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Fyni wants a headFyni - Unathi App

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BYOND Ckey: Fyni

Discord username: Fyni

Character names:

I’ve played a lot of characters semi regularly, however most people will know:

Rhea Volvalaad (Investigator)
Elizabeth Joyce (Captain)
Hilda Vestergaard (Security Officer now Paramedic)

Ekaterina Belova (Engineer)

Hazel #S-H8.11 (Chef)

Species you are applying to play: Unathi


What colour do you plan on making your first alien character?: #980606 – S’th Berry

Have you read the lore pages for the species you wish to be whitelisted for?: Yes

Why do you wish to play this species?:

I wanted to get this WL during the last event, seeing Unathi areas– and especially AFTER the event ironically, with the final banquet. Unathi are an interesting take on the “warrior / honour” culture trope which is pretty common in all sorts of storytelling. Instead of playing it straight, numerous “dishonourable” elements exist which give room for plenty of character ideas. I also have a soft spot for lords and lessers in roleplay – I play a Dominion, but I feel Unathi have a different angle on it.

What makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a human?: There is the “Biological” / mechanical differences – eating fun meaty things, that sprint. But more importantly, there is the mindset to get into – that feudal culture, the honour but also the theology and understands of gender.


Character Application

Character Name: Kaizia Akranis, (Medical Intern)

Write a backstory for your character. This may include their origin, education, personality and how they arrived to the SCCV Horizon.

You have not sought her help, of whose soft grace,
For the like loss, I have her sovereign aid
And rest myself content.

-The Tempest, Act V Scene I

(I couldn't help myself after reading all those Tempest quotes in New Blades Old Wounds)

A energetic Sinta, Kaizia was born to war in 2438 in Imas’hi to a clan in decline. Not even a child proper when nuclear war reduced Moghes to its current state, he grew up in the literal fallout of this devastating conflict, surronded by a community and clan beyond supportive of the Hegemon even as the war grounb on. This loyalty only became more engrained as he benefitted the most from the Hegemony's ascent, living in the Heartland. As he grew older he turned to Sk’akh after the death of many male Unathi of his clan in the fighting. While his clan was not one to run a church, he never less sought out guidance from a young age as the war still raged, drawn to Sk’akh’s aspect as the warrior Mukari. Great dreams of fighting in the name of the Hegemon and killing the traditionalists responsible for the deaths in his clan always filled his idle time between school and helping at the church, where he gained a reputation as a reliable and faithful child. While his clan was never wealthy,

These dreams came to an end when the war did, just as he was on the verge of his teenage years. A keen a diligent worker as a youth in the church, and an attentive student in the heartland’s excellent education system, Kaizia got lucky and was sponsored by a similarly faithful noble who chanced to be visiting the church. Seeing promise in the now teenaged Kaizia, he was offered a place at the Baandr College of Spirits to seek a future in the church.

Kaizia had been contemplating the post war Moghes as his teenage years came to a close and a bright (personal) future loomed. More and more, he put aside thought of revenge against a now mostly shattered enemy, and instead decided to study under the mantle of the healer, Simi. With the priest of the church he has spent many years helping at alongside visiting peers, Kaizia transcended the sublime barrier and dedicated herself going forward to the arts of healing, not war – now in all respects a female to herself and other sinta.

Kaizia’s time at the college was productive but uneventful, attaining her Mastery of Sacred Theology in their late 20s. Near the end of her course, she started to become involved in church politics, learning from priests and nobles alike when the High Priest Unzi’s attempted coup failed. Torn between a life long loyalty to the Hegemon and to Sk’akh, Kaizia became sceptical of the upper ranks of the church, and the continued absence of a High Priest does not concern them.

After becoming a peer with the help of the same noble which sponsored her place at the college, Kaizia began travelling the Moghes and the wasteland to practice both her healing arts and spread the word of Sk’akh.

How has the recent events of the Orion Spur impacted your character?

More recently, Kaizia has had some hope for Moghes as the rebuilding effort picks up pace. However, the outbreak of conflict by the rebel Lord Izaku brought memories of her childhood to her – this was war once more, and she would do her part, loyal to the Hegemony still and forever. Travelling to near Mudki, she one more applied her healing skills and preached in equal measure, often treating warrior of the Isweski as a preference.

As the walls fell and the rebel Izaku was executed, Kaizia felt even more loyal to the Hegemon – she considered the rebel lord as ignorant, risking Moghes future with the rebuilding effort for selfish personal gain, and the Hegemon’s swift action as justified.

With the brief outbreak of war stretching their skills to their limits, Kaizia felt the ultimate test ahead: time abroad, off Moghes even to bring an end to her peership. Remembering the Horizon’s roll recently, she sought employment through the Hegemony to work aboard the SCC’s flagship.

How does your character view the megacorporation they work for?

Through her desire to get aboard the Horizon, Kaizia signed up for a short contract with Sekhmet Intergalactic. The trip to Sol to spend time at the PMC academy on Eridani was the first step into a new world, though she found the managers above her to be stuffy, with focuses in the wrong places. The more she learnt, the more she came to think of the PMCG as a whole to be opportunistic and honourless, somewhat ironic given her using them as a gateway to her travels.


Hey, thanks for applying - I apologise for the delayed response as it's been a fairly hectic week for me. I just have a couple questions.

1. Given her views on the upper ranks of the Church, how does Kaizia view the recent election of High Priest Azandar? Did she have a favored candidate among the Archpriests?

2. How has Kaizia adjusted to working among the various aliens of the Horizon?


Kaizia is somewhat of an conflicted sinta, growing up in the heartlands as she did. The coup attempt by Unzi during her time at Baandr College of Spirits shook her faith a little, given she was extremely loyal to the Hegemony. The vacancy in the seat she felt was jutified, and the new call for elections left her worried. Azandar's stance which was to focus on Sk'akh over earthly politics was just the reassurance she needed, and been from a somewhat disadvantaged background saw his connection with the common sinta as another plus. She thanked Sk'akh for his election.

She had some difficulty at first with aliens. While she had been around humans before, and even met a Skrell, she had largely spent time around other unathi. However she had some extra training on working with none unathi bodies (medically), and has gone into the Horizon hoping to learn more on what makes them tick - particually humans and skrell, given how much they are involved on Moghes. She is thankful her role does not interact often with synthetics (and tries to avoid them where she can), and thankful that she does not have to worry about installing augmetics too (a surgeon's job.)

Posted (edited)

Fyni is an amazing roleplayer and I can't overstate the amount of fun I've had interacting with their characters. I have no doubts they can play a lizard. +1

Edited by dessysalta
me when minor spelling mistake
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