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[Accepted] Vhallout New Moghezz Coming to VR?? --- GeKo's Vaurca Whitelist Application

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BYOND Key: GeKo124
Character Names: Lydia Lantz, Dynhquarra Ahkdrrazi
Species you are applying to play: Vaurca, Mi'kuetz queenless
What colour do you plan on making your first alien character: RGB(17,206,68) but due to how loose the colouring can be for queenless I definitely might want to make sure it looks good in game
Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes I have! i went on a huge dive into the wiki pages for both Vaurca and the wastelands. 

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this specific race:
I do not plan to have many characters, I want to truly be invested in their story and lore. For Vaurca, I am in love with how unique and different they are from the rest of the spur. Humans, Skrell, Unathi and Tajara all at least have some shared similarities in their cultures. Vaurca (and also Dionae), are totally different in how they work. This is so interesting to me and i ended up diving into the Vaurca wiki pages headfirst. After reading all i could i became interested in the Mi'kuetz band, as they in a way reverse this and are totally unique when compared to other Vaurca. Their way of life, beliefs, history and culture all add up to a group i would absolutely love to RP a character from.  

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:
Pretty much everything about Vaurca are different from humans. They have an entirely different biology from humans, most interesting to me being the use of sulphur within their chemistry. While only brief, the mention of polysulphides got me excited cause I love non-carbon chemistry, especially in theoretical life. As well, the idea of biological vulcanisation taking place between chemical polymers using these polysulphides is really cool, and got my chem brain thinking of how a exoskeleton made up of mostly elastomer-like material would be like. 

Got a little off track there, but Vaurca also have a totally distinct society from every other species. They are born with a purpose, designed for a task from their hatching. Most Vaurca follow this up with VR training after hatching, making them completely specialised for a specific task. This is compounded with the different castes, Ka, Za, Ra, Ta and Cephalons. This is similar to Tajara in my mind,  but even more extreme. Tajara castes already are enforced due to biological differences between each caste, but at the end of the day they do all share similarities. Vaurca castes are reinforced by just how different each caste is biologically. This is one of the things i would say is so hard to grasp as a IRL human trying to play a Vaurca, we are generalists in our evolution, all humans are just...well human. Vaurca are completely distinct from eachother, and not even from evolution. The bulwarks were designed to be so huge, so different from what a worker might look like. This is something to keep in mind as a human playing a Vaurca character. As well, a side effect of this is also that the actual definition of what a Vaurca is, is much looser then what we would classify.  

As well, bound viax are a very strange, and even uncomfortable idea to most. The idea of biological machine workers seems weird and totally unlike human society, but compared to how many IPCs are used its really not that different in the end. Although I might be totally making this up since its not actually written, but I feel like Mi'kuetz would treat Vizk'tul with more care then other Vaurca treat bound. Mostly just because of how important Vizk'tul are to their way of life and survival.

Character Name:Ka'Akaix'Zeevh K'lax
Please provide a short backstory for this character

In my head, it makes sense if the Mi'kuetz set for the wastelands in 2460-2462 so i had them born in 2460
Zeevh hatched in 2460 on Moghes, as part of a community of queenless K'lax Vaurca. They emerged into a community of Vaurca that had recently come together in desperation after being sent to Moghes due to their value to the hive diminishing. This community was self governing and reliant on eachother, being met with hostility by Unathi while also being unwanted by the hive. Zeevh joined this community during a pivotal point in their history, after the discovery that they could withstand the harsh conditions of the Wastelands, they decided to set forth into a new lifestyle of nomadic scavenging. This group named themselves the Mi'kuetz, and began to make a new life for themselves, mostly separate from the larger K'lax hive. Zeevh was a part of this change, made for salvage work they immediately became part of the Mi'kuetz group. They travelled with the Vizk'tul, searching for sites to salvage in order to support the Mi'kuetz. It is this lifestyle that Zeevh knows, living together with their band and supporting eachother. As time passed, Zeevh took part in more and more jobs offered by the Hegemony. They wished to do whatever they could to support the Mi'kuetz band, and these jobs were lucrative. Eventually, a new opportunity would arise for Zeevh. As Hephaestus gained more and more control over Moghes, Hephaestus Industries was in turn looking for more and more cheap labour from the planet. They came to the Mi'kuetz looking for Vaurca to join the large number of employees they obtain from Moghes. Zeevh took this opportunity to make money and support their band. After being hired, Hephaestus sent them to the SCCV Horizon to work as a shaft miner, considered to be a dangerous and replaceable occupation. Zeevh will have to adapt to life on the Horizon, interacting with other species and lifestyles. Being away from the Mi'kuetz will be difficult for Zeevh, as they have been reliant on their band throughout their life. Despite this, they take on this new task with enthusiasm and excitement. 

Zeevh's worldview is very different from the traditional Vaurca. Being from the Mi'kuetz band, they view others in the group, even Ta, more like family. They all rely on eachother to survive, and Zeevh takes this mindset with them to the Horizon. They also had an entirely different upbringing compared to most Vaurca. Vaurca learn in VR long before actually experiencing the real world, making them perfect workers from the start. the Mi'kuetz however, do not practice this. Although having positive relations with the K'lax hive means their VR access is much greater then most queenless groups, the environment they live in means longterm periods in VR is impossible. Instead, Zeevh learned similar to how non-Vaurca species learn things. They were taught, following their mentor Ka during salvage jobs and learning from them. This makes their understanding of their work different from most Vaurca. While a traditional Vaurca is connected to their work from birth, it is simply what they do and what they always have done since hatching. Zeevh sees their work as a way of not only survival, but bonding and growing. They attribute their work to not only connecting to the reason they were made, but the mentors and journey they experienced. As well, part of being disconnected from the K'lax hive proper is that Zeevh does not rely on VR like other Vaurca do. There was little time to get lost in VR when trying to survive in the wastes, instead most playing and interacting with Zeevh's band was done outside of VR. While they would still use VR and the Hivenet for communication, using it for entertainment is still a luxury. Another part of being queenless in the wastelands is that Zeevh values their Ta particularly, the K'lax queens are worthy of respect, yes, but in the end Zeevh's Ta is more important then the far away queens.

Like the rest of the Mi'kuetz band, Zeevh is positive and cheery in life. They treat those they meet with comrodary and respect and view friends like family. They do however, fear wastelander Unathi, due to how they view the Mi'kuetz. They are a follower of the classical pantheon technically, but it is more of a respect for the queens ability to propagate life. Zeevh does not feel a connection to any of the modern queens, viewing it more as respect for queens in general. In the end though, they prioritise their work and companionship over their faith.

In the end, it is an inescapable fact that Zeevh has lived life differently from most Vaurca, though they don't see this as a negative thing at all. They may have lived in one of the harshest environments one could imagine, but for them its home. Being away from the Mi'kuetz and the wastes may be difficult for Zeevh, but they will surly find comfort in their new work and friends.         

What do you like about this character?

I really love the lore and story behind the Mi'kuetz band of Vaurca and would love to RP a character from it. As well, I wanted to try character building for a faction that is not as covered as some others. Something about it just seemed sick haha, if that wording is not to informal:) I really dont make characters lightly and currently only play one, so having a second would be nice as well.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?
I really hope it is okay, Ive been learning and getting better as i continue playing on Aurora. I am able to get invested in the RP and find it easy to connect with my character during interactions. 
I hope everything is looking good:D im sorry if there are some grammar mistakes, i think my English is pretty good but maybe theres some mistakes so sorry if thats true. Hopefully im not missing anything either lol
I hope youre having a great day and i truly thank you so much for taking the time to read all this!


Looking vhorwardz to joining the vhoron muncherzz

Edited by Desven
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