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[Accepted]Killstrike - Whitelist application - Dionae

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BYOND Key: Killstrike

Character Names: Josh Foster (old, old character), Slithosuri Asuroz

Species you are applying to play: Dionae

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, extensively.


Why do you wish to play this specific race: There are a few primary reasons why I wish to play a Dionae. For one, I love playing characters with borderline alien and foreign mindsets, and the Dionae are right there. Secondly, I feel it would be fun to play as what is basically multiple characters wrapped up into one, that being multiple creatures speaking from the same body. I feel like I can get up to a lot of fun or interesting roleplay scenarios utilizing the Dionae’s unique mechanics, lore, and design, such as a sociable gestalt bartender where multiple nymphs speak to patrons while the gestalt as a whole works.


Identify what makes role-playing this species different from role-playing a Human: Dionae not only prescribe as a whole species to conditional pacifism, but also the inherently alien biology makes the gameplay fundamentally different in terms of gameplay. In terms of roleplay, they’ve a more visceral reaction to pain in Coeus, but significantly less in older ones. The mindsets can get increasingly more alien depending on the Gestalt. Multiple nymphs can speak, or just one. It also makes you think more for the idea of each Nymph technically being it’s own “Character”, or conscience, rather than the singular mind of a human being. Regardless, I’d like to experiment in the future with what I can play and what characters I can make of the Dionae.


Character Name: Pleasures of Society

Please provide a short backstory for this character

Several nymphs were grown in the calm, quiet life of Tau Ceti, yet many young nymphs found this life to be rather… boring. Dull. Why live in the calm Biesel city working an assistant’s wage when you could be acquiring stories to tell? And thus, these young nymphs bound together to form a gestalt: “Pleasures of Society”, named after what it is they wish to obtain, learn, and acquire, after witnessing a loud, colorful club. This new cyclopsian gestalt immediately applied to work in service, particularly more sociable jobs such as a waiter, or entertainer. 


Eventually, Pleasures of Society settled on a job in bartending. This did come with complications, however. For one, the gestalt couldn’t move or speak quick enough to talk with the patrons coming in. Thus, a unique mindset adapted, growing out of the Chaotic Cacophony. This mindset was based off of the Competence Choir, but instead of only one sociable nymph, three of the nymphs speak, often different in personality or opinion, while a central one of the three acts as the “main” social nymph. This allows Pleasures of Society to talk with multiple patrons, and to gather the traveler’s stories.


After this period of adaptation and frugal socialization, Pleasures of Society caught the eye of a Nanotransen recruiter. More excitable than ever at the prospect of space and its many tales it could tell, the Pleasures gestalt took up on the offer. This has landed the young Coeus here, at the Aurora station, often hired as a bartender, or in rare cases, Librarian or Janitorial positions.


What do you like about this character?

I feel like it could be a good introduction to myself to more easily place my mind in the mindset of a Dionae gestalt. It also allows for some sociable roleplay, rather than much intensive or more requiring tasks such as engineering. What I like most about this character is the possibility of a chatty Dionae gestalt talking with multiple patrons of the bar, while the rest of the gestalt is focused on making drinks.


How would you rate your role-playing ability?

I am, at the very least, semi-literate to literate, depending on the roleplay being held. I would rate my role-playing ability highly, as I have been roleplaying for around 4-6 years by now.


Notes: Feedback or criticism would be appreciated, and can contact over discord. My discord username is Skeleton#5572.

Edited by killstrike

Hey, sorry for the delay. Just a few questions:

1. Could you expand further on the gestalt's origins? Who grew them, how, and why?

2. Being in Biesel, the eternal would've confronted them at some point. What do they think about them?

Posted (edited)


1. The nymphs were grown individually, most of which are young bouncers whom'st left their original Gestalts. Kind of like humans form gangs on the streets, or how rats or rodents bunch together, a bunch of street-living nymphs came together to form Pleasures. Afterwards, they basically lapped up bits of blood puddles in alleyways, mostly outside bars from vicious bar fights to get their knowledge.

2. As for the eternal, Pleasures really doesn't believe in such. Still subscribing to conditional pacifism, they've often had to defend themselves more than a few times from The Eternal, to avoid being viciously consumed. When most possible, Pleasures splits into the 7 or 8 nymphs of the cluster, and squeeze into rat holes to avoid confrontation, reforming shortly afterwards once a member of the Divine Eternal leave, in case an Eternals Dionae sees Pleasures as "unintelligent". The Pleasures gestalt nymphs all mainly have negative opinions on The Eternal, and do not worship said god or goddess.



Edited by killstrike
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