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Whitelist Security

Guest Marlon Phoenix

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Guest Marlon Phoenix

What if we whitelisted security. Not even need an app as in depth as head. Just their player key and filling out a simple aptitude test or something.

Investment leads to better behaviour, and it would be easier to curb shitsec with a wave of a whitelisted strip, which they can regain by going cadet. A Jobban is more serious, and something that needs more thought. Whether security whitelists are overseen by Duty Officers is something that would be up to the admin-part of the administration.

Like here's something that would be easy to fill out if you have the barest sense of investment in actually playing security legitimately:

Nanotrasen Security Officer Aptitude Quiz

1. When is a search warrant not necessary when the station is on green alert? When is an arrest warrant not necessary on green alert?

2. Who is responsible for prisoner well-being?

3. Who do you answer to?

4. You are confronted by an angry crew member. S/he is not a physical threat but is verbally insulting you. What do you do?

5. When is it necessary to use lethal force?

6. Do you have psychopathy, sociopathy, or harbour any desire to harm, maim, murder, cripple, or give emotional/physical scars to your fellow crew members?

7. Do you hereby pledge to uphold Corporate Regulations and relevant Biesel law, putting these before your own personal or emotional investment in a criminal case or legal proceeding?


[size=6]Nanotrasen Security Officer Aptitude Quiz[/size]
1. [b]When is a search warrant not necessary when the station is on green alert? When is an arrest warrant not necessary on green alert?[/b]

2. [b]Who is responsible for prisoner well-being?[/b]

3. [b]Who do you answer to?[/b]

4. [b]You are confronted by an angry crew member. S/he is not a physical threat but is verbally insulting you. What do you do?[/b]

5. [b]When is it necessary to use lethal force?[/b]

6. [b]Do you have psychopathy, sociopathy, or harbour any desire to harm, maim, murder, cripple, or give emotional/physical scars to your fellow crew members?[/b]

7. [b]Do you hereby pledge to uphold Corporate Regulations and relevant Biesel law, putting these before your own personal or emotional investment in a criminal case or legal proceeding?[/b]


Cadet and CSI would be untouched, HoS would be under head whitelist. Investigators and detective's are arguable, since they aren't legal officers... But the amount of bad detectives lately makes me cry. v_v



My second proposal would be an age restriction. You have to have played on the server for x days to be a security officer.

Edited by Marlon Phoenix
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No. This is the worst idea since whitelisting antagonists. It does not magically lead to better players, it leads to arguably one of the most vital departments being bone-dry. Do you know why head slots are rarely, if ever filled? Because this, and there are plenty of 'bad' heads.

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Do you know why head slots are rarely, if ever filled? Because this, and there are plenty of 'bad' heads.

Honestly, is this such a bad thing? On a research station, we have security filled to the brim, with two or three science members. There's still security borgs. I don't think anyone will shed a tear if the security player base drops.

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I have to back up Sue. Most cases of bad sec also come from players/characters who believe they're in the right to act the way they do; in their minds, their actions don't go against any of what has been put here above the slightest. Same for OOC attitude.

What we need is for security to shape up as a department, so that present sec members can show the example to any newcomers. Security seems to be unable to clean up its own mess at the moment, and it honestly should be capable to.

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You guys know that Skull had already put up an idea regarding adjusting the player age for certain roles?

You folks probably missed it, but it's a better solution than whitelisting entire jobs.

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I'm all for Skull's idea of requiring people to be around for a while before Security unlocks for them, but requiring an application to be submitted to play security is just going to make security dry up. Particularly since security is already a high-stress job where you get called shit even if you're doing the job perfectly acceptably.

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