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Complaint - Prospekt1559

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I would like to begin by stating that I do not personally harbor any ill will towards Prospekt, as I like to look at the game as what it is; a game. However, that being said, I believe it is important for criticism to be examined, especially in regards to someone intending to join the staff of the server. I am not making this post in order to sway the staff to not add Prospekt to the team. I simply believe that these issues should be addressed.

BYOND Key: AbandonedScholar

Player Byond Key: Prospekt1559

Staff involved:

Reason for complaint: General Unprofessionalism

Approximate Date/Time: 4/26/2015, 10:30 PM EST

This post is mainly in response to one incident on 4/26/2015, during a wizard round. The round was getting exceedingly out of hand, with members of staff using the staff of change to experiment on each other. This caused obvious problems, and eventually led to the staff being taken away by Prospekt, Head of Security. However, when faced with members of staff following him around while he had the staff, he opted to lock himself in his office, closing his blast doors and saying "I'm done" IC.

Being his prisoner at the time, having been dragged around for a period of time in handcuffs, I had informed him IC that I wish to take off the handcuffs for silly IC reasons. As I was taking them off, he began yelling at me IC, repeatedly saying "Stop. STOP. STOOOP." After a moment, he pointed the staff at me(on another note, it was very confusing that the entire crew knew how to use my staff), and said "MOVE! FINAL WARNING!" This was confusing for obvious reasons IC, but before I could finish typing a response, I was shot and transformed into a monkey.

After this, several members of staff were trying to get into the office, as he was acting very strange, and holding the staff away from the rest of the crew. He was telling people to stay away, and eventually began flashing and stunning people. After being detained, he began to speak in LOOC, saying he was "so fucking done with this round." He also later told other players in the round that he was disappointed in them, not acknowledging that he had any part in the undoing of the round.

The biggest reason this concerns me is that it seems to contradict the information in his moderator form. He appears to have difficult handling stressful and confusing situations, both IC and OOC.

The following are some quotes from Prospekt's moderator application:

To be a moderator here means you're probably one of the most helpful and co-operative staff in SS13. Not only are they helpful and co-operative, they have a good attitude. I've yet to see anyone from this staff team break into a fit against another player.

I believe that if you truly make a mistake, you should own up to it; it makes life more easier. I'd have to say I believe hostility should be a last resort for anyone, there's always a way to defuse a hostile situation with someone. If you keep a calm nice tone with someone you are most likely going to get a better response rather than cursing at them and insulting them and yelling garbage.

I will add here that his actions, by taking the staff away from a goodly number of crew who were asking to be put right, basically made the situation a thousand times worse. By locking himself in his office, he essentially incited a massive riot.


The rioting in itself was an IC issue. Staff shenaniganry was all an IC issue. That was not the problem here, Jam, all due respect.

But really, the issue I had with prospekt last night was when we were turned into security cyborgs, and we decided on arresting the HoS who had clearly shut themselves in their office and gone rogue. HoP rushes in as well, the lynch mob is still outside.

HoS gets out of position and gets stunned by myself and another secborg. Our harm intent was not on, so there was no lethal force involved in the events here.

At this point LOOC is flooded with prospekt stating "STOP THE GRIEF" as well as "If you do not stop this, I will wind you all" followed up with that, if I recall correctly, using their position as a trialmod to attempt to defuse a conflict that was in reality just an IC issue and not rulebreaking at all. Quite simply, the situation did not turn out well for them and they got upset.

At this point, I state in LOOC they were being ridiculous and that the behavior they displayed in LOOC was unnecessary.

I would have to back up Scholar's confusion and doubt on the matter of prospekt being able to handle, process and deal with exceedingly difficult situations. For the most part, as a moderator, the best thing they can do when they're involved in an IC/OOC conflict is to keep their nose clean and not deal with the issue themselves, as bias can prove to be especially compromising.


This sounds like one hell of an ordeal!


At this point LOOC is flooded with prospekt stating "STOP THE GRIEF" as well as "If you do not stop this, I will wind you all" followed up with that, if I recall correctly, using their position as a trialmod to attempt to defuse a conflict that was in reality just an IC issue and not rulebreaking at all. Quite simply, the situation did not turn out well for them and they got upset.


Do you have any logs of this that we can take a look at? I feel that if this happened, this is a major issue alongside the reason for the complaint, as no staff member should be using their position to threaten others.


Sadly, I do not possess them at this time, I neglected to save the logs as I should have.

However, a look into the logs at approx. 10:00-10:30PM EST might garner something.

Josh and Tablespoon were present during the course of these events, though Josh himself was involved ICly as one of the rioters, and I think Tablespoon was just quiet for the round.

The rioting in itself was an IC issue. Staff shenaniganry was all an IC issue. That was not the problem here, Jam, all due respect.


I entirely beg to differ.

Back in misc science, when the whole situation was under control. Josh had stated in LOOC that he was extremely tempted to abuse the staff as carton. To which prospekt had stated "I wouldn't blame you at all".

During the shinanigans he had repeatedly failed to contain YOU, who had been running around the hallways shooting people chasing you with the staff. (Primarily ME, because I was trying to get you to stop running the damn staff out of science).

Then, when I finally did stop you from running around the halls like an asshole, he took the staff and locked himself in his office. Outright refusing to allow anyone else in by abusing his office shutters, and making the whole griefy situation with the staff several degrees worse as there were a number of people who were looking to be put right.

His actions and ooc chat throughout the situation served nothing but to make the situation worse, and certainly need to be taken into account.


As this is a staff issue first and foremost, you'll probably want to post it over http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=36 here, as that is the appropriate subforum for complaints regarding the actions of a member of staff.

Though, let me take this moment to address a glaring issue here: No one but the wizard can use the wizard's staff. Anyone else who does use it is in clear violation of the rules.


Okay, hello friends. Let me explain what I said, which is honestly not totally different, it's honestly as if we are playing telephone right now. Anyway, you have to realize that there was a security officer beating someone to the pulp with a stun baton on harm. Am I supposed to stand there and watch or actually do my job? Alongside that, I warned you to stop trying to take the cuffs, after about a minute passing or thirty seconds, you didn't stop so I said to move as in move back so I can go to the door as people were getting ready to riot, again you refused. My energy pistol was out of charge, and since you wouldn't move I shocked you with your staff, thus turning you into a monkey. Now, yes I own up to making some mistakes, I should've de-admin'd that round due to playing head of staff. I'll own up to what I said, yes I did make a mistake, but if everyone perfect? No, they aren't and honestly if you think you are, go be one of those people on the drama shows because you actually are perfect there. But anyway back on topic, things got crazy and to point fingers as if you didn't do anything wrong is quite ridiculous. Everyone including myself was wrong here, I saw someone potentially ready to kill someone and I said stop. He wouldn't stop so I warned him that I'd wind him then deal with him if he continued to beat down on that person with the stun baton. Now, I brought the staff to my office because Houssam Jawdat and myself were planning to space the staff to prevent further abuse against crew members. We we're ready to walk out and say what we were doing but then three security cyborgs and an engineering cyborg break open the wall and arrest us for no reason at all, is it against regulations to not give away contraband to others? I think not, anyway friend at the end of the day you can't go pointing fingers and expect you weren't wrong yourself. Everyone involved we're wrong, I didn't realize till the end that locking myself away in my office was a bad idea, but things happen.

edit: I don't think you realized that they were trying to flash us and stun us.. Jackboot and I.. I mean if you want to think all of the others were wrong go ahead. I'm the big bad wolf, I guess.

Let me add more, I don't think I actually explained enough. I thank you for making this complaint, but I don't really see the problem here. Yes things got heated, yes I did say that I was quote "fucking done with this round." I mean if you really want me to look like the bad guy.. But you have to understand that it's not so easy moderating and playing a head of staff role (Especially Head of Security or Captain). Alongside that, this was all IC friend, the only thing I did wrong was maybe say that I was done with this round? I mean if you didn't deserve to be changed, you were changing others yourself, isn't that kinda hypocritical? But, I'm not going to put anything against you, I've owned up for my mistakes, I've followed what you've quoted whether you tried to use those quotes against me or not, I don't care. I'm not going to judge you, as I expect you shouldn't judge me. I'm human, so are you.


By locking yourself in your office with the antagonist, you essentially cut off a great number of very upset crewmembers and players from having any say in the decision-making process and painted yourself as the bad guy, while also stepping well outside of your role. The borgs were mostly very confused and several were upset, and your absolute refusal to talk to anyone made the situation significantly worse.

What should have been done was simple: Detain the people abusing the staff (Carton, Talia) and have the RD fix the people affected. As a head of staff part of your duty is to keep communication open and help keep order in the crew. Not lock yourself and the round antagonist away while eight or more people look on. The borgs, several of whom were not originally borgs nor did they want to be borgs, were receiving multiple conflicting orders. Overall, however, the sentiment was that you had gone rogue and were refusing to fix the transformed crewmembers.

As for the operation of the staff: A member of research had spent a good portion of the round studying it to work out how it operated. Mechanically, anyone can use the staff. If nobody but a wizard is supposed to ever use a staff, then it should be made as such mechanically. Punishing players for research RP is asinine and silly.

By locking yourself in your office with the antagonist, you essentially cut off a great number of very upset crewmembers and players from having any say in the decision-making process and painted yourself as the bad guy, while also stepping well outside of your role. The borgs were mostly very confused and several were upset, and your absolute refusal to talk to anyone made the situation significantly worse.

What should have been done was simple: Detain the people abusing the staff (Carton, Talia) and have the RD fix the people affected. As a head of staff part of your duty is to keep communication open and help keep order in the crew. Not lock yourself and the round antagonist away while eight or more people look on. The borgs, several of whom were not originally borgs nor did they want to be borgs, were receiving multiple conflicting orders. Overall, however, the sentiment was that you had gone rogue and were refusing to fix the transformed crewmembers.

As for the operation of the staff: A member of research had spent a good portion of the round studying it to work out how it operated. Mechanically, anyone can use the staff. If nobody but a wizard is supposed to ever use a staff, then it should be made as such mechanically. Punishing players for research RP is asinine and silly.

Yes, sure. I'll admit again, bad choice on my part. Can I go back in time and fix it? No, I really can't.

I'm going to stop playing as a head of staff and moderator at the same time atleast for HoS because it's really difficult to control both things at once (Before any of you try to use control against me because supposedly I have to be careful on what I choose or else I'm being blamed for something else, I mean handling problems). To be honest, I might as well bring it up here because it's probably not going to be said anywhere else. This is a prime example of how you guys just turn on each other and quite frankly it's sad. Alongside that, I've admitted several times that I was wrong. I'm not going to get into a hostile argument, it's just not going to happen. I'm pretty sure this is resolved, otherwise it'd be just revamps of previous statements after I've already admitted to the same thing, but hey everyone wants to throw in their two cents right? But, yeah, horrible idea on my part. Like I said I didn't realize till everything already had snowballed into an avalanche of horribleness. So, yeah, I'm wrong, yes, if you really want to you could say I'm a bad guy. You can go ahead and take all of your stress out on me, think of me as your punching bag, I really am not phased by any of it. The only thing is, if you have something original post it, if you don't please don't post anything irrelevant to the subject. I'm here to make sure no rules are broken, at least that's what I hope. This is regardless if you hate me. Rules are rules, I saw someone getting beat down for basically no reason other than someone trying to steal the staff. I mean he was getting beaten on by that stun baton. I'm not even going to explain what I did, I said it in an above post. I could actually copy and paste the post above in response for your post Jamini, does that say anything? Anyway, I was wrong.

TL;DR For those who are TL;DR'ing. I was wrong on some occasions, things snowballed. I'm going to go by my quote and I'm going to own up to everything I did. Well I already have, but yes if I need to, I will again.

Unless you are saying something that I can actually have a peaceful response too, please don't. I understand some of you get hostile, but I don't need it. Be mature, try to at least have a civilized complaint thread, because my god. It's like a war zone out here with "He did this, she did that". Oh yeah, kindergarden is about 3 doors down to the right. (Jokes, friends).

words and such


Alright,to begin I want to clear up that nobody was being 'beaten to a pulp' by a stun baton. Someone got hit once or twice after they clawed the hell out of the HoP, and it had finished by the time you started blowing up in LOOC over it. I don't believe that you had any reason to do so other than you were just angry with the situation, which is understandable to some degree because it really got out of hand, though not exactly right. Another thing, telling someone to move ICly and not being specific when doing so, just to cancel the removal of cuffs, probably is very confusing in character.

Playing a head of staff and being a mod can be rough(Especially one as stressful as the HoS), though I don't believe that you had many things to tend to that round. Honestly, it doesn't seem to be a valid excuse. The most I remember you doing is explaining yourself for a situation earlier in the round, but not much else. On top of that, you've been told in the past that you may want to avoid heads due to it being stressful if I remember correctly. It shouldn't have happened in the first place, as problems like this aren't rare. You've straight up quit the round as HoS due to this mixed with other issues.

You seem confused as to why you were being flashed and stunned, but you have to keep in mind that unnecessary use of force will usually be met with more force. As the RD that round, I tried to simply speak with you twice after doing utterly nothing to you, and you unloaded a taser on me before I could get a word out. Of course people are going to view you as hostile if you are acting hostile, that is how it works after all.

As for being judged, it should be expected. You are on trial to become a member of staff, I'd imagine that's a time when you're going to be judged the most. You're made out to be the bad guy because you essentially were in this situation. Let me explain. Many, many people have been turned into creatures or cyborgs and wish to return to their old selves. The HoS, who doesn't know a thing about what is going on, and refuses to listen to anyone, takes the staff and locks himself and it away in his office. Everyone who wants to turn back is now locked away from the only hope of doing so. This is what caused the situation in security, as it just kept people from resolving anything whatsoever. Just caused a lot more conflict that wasn't needed at all.

words and such


Alright,to begin I want to clear up that nobody was being 'beaten to a pulp' by a stun baton. Someone got hit once or twice after they clawed the hell out of the HoP, and it had finished by the time you started blowing up in LOOC over it. I don't believe that you had any reason to do so other than you were just angry with the situation, which is understandable to some degree because it really got out of hand, though not exactly right. Another thing, telling someone to move ICly and not being specific when doing so, just to cancel the removal of cuffs, probably is very confusing in character.

Playing a head of staff and being a mod can be rough(Especially one as stressful as the HoS), though I don't believe that you had many things to tend to that round. Honestly, it doesn't seem to be a valid excuse. The most I remember you doing is explaining yourself for a situation earlier in the round, but not much else. On top of that, you've been told in the past that you may want to avoid heads due to it being stressful if I remember correctly. It shouldn't have happened in the first place, as problems like this aren't rare. You've straight up quit the round as HoS due to this mixed with other issues.

You seem confused as to why you were being flashed and stunned, but you have to keep in mind that unnecessary use of force will usually be met with more force. As the RD that round, I tried to simply speak with you twice after doing utterly nothing to you, and you unloaded a taser on me before I could get a word out. Of course people are going to view you as hostile if you are acting hostile, that is how it works after all.

As for being judged, it should be expected. You are on trial to become a member of staff, I'd imagine that's a time when you're going to be judged the most. You're made out to be the bad guy because you essentially were in this situation. Let me explain. Many, many people have been turned into creatures or cyborgs and wish to return to their old selves. The HoS, who doesn't know a thing about what is going on, and refuses to listen to anyone, takes the staff and locks himself and it away in his office. Everyone who wants to turn back is now locked away from the only hope of doing so. This is what caused the situation in security, as it just kept people from resolving anything whatsoever. Just caused a lot more conflict that wasn't needed at all.


Thank you, I've actually waited for someone to give me advise. I believe that you are a really capable moderator. Yes, it's really difficult with head of staff. I've just relied to playing a security officer position because it's easier. (Especially when we are on a high pop time). But anyway, yes now I fully know what I did wrong. This will help me improve on what to do. Thank you.

  • 2 weeks later...

Due to the player leaving the community, and the responses given with well written advice, I believe this case to be resolved. I will be locking and archiving this thread.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns with this particular case, please PM me.

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