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[Accepted] Mr. Popper Wantzzz to Huvhv Vhoron - Vaurca WL

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BYOND Ckey: Mr.Popper

Discord username: mr.popper

Character names:

  • Manuel Barros (engineer) 👷
  • Dariiz Ranura (machinist) 😾
  • Ezho Guwan (miner) ⛓️🦎⛓️
  • Khidr (xenobiologist) 🤓
  • Vakrsh Ozeuoi (chief engineer) ☢️

Species you are applying to play: Vaurca 🐜


General Whitelist Requirements 

What colour do you plan on making your first alien character?:
96B4FF (Mouv)

Have you read the lore pages for the species you wish to be whitelisted for?: Yes.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this species?:
As an outsider, I love the sense of community Vaurcae have; it’s like every character is part of the same extended family. I could engage with it in the form of the Phalanx, but I have no interest in the militant angle and I would much rather play a native of the species. The external interactions are similarly great. Vaurcae are politically relevant to almost every major faction, and whether it be ostracization by Elyrans or subjugation under the Hegemony, there’s a lot to bounce off of.

What makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a human?: Similar to synthetics, Vaurcae are purpose-built to fill a certain role. Where they differ is their communal society; almost all Vaurca are loyal to an Alate, Lesser Queen and/or High Queen who support them in turn. There’s a level of individualism among the unbound, but everything they do ultimately benefits their family and race. Likewise, a Vaurca’s life cycle is unlike any other species in the Spur, with most surviving indefinitely after death in VR. All of these alien quirks together make integration in the Spur a challenge for the less intelligent castes, and I appreciate how every hive offers a unique experience on Horizon.


Character Application

Character Name:
Ka’Akaix’Spol C’thur

Write a backstory for your character. This may include their origin, education, personality and how they arrived to the SCCV Horizon. 


“Greetingz colleaguezzz. Why you zztare at me.” -Spol on the first day of its internship.

A Dreg would say Suits are born, but some are hatched. The Lesser Queen Mouv’s ventures into the Eridani Corporate Federation have come with an increased demand for Vaurca labor throughout the nation. Ever acquisitive, she meets that demand in her offspring; Ka’Akaix’Spol was destined for a career in Eridanian digital forensics. Its surrogate’s rationale was that a meek, non threatening Vaurca would fit the dull work of human information technology better than a hyperactive warrior, although this choice went on to make Spol an easier target for Vaurphobic coworkers.

Spol’s year of virtual reality training was a strange childhood. Once it learned the very basics of being a Vaurca, the worker progressed to simulations of life as an Eridani suit, based on mostly accurate data collected by Mouv’s diplomats. These months of simulations engrossed Spol in the corporate world and molded it into the perfect Suit— or at least a bastardized, Vaurcaesian understanding of one. Equipped with a dictionary of poorly transcribed Suit slang and training in digital forensics, Spol’s Alate sent it off to Eridani I under an N4NL contract.

Eridani life was nothing at all like the simulations in VR. Spol’s month in the Foreign Hire Program was arduous, not due to the trivial curriculum but the other contractors; every day was a worse hazing than the last with no sign of relenting. This mistreatment never completely faded, but died down significantly after Spol passed its internship and the contractors moved onto harassing newer recruits. Spol, meanwhile, took its abuse at face value as normal coworker behavior and never fathomed fighting back. 

Although Spol never noticed its hostile work environment, its Alate did. With multiple years spent in Eridani and only minor improvements to Spol’s situation, she decided it was time for a change in course. Unfortunately, Spol’s training in human culture as a member of the C’thur hive left it with little options outside of Eridani and within Mouv’s influence. Spol’s Alate deliberated for some time, both within the hive and with Spol’s EPMC superiors. Finally, she reached an agreement with N4NL. Spol would remain within the EPMC but be reassigned to its Biesellite operations, resulting in minimal shakeup while offering Spol experience in another human country— Biesel.

Seeking utmost loyalty to Queen C’thur regardless of time spent in human space, Spol’s Alate influenced it in the Modern Pantheon. The long work days spent in human space have only cemented Spol’s faith, with mundane Suit life sharply contrasted by the fleeting euphoria of Her Aether. Although Spol has put little research into theology, it does have some thoughts on the other faiths. While Preimminence posits interesting questions about duty to one’s hive, Spol associates it with the Lii'dra due to its historical education and has avoided learning more. Similarly, Pilot Dream is just K’laxian nonsense made to cope with the tragic loss of their High Queen.

While Spol is sympathetic, if not condescending towards the K’lax, it finds more common ground with the Zo’ra. The hive’s efforts to integrate with humanity were always of great interest to Spol given its upbringing. Comparatively, Spol has very little experience with the Skrell and struggles to relate its own struggles with those of its peers in the Federation. Its reassignment to the Republic is a source of excitement for the curious worker, who is eager to learn more about both humans and its Zo’rane relatives.

How has the recent events of the Orion Spur impacted your character? Events such as the Phoron Scarcity, the Solarian Collapse or even the Invasions of Biesel for interstellar-wide affairs, while region-specific events such as the Peacekeeper Mandate, The Titan Rises or even Cold Dawn may impact your character.  


“I call you back. My Ta hazzz a bank run.” -Spol shortly before learning of its reassignment to Biesel.

Although not alive for first contact and the subsequent founding of C’thur, LLC, Spol is a product of Mouv’s machinations for economic control of Eridani. Every one of her brood sent to Eridani or an EPMC is another piece of leverage for the recondite Queen, and Spol doesn’t even realize it. Outside of C’thuric influence, Spol is curious but oblivious. It was vaguely aware of the Solarian Civil War waging outside of Epsilon Eridani but never directly interacted with the conflict; Spol’s N4NL Asset Insurance team discreetly profited off the conflict through remote electronic warfare contracts, but these were just nameless clients to the Vaurca. The War in Heaven hits closer to home, yet another tragedy sparked by the tragedy of Mother K’lax’s death. While the technologically inclined worker is fascinated by the events in the Xathul Xon, its intrigue is dashed by horror at the bloodshed taking place. Spol’s biggest takeaway from the K'lak'iek is that the K’lax have fallen without the guidance of their original High Queen. Its not its place to judge a deity, but how can the lifegiving Queens create so much death?

How does your character view the megacorporation they work for?


“Check you quaterliezz. My mommy will hear ov thizz” -Spol in response to a crude drawing of Mouv made by a coworker.

Gullible enthusiasm. Integration into human culture is no different from work to Spol; a fun game to be played while outside the Aether. It doesn’t truly understand the discomfort its alien coworkers at N4NL feel towards it, instead mistaking their behavior as normal work culture. Consequently, Spol vastly overestimates C’thur’s influence in the Spur. If you asked it, Mouv basically owns Eridani already, and the other SCC corporations are small fry that will eventually be absorbed into C’thur, LLC. In the meantime, Spol will focus on its profession and serve the Conglomerate for the good of the hive.

Edited by Desven
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I sadly haven't had much chance to intrect with Poppers other characters but Barrossssssss is just a joy to RP with, I love a normal attitude character that doesn't shot down wacky characters but rather compliments them. Easy +1 for me


He also makes high quality memes, imagine Popper bug memes...

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I'll accept this app, but just be cautious about too much "Suit influence." We're planning an update on how C'thur Vaurcae operate in Eridani, and we don't really want it to be a carbon copy of the dominant culture, but rather a parallel culture that borrows elements. So while I think misusing some Suit slang is good, just don't act like a Suit. Hopefully I'll develop more lore regarding this in the upcoming months.

  • Thanks 1
  • Desven changed the title to [Accepted] Mr. Popper Wantzzz to Huvhv Vhoron - Vaurca WL
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