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Mr.Popper's Tajara App

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BYOND Ckey: Mr.Popper

Discord username: mr.popper

Character names: Biri-Biri, Manuel Barros, Z.I. Ayanda

Species they are applying to play: Tajara


General Whitelist Requirements 

What colour do they plan on making their first alien character?: Chocolate

Have they read the lore pages for the species they wish to be whitelisted for?: Yes

Why do they wish to play this species?: One of his favourite periods in human history is the industrial revolution. Next to the present information age, it stands as one of the most radical changes in history, uprooting ancient systems and transforming the lives of people across the world for better or worse. Adhomai reflects this turmoil in several struggles he finds compelling: rural vs urban, tradition vs progress, liberty vs security, etc. For this one’s application, he is especially interested in the People’s Republic of Adhomai for its authoritarian themes and the character hooks they provide.

What makes role-playing this species different from role-playing a human?: Besides the obvious, a good Tajara player has to consider the circumstances of their character’s origin and how their culture informs their behaviour. Tajara are possibly the most backwards race in the Spur. Most Tajara grew up in relatively archaic living conditions, yet there are exceptions; the contrast between the technologically literate and illiterate is an intriguing social barrier that offers great variety in characters. On the topic of Tajaran society, Tajara have a lot of work to do if they want to catch up. Although an uncomfortable subject, this offers great conflict with the other races of the Spur and one should imagine how their traditionalist society has benefited or mistreated them.


Character Application

Character Name: Yrrosla Araz'irr 

Write a backstory for their character. This may include their origin, education, personality and how they arrived at the SCCV Horizon. 

Yrrosla grew up in a village off the outskirts of Zatushka, right where the prairies meet the vast tree line. One would expect a Zhan-Khazan born to a woodcutting family to have a mundane childhood, but Adhomai during those years was anything but mundane; the second revolution began when he was barely five years old. Initially, it was a game to the children, playing make-believe wargames in the security of their homesteads. Yrossla was among the largest of his playmates with an ego to match, always boasting about how he would lead armies and crush the traitors to the Republic, but very soon his bold claims were put to the test.

War did not spare the serene Ras'nrr prairies. Zatushka quickly fell to the Liberation Army, leaving the loggers in dire straits without their primary buyer of lumber. Soon enough Yrrosla’s father and the other working men were called away to war, leaving the women and children to pick up the slack. Yrossla and his older siblings strenuously fell the trees and hauled them to camp while his younger siblings floated the logs down the river to the sawmill. These were trying times, only aggravated by the local garrison’s appetite for the village’s scarce rations, but eventually, the war ended and a semblance of normalcy returned.

After years without contact, Yrrosla’s father finally returned, yet their reunion was not how he imagined; his father was paralyzed and he would never work again. He held his composure but in truth, Yrrosla was mortified that his country would soon expect the same sacrifice from him. But after some research the Tajara came up with a sly plan: if he became employed by Nanotrasen he would be ineligible for the draft. A brief, yet irritating, application process later and he actually succeeded. Ironically, with his lack of education, he was only fit for the security division.

How have the recent events of the Orion Spur impacted their character? 

Due to his youth and isolation on Adhomai and further isolation in the countryside, Yrrosla has mostly only been affected by Adhomian events. The Hadiists’ rampant industrialization campaign drastically changed life for his family, introducing conveniences like powered saws and rapid wood processing. Politically, he was less fortunate; the second revolution ruined any cohesive family dynamic and forced him to rapidly mature. Indirectly, the phoron crisis and Nanotrasen’s ever-expanding workforce had an impact by giving the otherwise unqualified Yrrosla a ticket off Adhomai.

How does their character view the megacorporation they work for?

As a country bumpkin, Yrrosla seldom questioned his government and blindly adhered to orthodox Hadiism (or a layman’s understanding of it). This extends to his perception of Nanotrasen and its security branch, Nexus Corporate Security. To Yrrosla, Nanotrasen is an extension of his country and more: a means of escape. His employment is an opportunity to finally leave the homestead and go on the adventures he dreamed of as a child, without the frightening baggage of joining the army. At worst, he is bored of his training and studies, but this has only made him more eager to become a full-fledged Nexus Security guard. 

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4 hours ago, Alberyk said:

Some questions:

How does Yrrosla see the DPRA and the NKA now?

Does Yrrosla follow any religion?

Yrrosla's nationalism mainly manifests in his hatred for the Al’mariists. Numerous raids and even the temporary seizure of his village by the Liberation Army made the conflict far too personal for the previously isolated Tajara. Although the occupation was far less centralized or brutal than in Zatushka, the Al'mariist forces still pilfered the area's resources and killed many of his friends in the fighting. The village bore the scars of war long after its liberation by the Republican Army, manifesting in Yrrosla as antagonism towards the DPRA. This first-hand experience with war also informed his later determination to avoid enlisting. Conversely, his attitude towards the royalists is more tame, yet still distasteful. The war with the NKA was never as personal to him, so his limited knowledge combined with Hadiist propaganda makes him see the Kingdom as an irrelevant backwater— unlike his village, of course.

Unsurprisingly for a Zhan, Yrrosla is a strong believer of the Ma'ta'ke pantheon. The Araz'irr family worships Dhrarmela, paying tribute by providing craftsmen just like her with lumber. Despite being a self-proclaimed devoted Hadiist, the more atheistic attitudes of the ideology have flown over Yrrosla's head, paling in influence to his superstitious upbringing. But what does fit is Ma'ta'ke's teachings of unity and how they relate to Hadiist collectivism; piety and patriotism are one and the same to Yrrosla.

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