Jamini Posted May 12, 2015 Posted May 12, 2015 Type (e.g. Planet, Faction, System): In-Depth detailing of lore specifically involving genetics. Founding/Settlement Date (if applicable): N/A Region of Space: N/A Controlled by (if not a faction): Europa,Jupiter,Sol. Nanotrasen. Other Snapshot information: Essentially a review of genetics cloning and research from the ground up. Explaining some mechanics, and detailing others. Incorporates genetics history into existing factions. Includes some notable historical figures in the field of genetics. Implies some powers are known of, but considered highly illegal to possess and not fully explored. Long Description: http://piratepad.net/GRA9MPJr7b
Rusty Shackleford Posted May 12, 2015 Posted May 12, 2015 I've been wanting to do this for months now, but I've been blocked on the merit that "nobody wants it." Do people want it now so I can go ahead and do it finally?
witchbells Posted May 12, 2015 Posted May 12, 2015 I do. Genetics has been stuck in limbo. Nobody talks about it or acknowledges genetics research until we need something from it, which from the sound of it makes it seem like there isn't much to genetics in the first place. Giving genetics more fluff and backstory would make it so we could actually talk about it without wondering where the hell we're going with it.
Jamini Posted May 12, 2015 Author Posted May 12, 2015 I've been wanting to do this for months now, but I've been blocked on the merit that "nobody wants it." I know of at least... Six people ...who want something on genetics now. Counting us three. Still, the app here is on what's on the pad. So uh... questions/wanted revisions/comments?
Rusty Shackleford Posted May 12, 2015 Posted May 12, 2015 I've already had notes and different stuffs outlined on my own documents. This is sorta similar, so if you can please tell those people that think nobody wants it that you actually do want it, I'll go ahead and make it for y'all.
Guest Posted May 13, 2015 Posted May 13, 2015 Yes. I'm totally fine with this suggestion, it's time we actually make some lee-way with genetics in terms of lore development so we can actually explain things or do some fun stuff in IC or for events.
Erik Tiber Posted May 13, 2015 Posted May 13, 2015 Yes, but I'm not so sure about making more than the basic package of genemods be extremely expensive. We could include a list of common genemods. Mundane stuff. Give people options and all that. Like circadian regulator. You only require four hours of sleep a night. Or maybe two hours of sleep a night, with the option of changing your sleep cycle so you sleep for four hours and then are awake for 44 hours at a time. Another possibility is the ability to adjust your neuroplasticity. This allows you to consciously choose you increase your neuroplasticity. This allows you to learn more quickly, of course. However, it comes with it the possibility of notable personality changes following this period of increased neuroplasticity. Of course, this is just increasing your neuroplasticity to the same degree as when you're, say, a child or something. Nothing too unreasonable. And it could be said to just allow, like, "above average" for the skill level or whatever. The point is that people get to deal with the identity issues that come with the resulting changes to personality that come as a natural result of using this mod. Increased prosthesis compatibility. Allows you to have a more heavily augmented character and reduces the risks of rejection to basically nil. Note that these could just be mods which are applied pre-birth. Post-birth retroviral stuff could be expensive or whatever, sure. I'm also not so sure over having so many child soldier gengineering projects. We could introduce the concept of corporate surrogacy though. I do not think that you would see gengineerng be used so extensively for like, supersoldier programs and all that. We have Chinese scientists trying out genetic modifciation on nonviable embryos right now. You could put that the first 'designer babies' could appear in, say, the 2040's. then maybe talk about how it could slowly spread from there. Eventually reaching a majority of the first world population sometime in the early 2100's. You could discuss corporate surrogacy, where corporations basically hire poor third world women to act as surrogates for their genetic modification trials. And the effects of the spread in biotech. You could include something or other about how cattle are largely replaced by unfeeling non-sentient sacks of meat gengineered from pigs and cows for maximum meat-production, with the caveat that certain people still eat 'organic' meat from actual cows. I'm not sure about the cloning thing. Putting someone into a clone of their own body should not have any risk of rejection at all. For someone else's body, they'd have significant risk of rejection. And cross-species transplants are just completely ridiculous, you'd need an MMI for that on both ends to make that remotely work. I've already had notes and different stuffs outlined on my own documents. This is sorta similar, so if you can please tell those people that think nobody wants it that you actually do want it, I'll go ahead and make it for y'all. Oh god so many people want it. And cyberpunk. And. Yes.
Jamini Posted May 13, 2015 Author Posted May 13, 2015 Erik, let's set a time to meet on the pad and discuss ideas. I'd love to work with you and refine this further. Even if I tend more towards a conservative view of how widespread genetics would be.
Guest Posted May 14, 2015 Posted May 14, 2015 Erik, let's set a time to meet on the pad and discuss ideas. I'd love to work with you and refine this further. Even if I tend more towards a conservative view of how widespread genetics would be. Would you like me to lock and archive this thread until Erik and yourself are finished with your collaborated copy?
Jamini Posted May 15, 2015 Author Posted May 15, 2015 Erik, let's set a time to meet on the pad and discuss ideas. I'd love to work with you and refine this further. Even if I tend more towards a conservative view of how widespread genetics would be. Would you like me to lock and archive this thread until Erik and yourself are finished with your collaborated copy? Haven't had an opportunity to do so yet, and I kind of like to get feedback here! Regardless, I don't think we'll edit things too heavily on the page overall. Mostly just tweaks and concepts for common and uncommon mods.
Erik Tiber Posted May 15, 2015 Posted May 15, 2015 Oh, shoot, yeah, I'll page you a link to a google docs page or something
Rusty Shackleford Posted May 18, 2015 Posted May 18, 2015 Send any notes you two make my way, if you would. I'll give them a review and see what I can incorporate.
Guest Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 I'm going to be archiving this. You may PM me if you wish to have it brought back out.
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