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Incident Report: Officer Scorpio.

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Reporting Personnel:Fumiki Kamachi

Rank of Reporting Personnel:Internal Affairs

Personnel Involved: Officer Scorpio (Plaintiff), Officer Libra(Perp'), Officer Scourge(Witness?), Artificial Intelligence Zodiac (Chassis Owner), CMO Sarah Milne(Victim)

Time of Incident:

Location of Incident:NSS Aurora

Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property []Neglect of Duty [x]Harassment []Assault []Misconduct []Other _____

Overview of the Incident: The transcript will speak for itself. The case pertains to an IPC unit by the name of Scorpio making a complaint upon itself, or one of it's 'partner' cores. It requests the removal of the core as he claims that she takes unauthorized control of the chassis. He also reported that Libra is somewhat dangerous to crew safety due to her lack of patience. Sarah Milne was reportedly arrested when Libra had taken over Scorpio's chassis and it would be wise to get input from her at the most recent convenience. I believe this exceeds the authority and ability of Internal Affairs and should be forwarded to the Duty Officers for further action.

Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: I am the IAA speaking on behalf of the Officer in question.

Additional notes:

The transcript.


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