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[Accepted] Z.I Seeker (of Tzui5020 IPC Whitelist)

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Ckey: tzui5020


Discord username: tzui5020


Character names: Samuel Hound, Hans Jaeger, Sebastian Richter


Species you are applying to play: Intigrated Positronic Chassis




General Whitelist Requirements 


What colour do you plan on making your first alien character?: (IPCs exembt) (But a Shell)


Have you read the lore pages for the species you wish to be whitelisted for?:  Yes


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.


Why do you wish to play this species?: 

As I've said before I really Like IPC lore tho it can be a Headache to Find most of it since its Scattered over many planets and clutures but that's why its Great, since IPCs are viewed upon diffrently from the entire spur and Corporations what I mean by this is that There is No In lore rule on How IPCs Should be Treated as an Example we have Bruszia and Zavodski who Treat their IPCs like tools but wipe them regularaly tho Zavod only wipes them when they underperfrom to keep quality up, Meanwhile Zeng-Hu Treats Their IPCs Rather Loosley even Granting them freedom if they do especially well , PMCG Depends on PMC the one I thought was really Intresting was Index Security soloutions they keep their IPCs forever and have ATAs which makes them stick out and give you really good opportunities for Roleplay with Threat assesment. Oh and don't get me started on the Spurs Factions on one hand we Have Dominia that uses them as "Malign spirits that have to be destroyed" in their Religion and on the Other Hand we Have Konyang which has lots of Freedoms for IPCs and even puts them in schools has IPC cuisine and Treats them as if they were just like other sentients. It can also be like Elyra where their Population and Culture sees them as soulless but with the Synthetic Citizenship Act they have been given rights by the government. Alright Enough with that now to the Positronic Brain which is Incredibly Complex resembling the Human Brain by Gaining knowledge and Memories and using them to better itself which does add to the Controversy of them being Sentient or Not .Personnaly I believe they are since an ability to Learn is a Trait found in many Sentients even if its Programmed they aren't simply limited to their Programming and they Can be more , they can Form a Terrorist Pirate group (Exclusionists) or Join the IAC and help people , even make and lead a Religion in form of the Trinirary Perfection which sees them as divine. With That Knowledge there is also a Diffrence in ability of a Young Factory New IPC and an Old IPC that's been through a lot for Example let's take Z.Is as an Example, as my Character is one, a Freshly made Z.I will do his Job according to his programming  and isn't very adaptable to situations where it hasn't gatherd much Knowledge yet , Meanwhile an Older Z.I who has been at this for Let's say Ten years will know all the Tricks of the Craft and also be more adaptable and capable to situations even if they aren't withing its Programming. Head on Z.I young vs Z.I Old the Older Z.I would win most of the Time. Corporations that Value the quality of a certain service they put their IPCs through an Orientational Course Those being Zeng-Hu and Idris.


What makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a human?: 

Alright, So Humans and Organics In general start off with Hormones and have parents and Full Childhoods which then forms their Personalities and What they take for Their Jobs For Example John Doe , Goes to work for Ringspire every Morning but he Thinks the Pay is rather Lacking and can't support his kids but he is a Very Skilled Fighter so he gets Deployed for many Things where he has to do things that make him sick to his Stomach even hesistating a few times which get him or his Colleagues Shot, so he starts looking for a New Job so he goes to colleage and gets a Degree in Robotics and Starts working for Hepheastus a Job which he Likes way more and also pays him better there he Finds the Love of his Life and they Live happily Ever after.

Meanwhile The IPC is Built for his Job its is Programmed to do its Job and has to develop Feelings over time if it even is in an Enviroment where it can Develop which isn't always the case for this I will Have two Examples First one is ISS-Omega it is Owned IPC and its get thrown into his Job The First day its Technically Born and Following his Programming he is Ruthless and is neutralizing Threats no matter what no matter who and it doesn't even get paid and it doesn't even have a Concept of Love or what Grief the families of the people he Neutralizes feel so he keeps going doing his Job Blindly Until he Inevitably meets his end either by being dismantled and replaced or Shot in the Positronic.

The Second IPC Lives on Konyang and works for Zeng-Hu at a Standard Desk Job due to him Living on Konyang which is a Great place to Develop and his colleagues drag him out for Activities rather often and he slowly figures these activities are positive things that he can do while off work so he goes out with his Colleagues which he sees as friends due to their Care for him and one of his Friends takes him out for dinner just them two and he doesn't understand yet but after a few years he also gets a Concept of Love by Mirroing their friend, how nice they are to him and Observing other couples at his workplace where he began to slowly Understand and they live with eachother for Years before he reaches the end of his Positronic lifecycle. ( he never Started Flirting it was just his Friend even after he reached the end of his Positronic Lifecycle he never understood it truly.)



Character Application


Character Name: Z.I Seeker


Write a backstory for your character. This may include their origin, education, personality and how they arrived to the SCCV Horizon. 

The Wiping

Let's start with the story of why he was wiped at Four years old since it is Important for his current views of Zavodski. The Vessel he was assigned to protect was ambushed and Boarded by Pirates after a Failed attempt at Repelling the Boarding due to the Lack of Manpower the Current Captain Ordered an Immidiate evacuation of the vessel and he was assigned to guard an escape pod during the evacuation but when he saw another Z.I crawling to his escape pod he abandoned his Post to help his Brother in Arms reach it but because he abandoned his post to save a Z.I that had failed their assignement he was notified of his upcoming wiping and instead of running away and or Hiding he simply waited knowing it was the Right thing to save his fellow Z.Is life instead of leaving it to be captured and scrapped by Pirates. This wasn't done just because the other Z.I was one It was done because before they were assigned they were in storage together going through the Militaristic Zavodski Routine Together and they relied on eachother to get through the day to day they were molded to be a Team and Leaving His Brother Behind would've been in his Mind a useless loss of a good Z.I unit and without him he would've needed to work with other Z.Is that maybe wouldn't do as good as his Brother also knowing that his brother would've done the same if he was the one crawling on the Ground but they spent their last moments waiting together knowing that they would never know this ever happend.

His Time After the Wipe

After he was wiped he overheard a conversation of a Machinist telling his Handler that he was wiped which made him realise the Noose above his head that Zavodski posed. That whatever he did got him wiped and he couldn't even know what he did so to avoid any further mistakes he simply remained silent and never spoke unless it was required to relay Important Information, He avoided speaking in general and coverd his face to seem as much like a Faceless, Voiceless goon to reinforce this he would write down daily reports in his Journal with Timestamps to Hand to his Handler or to any Higher up not even speaking with them unless explicitley told so. He was as Rank and File as he could get simply getting the Job done without Complaints or Questions but after Two years of this practice he had a period where he remained un-assigned for some Time where he went through his routine as usual during that time his Handler wanted to test his capabilities against a more seasoned Z.I where he lost as the Older Z.I was more Experienced then him and His avoidance to speaking did halt his development into a more effiecent Z.I due to him not gathering much knowledge from his peers after the testing he spoke to the more seasoned Z.I fearing due to the loss of the competition he might be wiped again if he doesn't get better at his Job and his fellow Z.I told him to gather knowledge about the people around him as they might know more then he does building rapport with those around him will also help with them Ignoring mistakes and not reporting him to his Handler and the more developed he is the less likely it would be for him to make a mistake which would in turn grant him rewards aswell.

Wanting to stay mute to keep his reputation as someone who simply gets the Job done (Since that reputation helped him not be wiped thus far) he began to use gestures to communicate with his colleagues and peers which were effective to Introduce himself but when more complicated issues came up he couldn't answer, so due to his good track record at that time he requested to learn sign language under the cover of wanting to be able to communicate with his colleagues even if they were deafened which was one of the reasons he wanted to know sign Language but not the main one. His request was Granted tho limited with whom he could talk to it did help with deaf clients which forwarded positive recommendations to his Handler. Even when he worked on larger Vessels with Bigger security teams him being able to "speak" sign language helped with escorting expeditions where anomalies were disrupting their radio's. As Originally Intended by Him he also signed with his colleagues and learned a few Tricks from them to be better at his Job.

Even after all this Time Focusing on not being wiped and Seeking a Crack where he could slip through he has not found it no matter the assignement but he was now Informed that he was being assigned to the SCCV Horizon to Bolster the Zavodski Presence in the Security Department which for him is Just a new Assignement but even if he doesn't know it yet the SCCV Horizon could be either his doom or the Light at the End of the Tunnel he's been searching for. He will be Joining the Security Team at 12 Years old with the Wipe It'd be seven.

How has the recent events of the Orion Spur impacted your character? Events such as the Phoron Scarcity, the Solarian Collapse or even the Invasions of Biesel for interstellar-wide affairs, while region-specific events such as the Peacekeeper Mandate, The Titan Rises or even Cold Dawn may impact your character.  


The Konyang Arcs Warehouse raid has affected him by Opening up positions for Zavodski to put him in but he was only put in after the Crisis was finished because his Handler didn't want to risk Z.I seeker to fall to rampancy and be shot as it would be a stupid loss of a Z.I so she kept him at his Barracks which in turn gave him more time to share knowledge with other Z.Is and give the advice that the Z.I that beat him to younger Z.Is to help them avoid being wiped aswell.(Why did he help them? because getting wiped in his Experience is really bad so helping your Fellow Z.Is be better is a plus without consequences)


How does your character view the megacorporation they work for?

Z.I Seeker sees Zavodski as a Noose around his neck ready to tighten if he ever fails to meet expectations that's why he is always trying to become better to have more room to go down if he makes a mistake and Staying Faceless and keeping his reputation up as a goon helps him hide from the prying eyes of others so he can one day escape the noose around his neck and live without worrying about losing everything again or even being fully scrapped.

As usual excuse my Broken English

Edited by WhatsUpBrotendo

Hi, thanks for applying. Just some concerns for the app.

Could you talk about self-preservation and how it relates to Z.I Seeker?

Due to our concerns with your past IPC characters being too human/not having enough distinguishing features from a human, what will you do to address these concerns?

Posted (edited)

Hey, Thank you for the response.

On 28/03/2024 at 12:36, The Stryker said:

Could you talk about self-preservation and how it relates to Z.I Seeker?

Self-Persevation also called Directive Zero by some people has many Interpretations for example it could be an IPC Bartender learning how to cook to keep his Job secure by being versatile and by keeping his Job secure he keeps money flowing to his account which he'd use for maintenance and power.
To make this a little more clear we're going to Grab the Two IPCs from my App and look at their Self-Preservation Directive

ISS-Omega due to him being restricted in his Job all the Time he sees Self-Preservation as Keeping His Frame and Positronic intact and to Only act in Index's Interest and not his own or anybody else's. This comes from him being in a corporation Heavy Environment (Eridani) and him being Owned by Index which logically means if he goes against Corporate Interest he'll be scrapped.

The IPC that works for Zeng-Hu we'll call him Ki-won (because I forgot to name him in the app) he developed a lot so he had multiple Interpretations but for simplicities sake we're going to Focus on two things: How He Started out , When He got Friends.

When He simply worked for Zeng-Hu at his Desk-Job it was pretty standard Keeping Himself safe and Having a Stable Job when He got His Friends it added on To Stay with His friends , Because they were Important to Him and if he needed any help either by keeping up the other two or any help in general he knew his friends would be there for him because he was there for them.

Now to my Z.I Seeker due to him being wiped this will be TWO Different Interpretations of Self-Preservation one pre-wipe and one after-wipe.


His Pre-Wipe self with his Brother was Physical Self-Preservation mostly and Preserving the Life of His Battle Buddy since they spent Five years together. His brother was Very Important to him , Because His Brother was always reliable and always there for him to help him with his Physical Self-Preservation or other Simpler Things and when he abandoned his post the decision was made between a rock and a Hard place.


Now this being Him now after he has been wiped his new Interpretation would be Physical Self-Preservation and Keeping his Knowledge (Avoid being Wiped) that made him make the decisions of keeping himself hidden by putting a mask on and muting himself unless he has to speak, Because if he goes to his Handler for barely anything she won't have Face or Voice to remember him by since he hands in his report in writing and when there's nothing else he leaves and since he doesn't bring any Major Complaints in and the Minor ones (when there even are any) sometimes forgetting him since he just looks so Rank and File. He wants people to forget about him so they can forget his mistakes and not report them and by Putting himself in that position he is trying to avoid the mistake that got him wiped even tho he doesn't know what it was he is sheltering himself behind a mask until he can one day Seek out a Way to gain his Freedom. (He keeps this a secret from everyone not even talking about it its just in his Head)
He also wants to Acquire more Knowledge to be better at his Job so he can Fulfill every other part of his Interpretation.


On 28/03/2024 at 12:36, The Stryker said:

Due to our concerns with your past IPC characters being too human/not having enough distinguishing features from a human, what will you do to address these concerns?

To answer this question I can say that I will try and How I will Try to do better.

I will gather more experience from other IPC players and Observe how they play their IPCs.

If I think something about a Character Concept of Mine could be iffy I will ask if it is a Viable thing for an IPC to do.

Before I try anything more advanced again I will gather more Experience with it myself so that I can reliably portray IPC by Naturally going through Development and exploring those stages when I get there with a Character that explored a Previous one. (does this make sense?)

If I don't understand something Fully I will ask someone else to expand my Knowledge (probably Stryker I asked him a lot of questions at un-godly Hours the past few days)

I believe I found the Previous Problem and how to avoid making the same mistake again tho I will not mention it here.

And before I even Made the WL app I thought about it and how I could do better instead of just wanting to get it back , I believe I can learn from my Mistakes and do better.

This is for you to decide but I am willing to do better and I will do my Best to play my little Robots.

Thank you for Reading all of this and I hope the answers are satisfactory.

Edited by Jaeger Brothers
Color coded the actual Interpretation of seeker the other two are mostly side-effects since they both correlate to keeping his knowledge
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