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Lorilili ban appeal

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BYOND Key: Lorilili
Total Ban Length: Permanent
Banning staff member's Key: lmwevil
Reason of Ban: Requested permanent ban after argument in general discord.
Reason for Appeal: Okay, so, admittedly, I'll be blunt. I don't expect this to be accepted given it's the second time I pulled that and thus my second permaban. I thought I'd shoot my shot at least and see if I've any chance of returning, perhaps with conditions - such as not doing this again or else it one hundred percent is permanent, and acknowledging that I'm one perma away from no chance of returning, command whitelist strip as bans entail, etcetera. Obviously totally fine if this is denied given the two-perma-limit and how unreasonable I was in these instances; I don't have any excuse nor would I want to excuse it, I was just being a dick.

The little defense I can offer is that I believe I hadn't ever received any major punishments for ingame behavior; two warnings for going SSD 3 years ago, and one for killing an officer without escalation a year ago. No bans, temporary or otherwise, except the two I've requested after Discord arguments. A Discord ban staying in place seems reasonable in any case of the overall ban being lifted or not, given that's the vast majority of trouble I've caused.

Edited by limette
proper reason
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I have contemplated this ban for a moment, and I have no intent to allow you back after only twoish months since the ban itself. Two months isn't enough for me to believe your character has mellowed out. Try again in a few months. 

Appeal denied. 

You may escalate to a complaint if you disagree with this ruling, but I hope you can maintain a longer break from the server and come back as a calmer person.

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