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Jaden Halliwell's Head Application (OLD and DELETED)

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He snuck into the company when he was 23 years old and impersonated a doctor. He was eventually found out and terminated from employment...

Someone from the lore team can correct me if I am wrong. He would never be allowed on a space station after impersonating a doctor and pretending to be part of "the company" (I assume you mean NT).


...and sent back to Earth, his home town.

Unless I have misread several pieces of lore, Earth is a planet.


With his glowing educational background in the field of medicine NT saw it fit to rehire Jaden for the medical team.

According to your story, he was never hired in the first place. He can not be "rehired". There is also still the apparent fact that he tried to impersonate a medical professional when he was 23. His performance in school would not make a company simply forget that he is a criminal who broke into their system and pretended to be a licensed medical professional. In fact, Jaden should probably be in prison or at least have served a serious amount of time behind bars.

This character would likely not be hired by Nanotrasen for any occupation, let alone a Command position.

I do not approve of this application.



I simply put what my character has been through since being on the station. Everything that was typed had actually happened in game. Also, I'm fairly certain that a doctor graduating top of their class at Harvard Med would likely get hired by NT.

As for the Earth being the characters hometown. That is clearly a typo. Since no one alive today is ever used to type, "home planet."

I simply put what my character has been through since being on the station. Everything that was typed had actually happened in game. Also, I'm fairly certain that a doctor graduating top of their class at Harvard Med would likely get hired by NT.


You should listen to Loow, because what he told you is exactly what the admins are likely to pick apart as implausible.

EDIT: Furthermore, if you were playing this background and people actually noticed it, you'd probably end up arrested and demoted pretty fast.


I have played this background actually. He is my only character. I let the actual game events create his story. It works rather well to be honest. I was found working in med bay as at the age of 23. The AI reported me to NT and a duty officer was sent. I was fired and sent back to Earth. The next round I adjusted my age and added my educational background and was even asked about it in game. The story actually went rather smooth.

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