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Sleepy's Head App

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BYOND key: Sleepy Wolf

Character names: Lilac, Melody Davis, Tink, Katie Stone,

How long have you been playing on Aurora?: A year

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: Playing RD one round gave me the incentive to actually work on this.

Why did you come to Aurora?: Who knows. It's absolutely horrible here.

Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Yes.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: For me, it's about making other people happy with my character, and creating my character from the roots. Having people enjoy their time they spend with my character, and want more. It's all about getting people involved, for me.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: A leader to look up to, a co-worker, and a friend. Give your crew a job, make sure it happens. Give leniency towards those newer, and keep order in your department. Make sure everyone is safe, and yep. Yep. Mhmm.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: Be a role model. I've made mistakes in the past, and I was told about them. I've worked on all of my flaws, basing my main goal to be one of the 'cool' people. Even though no one I know here is cool in any way at all. But yes, rolemodels and sort of admins for in-game, to teach people and help them in LOOC, etc etc.

Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions.

Character name: Lilac

Character age: IPC, but is 2

Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Lilac. Like the flower. Made by Juliet, her best friend. Created to be a companion. Lilac and Juliet began talking about the future. Juliet, always reading papers from famous scientists in Nanotrasen, eventually wanted to give Lilac something to do. She wanted Lilac to know about plasma and bluespace, and all the other crazy stuff these Nanotrasen people were doing. And so Lilac was programmed. Programmed to know. Lilac, like the flower.

What do you like about this character?: She appears childish in her appearance and speech, but is actually very intelligent. It comes to her advantage when she's in danger, as she does not appear to be a 'warrior' type. She isn't. I love that about her. Cowering in fear and making sure everyone is okay. She has the kindest heart I've ever roleplayed. It's cute, it really is. I love playing her.

What do you dislike about this character?: I sometimes dislike childish behavior, and she tends to want fun. Worrying about everything and everyone. Making sure everyone is safe, while still having hilarious amounts of fun. It's hard to make sure everyone's safe and happy.

What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: Passion for her work and her co-workers.


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions.

How would you rate your own roleplaying?: Average. AVERAGELY AMAZING IM THE BEST THERE IS SON.

Extra nose: :^^) extra nose.


Not going to lie, some of your characters require death. But, Lilac seems alright so far... So I'm not going to go against you being a head. I'd say let's see what you can do.


What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: Passion for her work and her co-workers.



How does this make them fit as a head of staff, exactly?


If someone loves something, they're going to do their best to keep it/make it better. She wants the job, and wants to improve her work. She's a leader and a pusher, but also a sympathizing little baby. And she's hella smart. Actually, I'm hella smart. But yes, since when has someone that isn't lazy, and loves their job, ever been bad at /anything/.

If someone loves something, they're going to do their best to keep it/make it better. She wants the job, and wants to improve her work. She's a leader and a pusher, but also a sympathizing little baby. And she's hella smart. Actually, I'm hella smart. But yes, since when has someone that isn't lazy, and loves their job, ever been bad at /anything/.


I can't say I'm satisfied with this answer. I'll withhold any endorsements and let others decide whether you should have this whitelist or not.


I think the backstory could be a little longer, My experiences with Lilac have been good. However ive had one or two awful experiences with sleepy. This doesnt change the fact i think sleepy would make a good head but for the minute im also going to wait to see the feedback of others.


Okay, so I popped into science for a short while just yesterday while you were Lilac.

What I saw was the same repeat chucklefuck and self-antag behavior and complete irresponsibility as a scientist, despite being told by numerous other people before to stop. I never saw you once do anything related to your assigned job as you spawned in. It was the same screeching, yelling and screaming attributions your other characters seem to share. This is a consistency thing and it has never seemed to stop.

I don't know if I'm being a cock by saying this, but I'm gonna be blunt in saying that I don't think you're a positive influence at all. I don't think you have what it takes to be serious for more than five seconds and be able to collect yourself in a manner that would make you an effective leader.

I don't see any good or any potential that would come from you earning this whitelist. I'm deeply sorry to say, but I don't think you can be trusted for more than 5 seconds to even sit still in one place, OOCly, much less with anything head-of-staff related.

I'm very opposed to this whitelist for the reasons I've stated above. I am not confident you would make a valuable contribution to the entourage of heads of staff. I feel you would do more harm than good in the role.


Delta, I know when to chucklefuck and when not to. I've never been hostile as Lilac when I was not an antag, and I've made sure of this. I just have happened to have been an antag continuously for the past week, and It's been a bit weird. Most of the time, science is filled to the brim, and the only open area to 'work' is Telescience, and you can't exactly do anything /in/ telescience in a non-emergency. Although, when I've been working, I've saved multiple lives using the teleporter to save people that are in breaches, move infected personell into viro, and transfer infected corpses. I feel I /am/ ready for a head whitelist, and I'll be competent enough to do my job. But, for now, I'm not a head. Which means I can chucklefuck slightly. I assure you, when I am a head, I will be the /least/ chucklefucky person in an emergency. Tada


I don't know if I've ever seen a time where Sleepy wasn't chucklefucking.

p.s. that weird scooby doo laugh Daja did still gives me nightmares rrehehehehe

p.s. that weird scooby doo laugh Daja did still gives me nightmares rrehehehehe


She picked that laugh up from me. Specifically Nasir.



I honestly have to oppose this application.

Many of Sleepy's characters, and especially Lilac, routinely engage in borderline griefy behavior. To the point where she was not long ago stripped of her Tajaran whitelist. To memory, I have seen Lilac do the following as a scientist:

1. Break and enter botany to test a floral somatory.

2. Repeatedly construct mineral doors with research minerals both in and out of science.

3. Somehow remove parts of her body (hands, arms, and in one instance her CHEST), then run around departures naked as an IPC, talking about said missing limb to anyone who will listen.

4. http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=2683

5. Carry weapons-grade prototypes around escape (energy shields and lasers) openly.

Katie Stone likewise caused a great deal of trouble while she was in engineering, though to a lesser degree.

Then there was Deja. I'll say no more on Deja.

Considering the repeated and continual chucklefucking of the player, several complaint-worthy actions and minor server rule violations, and complete disregard for any and all protocol around science as the character that Sleepy is using to apply for Head of Staff, I do not feel in that at this time Sleepy should be given this whitelist.

Not until their behavior markedly improves.


Agreed. I'll start to improve my chucklefuckery. And I have no idea how I keep losing my chest. The constructing mineral doors lately has been because I found out how to convert useless metals into useful ones by deconstructing the doors. I've only been carrying energy shields, and the breaking and entering into botany was a mistake. Oops. Someone can take down this application now, if needed.

The constructing mineral doors lately has been because I found out how to convert useless metals into useful ones by deconstructing the doors.


That's noteworthy for me. It should probably be bugreported and abused until fixed. ;)

I don't mind mineral doors in the middle of the RnD lab. You can, after all, freely modify it. That said, twice to my memory you've done it in the main hall and research hall respectively. In one instance I even had to chase Lilac around a bit to get her to pay attention long enough to take the doors down. (which you did, and then you did go to the brig as requested. For which I do thank you)

Overall I'd personally be happy with a few weeks of seeing you with your "Serious face" on. While I have no direct say in applications, it would make me much more inclined to support you if I saw you play a little more seriously with the characters you want to be a head of staff.

(Also, seriously. How the hell did you lose your chest? How?)

Been creating more serious characters that if I did chucklefuck, it would be completely out of character. Yep.

Then I'll reevaluate my opinion when I see a change in behavior. As of right now, the -1 stands.

Been creating more serious characters that if I did chucklefuck, it would be completely out of character. Yep.

Then I'll reevaluate my opinion when I see a change in behavior. As of right now, the -1 stands.




Application Denied. However, please don't let this discourage you from applying in the future. If you'd like to know the reasons behind this, please PM Aqy and TishinaStalker. It's recommended you contact us, so that we may help you learn from mistakes and improve your chances of being accepted next time, before putting in another application. Have a good one!

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