps really are a life-pervading reality on Aurora. Along with the ability to understand how a pen works, considering that's a big part of the job. (Har, har, humor for levity.)
What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is in an ongoing round?: To guide the round towards making sure it's fun for the players, without directing the round flow. That's for players playing Command and Antagonists to do, CCIA is there to help facilitate Command's ability to direct the round, without interceding into it too deeply. In most cases, at least, when not performing IR investigations and what not.
What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is outside of the server?: Generally, as I've said previously, to enforce that Mega-Corporate pervasion of all walks of life in the server's setting. There's a lot of things that go into that, but generally CCIA are there to make sure records and such are reasonable, to make sure people aren't acting out too harshly, and that if they do punishments are handed out in an IC sphere so long as they aren't OOCly rulebreaking. And while I said I used to view them as IC Moderation, that's still mildly true, but not so heavy as what I was really meaning.
How do you handle stress?: I'm capable of dealing with stress, though there's reasonably some times I might not be able to do things due to it, with my work schedule. But beyond that, fairly well.
How well do you work autonomously?: Fairly well, so long as I'm well acquainted with the job I'm given. Until that point though I tend to lean, maybe a little hard, on people that know what I'm doing more than I do. Byproduct of my experience with work, I suppose.
Additional Notes: I've made a lot of mistakes in my time on Aurora, and I've definitely been a worse person. Lying egregiously, being aggressive and toxic, messing with people just because I could. But now-days I like to at least think I've calmed down on all of those departments, even if I can still be pulled into an argumentative state every so often. But I do generally want to contribute towards the server, and I've always been a bureaucracy goblin at heart.

Edited by Bear
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