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Antagonists and Aurora: A discussion thread


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I just want antags to stop acting like an MMORPG writing team and thinking that the only way they can engross people is by being a massive, bombastic, ship-ending threat, bigger than the last one.

Go start a barfight. Be an aggressive drunk that uses a tool implant to break out of your low-security cell and start a fistfight with sec officers after emoting and taunting them. Go deal drugs and bribe one of the less reputable officers. Break someone's leg for the mafia. Have a bad day at work, blow up, and shoot that coworker you hate, then panic and apologize to everyone around while you hold their dying body. Do SOMETHING besides "I am going to be a le generic bad man who... le kills people..."

This has extended to events, too, though thankfully admins have started to take notice of the sentiment that not every canon event has to end with eight dead crewmembers and PTSD for the survivors.

I am begging you as a security player to let me go easy on you, talk to you about why you're doing things, and interact with you in a way that is not "you are le bad, I will now shoot you" from both sides. It's so unbelievably, burnout-inducingly boring and makes me want to just leave the round when I see the sixth adrenaline sacs armblade ling who makes no attempt to do anything original and becomes a silent shuffler the moment they're discovered that week.

Edited by OolongCow
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On 07/10/2023 at 23:29, Aphelion said:

but for real sec is a curbstomping machine for any RP that isn't a goosechase around the ship.

I 1v4'd security, permanently killing one and hospitalizing two others, while they were armored and armed with lethals, using a 2TC manual, a chemical you can make within 10 minutes of roundstart, and a steel knife. I had no guns, and no armor.

This was literally my first antag round ever on the server. The role is not difficult to "win" at, even when your standards for success are "ownzoning sec" (which it shouldn't really ever be).

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