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Orderable Advanced Pinpointer(s) from Cargo.

Guest 1138

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See title, really. Advanced pinpointers are very useful tools, especially for hunting down fugitives that are amongst the crew. You can also track high-value jumpsuits and other high-value items.

To balance it out, I'd set a requirement for 250 cargo points before you can order it.


250 points isn't much, especially if you have a mining department giving you a reasonable amount of phoron to send back. Maybe 500 would be a little more balanced?

Would give materials a reason to touch cargo first for spring rather than miners dragging the materials to science themselves.


Id say make them researchable as they're OP. Also, pleeeaase call it plasma for consistencies sake.

Id say make them researchable as they're OP. Also, pleeeaase call it plasma for consistencies sake.


Oh, yeah, let's give it to R&D so they can research it and hunt down anyone on the station, even as a nonantag.

Nothing could go wrong.


Can't say I'm a fan of simplifying tracking people, and expensive stolen items. Really cheapens the idea of the whole planning aspect of antagging, and kidnapping as well, if you can just track people at a whim by having Mining give Cargo a small amount of plasma.


500+ sound fair, then?

Plus you'd only get one.


You underestimate how easy it is to stack over 1k points via mining, considering the power of the item in question, I'd rather it remains an ERT thing.

Id say make them researchable as they're OP. Also, pleeeaase call it plasma for consistencies sake.


Oh, yeah, let's give it to R&D so they can research it and hunt down anyone on the station, even as a nonantag.

Nothing could go wrong.

I don't understand the logic of this statement, or request, really.

If it's made an item you can order from cargo, it's very easy to abuse seeing as nine times out of ten, miners stack up supply points faster than a fat kid eats cake.

I don't really see what this would add to our server besides y'know, eliminating the fun in kidnapping and doing other antaggy things.

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