Lord Lag Posted September 20 Posted September 20 Reporting Personnel: Dr. Xexulii Qen Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Scientist Game ID: cvN-c07g Personnel Involved: Oriana Zhao, Chief Engineer (Offender), Marir’ri Azu’rama, Head of Security(Offender) Xexulii Qen, Scientist (Victim), Thomas Smail, Scientist (Victim), Javuk Sharzik, Machinist (Witness) Secondary Witnesses: Clifford Conway, Security Officer – Involved in after-incident paperwork and witnessed the security section of the complaint. S.M.I, Station Intelligence – Watched the incident via Holopad. Time of Incident: 2120 Real Time 2300 20/09/2024 Location of Incident: Research and Development Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [x] - Neglect of Duty [ ] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [x] - Misconduct [ ] - Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: The Chief Engineer requested the production and release of an Experimental welding tool, and experimental eye shields. The issue arose when I sought to follow the correct procedure and have paperwork filed regarding the release of said equipment. With the Research Director engaged off ship at that time, I expressed my concern about releasing research department experimental equipment without their knowledge and refused until the Research Director could return to stamp and acknowledge the request. In response, the Chief engineer grew increasingly hostile towards myself and Doctor Smail, claiming we were ‘testing their authority’, and threatened to get security involved. They then called security on us and changed their request to an order to circumvent our request for proper procedures, where the Head of Security then claimed that we had no place to request paperwork to be filed and that we would be charged with failure to execute an order if we did not comply immediately. Under this threat, we reluctantly complied. Submitted Evidence: Spoiler Would you like to be personally interviewed?: [x] - Yes [ ] - No Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: Yes. Sezrak Han’san, Research Director Actions taken: Due to the nature of the incident involving command staff with no Captain, no action could be taken beyond reporting this to my head of department. Additional Notes:
CatsinHD Posted September 21 Posted September 21 Quote TO: Xexulii Qen, Scientist, SCCV Horizon FROM: Human Resources, AMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the HR Division to review. If necessary, you will be contacted by a HR Assistant when an investigation begins. -------------------- DTG: 21-03:15-TAU CETI STANDARD-09-2466 SIGN: AMS
Evandorf Posted September 23 Posted September 23 Quote TO: Xexulii Qen, Scientist, SCCV Horizon FROM: Human Resources, AMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report - 20/09/2466 -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to HR Assistant Selene Shaw (Evandorf). You may be contacted by the HR Assistant for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions. -------------------- DTG: 23-15:02-TAU CETI STANDARD-09-2466 SIGN: AMS
Evandorf Posted September 28 Posted September 28 Quote TO: Xexulii Qen, Scientist, SCCV Horizon FROM: Human Resources, AMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report - 20/09/2466 -------------------- BODY: The investigation of this incident has concluded, and appropriate action has been taken for affected individuals. This matter will now be considered resolved. -------------------- DTG: 28-15:35-TAU CETI STANDARD-09-2466 SIGN: S. Shaw
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