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Clarifications about Common Misconceptions

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The point of this thread is to lay out some of the most common misconceptions about everything from Antag behavior to job roles. This will continue to be a WIP. Feel free to message me with suggestions.



~When in doubt: AHELP IT!~



- While mods and admins appreciate ahelps, try to be as descriptive as possible. Ahelps like 'ban this guy' or 'metagame' will likely annoy moderation staff or be flat out ignored.

- I cannot stress this enough: INCLUDE THE IC NAMES OF PEOPLE INVOVLED IN AHELPS, ESPECIALLY PERSONS OF INTEREST THAT WE MAY NEED TO TALK TO. It makes moderatin' and adminin' 1000% easier.


- Typically suicide is not allowed, and normally it's bad RP and against the rules. If you have to go SSD, just go SSD.

- If you are thinking about committing suicide, it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED you ahelp to get approval first.

- Allowing someone to kill your character (or vice-versa) does not make it ok. In other words: consent of the SSD being killed does not make it ok; the SSD and their killer will be punished for it.


- All employees of NanoTransen are CONTRACTED, including interns. That means in order to work for NanoTransen you must sign some form of legally binding agreement that you will work for NT for a set number of years. You cannot simply 'tear up' your contract, with no repercussions.

- NT has an established screening process for employees: Visibly emotionally unstable, psychopathic, unskilled or otherwise 'dangerous' individuals would not be hired.

- Tau Ceti Common (appears as English in game) is known by all crew. NT would not hire you if you didn't know Tau Ceti Common.

- Late arrivals to the station are explained by arrival shuttles coming from distant locations, making pit-stops, or other kinds of mundane delays.


- OOCly, SSD and AFK are the same thing. SSD is an IC explanation for someone who is SSD. At the end of their descriptions is the text 'They have suddenly fallen asleep.'

- UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES (except a few) are you to kill, hurt or otherwise impair ANY SSD CHARACTER. Effectively, they are OUT OF THE ROUND until they return.

- If you go SSD in the middle of a tense situation (hostaging, held at gunpoint), actions may be put on hold for you to return. However, if you leave for too long, events MAY be allowed to continue.


- Typical, every round is PARTIALLY CANON: specifically, positive elements (you making anew friend, etc.) are considered canon, while negative aspects (you dying, xenoes eating your friend, etc.) are considered NON-CANON. Bits and pieces of 'negative aspects' can be taken as canon (for instance, a grudge that formed between two people), but only with the consent of both parties involved. HOWEVER knowledge of any kind of antag or 'unknown' threat (xenoes, tree aliens, cabbage gods, etc.) NEVER CARRIES OVER from a prior round.

Character knowledge

- Xenoes, Changelings, Cult of Nar'Sie and Vampires (outside of mythical notions) are completely unknown by almost all crew the crew, see exceptions below. Never heard of them, at all, period.

- RD may have minor/speculative knowledge of lings and xenos

- The chaplain, at the most, could sense a 'dark aura' around the cult of Nar'sie, and know that their practices are 'unholy' or 'bad. But their rantings about 'the coming storm' would most likely be ignored by the crew.

- The Syndicate is know to exist, but nothing beyond rumors or attacks they've taken responsibility for. Crew don't know what their 'Red spacesuits' or equipment look like (e.g. No identifying Syndie's by their clothes alone). But they would know their suit looks odd/out of place on the NSS Aurora.

Job roles/scope

- The Captain should have at least a rough idea of how every department works, along with a basic knowledge of how to use most things in his office (basic weapons training, an understanding of space law, optionally some knowledge on how to use the handtele).

-On the flip-side, a Captain should not have intimate knowledge of the jobs in every department.

-The Captain should avoid interfering in other departments when there is a head for that department; This mostly applies to security when there is a HoS.

-Wardens are NOT heads of staff, they are NOT 'next in line' to the HoS, they are equal in authority (overall) to an officer; they are in charge of the brig and armory and should avoid leaving security where possible.

- Internal Affairs Agents (IAA) are CentComm's reps aboard the station. The have no direct authority over anyone, but typically replay information back to CentComm, conduct audits of departments and can recommend actions to Heads of Staff. They normally cannot be fired or reassigned (nor would they want to be, typically), as they answer to CentComm.

- IAA's are NOT: SECURITY OFFICERS, WARDENS or HOS's. They are bureaucrats. Their most powerful weapons are paperwork and audits. Acting like a sec officers as an IAA is considered exceeding official powers.

Loyalty Implants

- By default, the Captain, HoS and IAA(s) are loyalty implanted. Above all, they are loyal to NanoTransen, and will not do anything to directly hinder the company's interests. However, they are still thinking, self-serving people.

AIs, Borgs, Drones

- Synthetics serve their laws first and foremost. Going against your laws is against the rules.

- Synthetics may 'simulate' emotions, but they do not 'feel' or 'experience' in the same was organics do. You are free to 'simulate' emotions or play an 'emotional' synthetic, but these always take a backseat to your laws. E.g. You can perform actions in an emotional way, but you can't have an 'emotional breakdown' because your 'favorite crewmember' is dead.

- Round-starts AIs are entirely mechanical.

- Cyborgs are human brains in a robotic shell, it's 'processing power' re-purposed for robotic duties and it's emotional centers severely repressed. Androids are posi-brain in a robotic shell. Drones are self-aware, tireless workers.


- The Antag's primary goal is to make the round FUN for everyone. That doesn't mean you can't kill, steal from people, et cetera...but don't just run around murdering people...that's a great way to get antag-banned or worse.

- Ganking to 'complete objectives' or 'win' is never allowed. As stated before, your job is to make the round fun, not outright win.

- On the flip side, avoid playing 'passive antags' or antags that 'give themselves up' at round start. Antags have a reason for being on the station (use your imagination!), and should work to accomplish it, not just sit back and play like a normal player.

- The deciding factor for whether to pursue an action as an antag should be something along the lines of: "will this action enhance other players' enjoyment of the round, without causing anyone major detriment to the players in it?"

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