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Alisa's Missionary Labcoat.

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BYOND Key: Jboy2000000

Character name: Alisa Keener

Item name: Missionary Labcoat

Why is your character carrying said item to work? Its a keep sake from her days working as a missionary with her father, where she provided medical and spiritual support to those in need.

Item function(s): Worn in the exosuit slot like a normal labcoat.

Item description: A labcoat with crosses on the buttons, and a cross on each shoulder.

Item appearance: Basically a normal labcoat with crosses on the shoulders. I don't care if its changed that much at all,one, two pixel on the shoulders would be good enough for me.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 8 months later...

Hello yes!

I'm working on spriting some of these I'm not doing this in full till I hear back from you but consider this a preview




Its not my best work more of a proof of concept than anything and if the interest is still here in this app I'll make sure to work with you to try and get it better!

Hope its okay

Brightdawn <3

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Wow, I honestly thought this was left in a grave someone MONTHS ago. Im half tempted to say Im interested because I am, half tempted to say Im not because I think its going to be a very, very long time before custom items get some lovin' from the coders.

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Wow, I honestly thought this was left in a grave someone MONTHS ago. Im half tempted to say Im interested because I am, half tempted to say Im not because I think its going to be a very, very long time before custom items get some lovin' from the coders.


Skull has been working on it and has told people I'm in charge of the coding/spriting end of the items soooo they might becoming sooner than you think!

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  • 2 months later...
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