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Stun Batons Removal

Guest Menown

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edit: completely forgot IPCs. I'm fairly positive a coder could work a way for IPCs to get affected by batons and tasers. Also, the fact that flashes don't work on them is ridiculous.


At present, I'm fairly certain this is intended on account of the fact that they are machines and the principles that should make most sec gear work wouldn't work on a non-organic. Supposedly batons aren't even supposed to work.

I'm not sure what the reasoning is with flashes.

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People. Just think what are you purposing "lets take off high-tech electronic batons and reverse into 21-th century resin batons or something else..."... Like, common, stop reducing future things into our time. If you want to change it, then replace it with something that should be used in that age.

For example: Mining /still/ have a pickaxe.... Like, am I some slave from 17-18th century??? We have big drills, why I should make my hands dirty and have muscle pain. Drills will improve the efficiency.

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