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Let's talk Vauca


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name = "Vaurca"

name_plural = "Varucae" //Capitalised -LL

icobase = 'icons/mob/human_races/r_machine.dmi' //placeholders

deform = 'icons/mob/human_races/r_machine.dmi' //bloop blop butts

language = "Vaurcese"

unarmed_type = /datum/unarmed_attack/claws //literally butts

secondary_unarmed_type = /datum/unarmed_attack/bite/strong

rarity_value = 2 //does nothing apparently

slowdown = 1 //slow

darksight = 666

eyes = "blank_eyes" //made out of butts

brute_mod = 0.5 //note to self: remove is_synthetic checks for brmod and burnmod

burn_mod = 2 //bugs on fire

insulated = 1 //because tough feet for glass resistance and also nonconductive

exoskeleton. they take 2x fire it's fair okay

//they will die from EMPs because their organs are mechanized in a proc up top. ctrl+f

is_bug and it'll take you there.

warning_low_pressure = 50 //the spacewalks are real

hazard_low_pressure = 0

cold_level_1 = 50

cold_level_2 = -1

cold_level_3 = -1

heat_level_1 = 330 //Default 360

heat_level_2 = 380 //Default 400

heat_level_3 = 600 //Default 1000 //bugs do not like fire because exoskeletons are poor


flags = IS_WHITELISTED | NO_SLIP | IS_BUG //IS_BUG doesn't do much at the moment. proc

up top + radiation resistance.

//use IS_BUG when you do the make their eyes die from being flashed thing, sounds/skull.

okay thanks.

blood_color = "#E6E600" // Slightly darker yellow

flesh_color = "#575757" //this is a placeholder also.

inherent_verbs = list(

/mob/living/carbon/human/proc/bugbite //weaker version of gut. can't gib hums,

dam/time outstripped lots by melee weapons


//make has_organ list when we can be bothered with bug gut sprites. it'll be cool, i


has_organ = list(

"neural tube" = /datum/organ/internal/vaurca/neuraltube,

"breathing apparatus" = /datum/organ/internal/vaurca/breathingapparatus,

"heart" = /datum/organ/internal/heart,

"second heart" = /datum/organ/internal/heart,

"lungs" = /datum/organ/internal/lungs,

"liver" = /datum/organ/internal/liver,

"kidneys" = /datum/organ/internal/kidney,

"brain" = /datum/organ/internal/brain,

"eyes" = /datum/organ/internal/eyes,


Code dump, I know, but it allows you to see, at least sort of, what they currently do. I have been modifying the preexisting code to try to bring it up to a point where it could be considered acceptable for race implementation.

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name = "Vaurca"

name_plural = "Varucae" //Capitalised -LL

icobase = 'icons/mob/human_races/r_machine.dmi' //placeholders

deform = 'icons/mob/human_races/r_machine.dmi' //bloop blop butts

language = "Vaurcese"

unarmed_type = /datum/unarmed_attack/claws //literally butts

secondary_unarmed_type = /datum/unarmed_attack/bite/strong

rarity_value = 2 //does nothing apparently

slowdown = 1 //slow

darksight = 666

eyes = "blank_eyes" //made out of butts

brute_mod = 0.5 //note to self: remove is_synthetic checks for brmod and burnmod

burn_mod = 2 //bugs on fire

insulated = 1 //because tough feet for glass resistance and also nonconductive

exoskeleton. they take 2x fire it's fair okay

//they will die from EMPs because their organs are mechanized in a proc up top. ctrl+f

is_bug and it'll take you there.

warning_low_pressure = 50 //the spacewalks are real

hazard_low_pressure = 0

cold_level_1 = 50

cold_level_2 = -1

cold_level_3 = -1

heat_level_1 = 330 //Default 360

heat_level_2 = 380 //Default 400

heat_level_3 = 600 //Default 1000 //bugs do not like fire because exoskeletons are poor


flags = IS_WHITELISTED | NO_SLIP | IS_BUG //IS_BUG doesn't do much at the moment. proc

up top + radiation resistance.

//use IS_BUG when you do the make their eyes die from being flashed thing, sounds/skull.

okay thanks.

blood_color = "#E6E600" // Slightly darker yellow

flesh_color = "#575757" //this is a placeholder also.

inherent_verbs = list(

/mob/living/carbon/human/proc/bugbite //weaker version of gut. can't gib hums,

dam/time outstripped lots by melee weapons


//make has_organ list when we can be bothered with bug gut sprites. it'll be cool, i


has_organ = list(

"neural tube" = /datum/organ/internal/vaurca/neuraltube,

"breathing apparatus" = /datum/organ/internal/vaurca/breathingapparatus,

"heart" = /datum/organ/internal/heart,

"second heart" = /datum/organ/internal/heart,

"lungs" = /datum/organ/internal/lungs,

"liver" = /datum/organ/internal/liver,

"kidneys" = /datum/organ/internal/kidney,

"brain" = /datum/organ/internal/brain,

"eyes" = /datum/organ/internal/eyes,


Code dump, I know, but it allows you to see, at least sort of, what they currently do. I have been modifying the preexisting code to try to bring it up to a point where it could be considered acceptable for race implementation.

Yes. I think.

Well thats a cool mechanic in it self, would really be handy for the character I have in mind, Maybe they can have resistance to getting knocked over by sudden loss of air pressure [damnit who opened a window?!?] I mean if they are right next to it, it will floor them, but being far from it won't do anything?

Yes. I think.

Well thats a cool mechanic in it self, would really be handy for the character I have in mind, Maybe they can have resistance to getting knocked over by sudden loss of air pressure [damnit who opened a window?!?] I mean if they are right next to it, it will floor them, but being far from it won't do anything?

Perhaps. i will also point out they have flawless night vision, which may need to be tweaked.


Well honestly, I think the nightvision should be kept as is, but add a buff were their eyes get damaged in bright areas slowly so they need subnglasses or welding goggles for protection?

Perhaps. i will also point out they have flawless night vision, which may need to be tweaked.


Well honestly, I think the nightvision should be kept as is, but add a buff were their eyes get damaged in bright areas slowly so they need subnglasses or welding goggles for protection?

Maybe. If its working correctly, if they get flashed about 3 times, they go perm blind and need surgery.

Yeah, When they are implemented, We can get feedback from those who play them about what needs to change and about the bugs [hehe] I would play the crap out of them for this

Maybe. If its working correctly, if they get flashed about 3 times, they go perm blind and need surgery.

Yeah, When they are implemented, We can get feedback from those who play them about what needs to change and about the bugs [hehe] I would play the crap out of them for this






name = "neural tube"

parent_organ = "head"

robotic = 2

vital = 1

// irrelevant-- removed_type = /obj/item/organ/vaurca/neuraltube


name = "breathing apparatus"

parent_organ = "head"

robotic = 2

vital = 1

// irrelevant-- removed_type = /obj/item/organ/vaurca/breathingapparatus

And there the organ stuff I tried to make. Hoping some of the actual coders can come and point out any problems they see, cause as I said, i knew nothing about BYOND code when I tried to fix the Vaurca






name = "neural tube"

parent_organ = "head"

robotic = 2

vital = 1

// irrelevant-- removed_type = /obj/item/organ/vaurca/neuraltube


name = "breathing apparatus"

parent_organ = "head"

robotic = 2

vital = 1

// irrelevant-- removed_type = /obj/item/organ/vaurca/breathingapparatus

And there the organ stuff I tried to make. Hoping some of the actual coders can come and point out any problems they see, cause as I said, i knew nothing about BYOND code when I tried to fix the Vaurca

Ya know, Im going to post my Vaucra app on the forums, just for the future ^^


I'd hold my horses.

Yeah I know, Im not the first one to make a app for them, I just thought I would get some feedback for it even if they never get implemented

Ya know, Im going to post my Vaucra app on the forums, just for the future ^^


I'd hold my horses.

Yeah I know, Im not the first one to make a app for them, I just thought I would get some feedback for it even if they never get implemented

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