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Incident Report: 16/12/2465

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Reporting Personnel: Lyra Sandford
Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Security Officer
Game ID: cri-cH8n

Personnel Involved:
(Offender) Bridge Crewmen - Essie Porter

Secondary Witnesses: N/A

Time of Incident: Around 19:00

Real Time: 12/16/2023 2:00 PM EST
Location of Incident: Bridge

Nature of Incident:
[ ] - Workplace Hazard
[ ] - Accident/Injury
[ ] - Destruction of Property
[ ] - Neglect of Duty
[ ] - Harassment
[ ] - Assault
[X] - Misconduct
[ ] - Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.)

Overview of the Incident: I was doing my rounds while on duty and got a report that there was very light Greimorian infestation. I had only come across two bombardiers, and no one else was reporting of any issues, it seemed to be pretty routine for all that. I went to the bridge, just to make sure nothing was going on, when I found Essie Porter in full bridge anti-boarder gear. She was wearing body armor, a helmet, had a energy carbine, a ballistic pistol, along with three magazines of lethal ammo. I asked why she had this out, and she said it was to protect herself from any Greimorian on the bridge, do note, there was no Greimorian on the bridge an when no Greimorian found and I asked her to put the gear back, she at first fully refused to return any of the gear and opted to instead insult me. When this abuse of equipment was clearly going against regulations I demanded she put it back now. She finally did, but did it with no care at all, leaving lockers open or unlocked, and left live ammunition outside of a locker. When I asked to be let in to make sure everything was back in place, which she did allow me in willingly, I noticed that a firearm was missing from a locker. I asked where it was, she said it was in her personal locker, I told her to put it back and she instead allowed me. Inside of her locker was a ballistic pistol loaded with lethal ammo with the safety flicked off, along with that there was two spare magazines of lethal ammunition as well in her locker. When I asked for her to put it away she opted to ignore me and keep making small chat with a miner instead, so I asked an engineer to come to the bridge to allow me into the bridges anti-boarder equipment room to properly, and safely stash the weapons away. Only then did the Bridge Crew opt to instead just give her ID to the engineer so she could keep small talking, the engineer gave me the ID and I properly secured all the equipment, and locked all the bridge lockers properly. Essie Porter when I was leaving the bridge told me to go fuck myself or something to that effect.

Submitted Evidence: N/A

Would you like to be personally interviewed?: 
[X] - Yes
[ ] - No

Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: No command staff on duty.
Actions taken: N/A

Additional Notes: Essie Porter clear abuse of equipment, coupled with the fact of her absolutely revolting attitude makes her rather unwelcoming to work with.

Posted (edited)

TO: Lyra Sandford, Security Officer, SCCV Horizon

FROM: Human Resources, AMS, NTCC Odin

SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the HR Division to review.

If necessary, you will be contacted by an HR Assistant when an investigation begins.


DTG: 16-15:39-TAU CETI STANDARD-12-2465



Edited by NM_
Posted (edited)


TO: Lyra Sandford, Security Officer, SCCV Horizon

FROM: Human Resources, AMS, NTCC Odin

SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report




This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to HRA Maria Leoz (CatsinHD).


You may be contacted by the HR Assistant for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions.


DTG: 20-21:00-TAU CETI STANDARD-12-2465




Edited by CatsinHD
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  • 2 weeks later...


TO: Lyra Sandford, Security Officer, SCCV Horizon

FROM: Maria Leoz, HRA, SCCV Horizon

SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



The investigation of this incident has concluded, and appropriate action has been taken for affected individuals. 

This matter will now be considered resolved.


DTG: 03-09:54-TAU CETI STANDARD-01-2466

SIGN: M. Leoz



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