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Expanding non-verbal language/expressions/social cues for Tajara.

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Thanks to Gabby and Hansolo (I realize I've never had to actually address your username, so hopefully that actually works lmao) for feedback. Thanks to CatsinHD for feedback, and for helping expand the concept of Tajara tail's sporadic 'flicking'.

Lore Impact (Small/Medium/Large): Small

Species: Tajara

Short Description: This will expand the body language and non-verbal communication exhibited by Tajara, which all affect their social realm.

How will this be reflected on-station?: It will give characters more 'uniform' Tajara actions, that more people will be able to interact with and engage with. To phrase it differently, it will allow players to have quick and easy references as to ways to flavor actions their Tajara is doing, or ways they could respond to actions from others.

Does this addition do anything not achieved by what already exists?: I believe so. Currently, (and as far as I know. If I'm wrong, it's going to be really awkward), the only discussion on the wiki of how Tajara may non-verbally express their emotions, affection/trust with each other or anything else is relegated to: "Because of their anatomy, Tajara are capable of using their appendages to express their emotions. Folding one’s ear back usually expresses fear or worry. Ears perked forward to demonstrate interest or attention. Ears also flick involuntarily when exposed to unexpected or loud sounds. Swaying one’s tail continuously is considered a childish way to express satisfaction. Curving down and blistering is a sign of hostility. Bumping muzzles and holding someone’s wrist are common displays of affection."

I believe that fleshing this area out lets it fill in a gap not currently achieved by what's on the wiki.

Do you understand that the project may change over time in ways you may not foresee once it is handed over to the Lore Team?: Yes.

Long Description:

I couldn't think of any better way to include everything, so I put it in quotes. Obviously, tried to keep it relatively short. I attempted to avoid any possibility of unwanted consequences from occurring due to the area of "expressing affection", but I feel most players granted a whitelist are wise enough not to make their characters unrealistic/inappropriate when it comes to showing affection to other characters. I also attempted to write things in a way that would not retroactively damage existing characters (e.g, nothing is written to imply every Tajara must do this or adhere to any of it), or players that simply don't want to engage with this particular area.


While Tajara may share similar body language with other races around the Spur, they have transcribed unique meaning to specific actions. Intentionally bearing one's teeth is a common sign of challenge or mockery, for example. Due to this, smiling with one's teeth at another Tajara was generally avoided in generations prior. Instead, a wrinkled muzzle, caused by gently lifting one's cheeks, was often used to show contentment, or generally being pleased.

With the advent of humanity and other races, smiling openly has become more commonly accepted in the last few decades, although some more traditionally minded Tajara still view it as improper or insulting.

Due to the semi-prehensile nature of their tails, some of their body language can be seen through their tails - although it's mostly subconsciously. Tajara's tails are often times moving, with occasional flicks often tying into their general mood or feelings of things going on around them. Gently swaying one’s tail continuously is considered a childish way to express satisfaction, where as a tail tucked low and close to their feet is often seen as a stress response, and quick, jerky trashes of a tail is often seen as a warning sign of heightened anxiety or anger. Similar to their tails, a Tajara's ears can also share insight on their emotions. Folding one’s ear back usually expresses fear or worry, ears perked forward to demonstrate interest or attention. Ears also flick involuntarily when exposed to unexpected or loud sounds.

When it comes to showing affection, bumping muzzles and holding someone’s wrist are common, although wrapping one's tail around the ankle of someone else is another, less common form. Intertwining tails on the other hand, is commonly seen as a childish way of showing affection and is often times not done in public.

Hugging is another common display of affection, both platonically and romantically, as it was a traditional way of sharing body heat during the more intense winters on Adhomai.



While initially used exclusively in Nal'rasan to non-verbally offer a measure of reassurance - for example to indicate a hunt was going as planned, slow blinks, or slow squinting, has become common among Tajara to indicate a closeness between others.


When dealing with someone of a higher social status, or simply one's superior, more traditionally minded Tajara will lower their heads, and avoid direct eye-contact if possible, an act of submitting to their authority. On the contrary, one would intentionally maintain eye contact with a supposed superior as a indirect way of challenging their authority. For some Tajara, this expectation continues onto non-Tajara as well, with those feeling insulted if someone they view as in a 'lower station' maintains eye contact with them without express permission.


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