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Eloise Strelitz Character Complaint

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BYOND Key: Ben Aflek is an Ok Actor
Game ID: ROUND BEFORE crc-bzxe
Player Byond Key/Character name: Character Name: Eloise Strelitz
Staff involved: N/A
Reason for complaint: 
Eloise Strelitz has the HMR accent (An accent ONLY for Nobles)
Eloise Strelitz says ICly they are a SECONDARY that was adopted into the house. 
Adopted Secondaries would not be considered nobles, and they would not have the HMR accent

Eloise Strelitz should not have the HMR accent. They should be VMR. Using the HMR accent tells me Eloise has the NOBLE origin set, and is either using it just to get the accent, or has accidentally forgotten to change to VMR in the setup. 

Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? It was after round I realized this
Approximate Date/Time: 
10/12/2023 3:49am CST

Posted (edited)

I play Eloise, and I agree that the accent doesn't fit. Sort of.

Largely I think the problem lies in the fact that there is two Morozi accents (not counting Lyod and Fisanduh), and you're either a secondary or a primary. The wiki is also unhelpful in regards to this, because even the page describing the social classes is not clear on the difference between an elevated secondary and a born primary, and instead lumps them together as just primaries.

Eloise is intended to be one of these secondaries who was elevated to primary status, though, again, this process is not outlined clearly either in the wiki page or the accent description for High Morozi ("While most typically associated with nobles it is often taught to wealthy commoners in order to more easily brush shoulders with nobility."; this opens a whole other can of worms on what the actual fuck accents even are, because the descriptions usually refer to a specific accent for one language as opposed to TCB, which I find can make it confusing to understand when an accent comes into play).

My proposed solution (which I will eventually put into a suggestion) is this: Give Dominians a third accent similar to how Eridani characters have Dreg, Suit, and Reinstated Dreg. In this case, something like Vulgar Morozi, High Morozi, and Elevated Morozi, to distinguish characters between Secondaries, Born Primaries, and Elevated Primaries. Educating people on how to "properly" speak was a very, very common practice right up until around the late '60s in most places, and would fit the Empire's lore well. No self-respecting Great House would have somebody bear their name and go abroad speaking with the accent of commoners.

Update: I have posted the suggestion, and it goes a little deeper into Eloise's backstory without being ICK OCK. Take a look. 


Edited by Spungus

Hi, I will be taking this complaint.

I had to wait a few hours to confirm this with Human Lore first. It is true though. Ennobled Secondaries cannot take the High Morozi accent and should have the Vulgar Morozi instead. I understand you have a suggestion up looking to change that now, @Spungus, but until a time that it is implemented or rejected, please switch Eloise's accent to Vulgar Morozi. 

I will be locking and archiving this shortly. 

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