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[Denied] Fartbrains Ipc Application

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BYOND Key: FartBrain
Character Names: Cletus Sturn
Species you are applying to play: IPC!
What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Ipcs Exempt
Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Mhm, on my old old old account from when i used to play i got accepted as ipcs! Dont know the login or anything though LMAO

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this specific race:
I adore Ipcs, theyre just so cool to be honest, like normal synths but like enjoyable LOL.
I really wanna mess around with the holy trinity a little, i had an idea for a character who worships ALL electronics, its sorta a gag but i think it would be funny!
I also enjoy the prospect of trying to play someone who genuinly lacks some rights, i think it would bring up some moral questionings and challenges ya know!
On top of that its just some additional roleplay options in the first place, you could be a new Ipc and still learning, 
or talk in silly ways, idk theres just a lot of options and stuff that i like the idea of.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:
Well as i mentioned earlier, most have inherently less rights, and some people could be more or less open or closed off to them. 
They also could struggle to interact with humans at base levels, as they are machines and they learn differently, 
among multiple other things, and even killing one could be marked off as vandalism, theyre lives are just less valued as a whole.
On top of that, there is debate over if theyre even sentient, or just very advanced machines capable of mimicing it.

Name: Axle-1204

Backstory: Axle-1204 was manufactured only 2 years ago by Hephaestus Industries in Phoenixport, Biesel. 
Axle was designed as a domestic IPC, meant to assist people within their homes performing tasks like cleaning, gardening, and basic repairs.
Axle was originally purchased by a young family and assigned to help care for their newborn child. Axle adored the baby and took their duties seriously. 
However, after only a year the family ran into financial difficulties and was forced to sell Axle.
Axle was bought by nanotrasen, and assigned to board the horizon.
(Axle sends a small portion of his pay to their family!)

What do you like about this character?
I think it puts an interesting twist on playing a robot, it clearly displays emotions and tries to be helpful towards its friends and family.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?
When i get really in character i believe i can do a good job, and i usually only play when im feeling in a roleplaying mood, so i think im decent at least.

Notes: Nope none really!


Hi, thanks for applying but I'll have to deny the application. For starters the backstory should be 2 paragraphs long minimum, and contain actual character content with how they are affected, how events shaped them, what views they have, etc. I suggest looking at accepted applications to get an idea of what we're looking for. I would also recommend reading the wiki again, because there's more mechanical differences from playing a human than just having less rights. I suggest taking a look at the Positronic Brain page. Lastly, it's the Trinary Perfection, not the Holy Trinity.

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