Ove Posted December 26, 2015 Author Posted December 26, 2015 The Major watches all of you don your gear and nods approvingly, her hands still behind her back as you all come up to her. "You'll be flown to the side of the asteroid in this ship. Thankfully, its stealth systems won't notify anyone of your arrival. Once you land near their base, the mission officially begins. Unfortunately, it'll just be you and my voice from thereon out." She presses a button near the side of the airlock, and it shunts open, exposing the interior of a starship similar to a small Intercepter-class trooper vehicle. After all of you file in, she stands before the airlock, hands behind her back as she looks at all of you. "I'm expecting great things from each and every one of you. But you most of all, Syion. Let me remind you that these people you have under your command are important. You are, too. When you're with Ocitox, we take care of our own. Make sure there's something left to take care of, Team Leader." She says, staring at Syion, before the airlock slams shut. Looking down the ship, there are several rows of chairs facing one another, along with another airlock at the end, presumably the cockpit. A voice crackles on the intercom inside the ship. "Everyone, buckle in and get ready. We're leaving in T-minus thirty seconds. It'll take us a little bit to get there, but as soon as we land, that's when you all file out!" Well, then. Better get buckled up! Quote
Shutko Posted December 26, 2015 Posted December 26, 2015 Alfred boards the ship, looking around. He takes a seat closest to the exit, buckling in. Not having much to do, Alfred tried to remember what his task was... oh yeah, disable the machinery. Quote
Hunnewle Posted December 26, 2015 Posted December 26, 2015 --Newton picks a seat near the back, fastens his buckles, then removes a small blindfold from his belt. They can be heard snoring moments later, blindfold resting on their eyes. Quote
Gollee Posted December 26, 2015 Posted December 26, 2015 Cefrey sat close to the centre, double-checking her gear. Quote
MagnificentMelkior Posted December 26, 2015 Posted December 26, 2015 Richter grabbed an advanced first aid kit, threw a health analyzer in it, and a backpack before jogging to catch up to the others in the ship. He sat down next to Cefrey and buckled in. He holds up the first aid kit to her before putting it in his bag and saying, "If you go down, I'll do my best to save you. I figure someone's got to have the medic's back." Quote
coolbc2000 Posted December 26, 2015 Posted December 26, 2015 Richard smiles. "Do not worry, as I said, they will not die under my watch" He boards the ship sitting near the cockpit. He double checks his gear again. Giving a slight grin. He fastens his buckles. And stares at newton. He mutters, "He is more mad then me, sleeping on a suicide mission." He lets out a chuckle. "Oh man, this will be fun." Quote
Gollee Posted December 27, 2015 Posted December 27, 2015 Cefrey smiles at Richter, "I'm glad to hear that; this suit should make your life easier, if it comes to it; medicinal reserves and blood coagulents, in case someone thinks it'll be fun to poke holes in me." Quote
MagnificentMelkior Posted December 27, 2015 Posted December 27, 2015 Richter examines Cefrey's suit curiously. "It does seem quite sophisticated. this should be the focus of robotics in this age." He looks like he's considering something, and after a pause smiles and says "But forget I said anything. Could I get some dex plus from that? My kit is actually very medieval." Quote
Shutko Posted December 27, 2015 Posted December 27, 2015 Alfred turned over to the conversation between Richter and Cefrey. "Heh, robotics is pretty cool. I mean, when were you able to put tools in mechanical limbs?" Alfred said as his attached left arm split in two, revealing a screwdriver and a bunch of wires and ports. "Pretty cool, huh?" Quote
Hunnewle Posted December 29, 2015 Posted December 29, 2015 --Newton emits a rather loud snore from the back of the shuttle, their legs splayed out in front of them. ((Bump ya dinguses!)) Quote
Sarpinari Posted December 29, 2015 Posted December 29, 2015 Redd filed onto the ship behind the others, and seized the seat that she could find closest to the door, the idea being that as soon as they landed, she would be the first one to disembark and ensure that it was clear for the others. With her armored suit and her array of weapons, it made sense that it should be her. She settled herself in somewhat uncomfortably, her suit and the myriad gear that she carried making it rather difficult to sit down, much less buckle in. It took some fiddling, but she finally managed to get the buckles done. With the wait ahead of her, she took the opportunity to check over her gear again, familiarizing herself with the bits and pieces that she wasn't so familiar with and reaquainting herself with the ones that she already knew well. When that was done, she folded her hands over her bulky lap and tried to relax, settling her head back against the bulkhead as best she could and closing her eyes beneath the helmet, preparing herself mentally for the mission to come. Quote
Gollee Posted December 30, 2015 Posted December 30, 2015 Cefrey shook her head, "Nope, this rig has stabilisers only; inaprovaline, normal dexalin, and the like. It's to keep me alive, not act as a dispenser; plus, I'm not entirely sure how to syphon it.I have a fair volume of plus in my equipment, but it's a very dangerous chemical in untrained hands." Quote
Gollee Posted January 1, 2016 Posted January 1, 2016 Cefrey clicks on her ship comm, "Are we approaching?" Quote
Hunnewle Posted January 2, 2016 Posted January 2, 2016 Newton lets out a snore, more of a 'grunt', as if acknowledging something. [Here!] Quote
coolbc2000 Posted January 2, 2016 Posted January 2, 2016 Richard plays with his knife, dropping it. (Ove, get on this shit) Quote
Hunnewle Posted January 4, 2016 Posted January 4, 2016 Newton shakes his head, waking up. They remove the blindfold, blinking, as they look around the passenger cabin of the shuttle. They look towards the airlock, eyebrow raised. They wonder what is delaying the launch. They figure it's nothing too important. They remove a small pen which they then proceed to jab into their thigh, just as they put the blindfold back over their eyes with the free hand. Few moments later and they return to snoring, with the pen laying on the floor nearby. ((Hoi, Did this die? Should someone else take over or something? I can try to Forum DM if ye want.)) Quote
coolbc2000 Posted January 7, 2016 Posted January 7, 2016 Looks like it, we did not even get to the OP Quote
Hunnewle Posted January 8, 2016 Posted January 8, 2016 Well then. To be continued at a later date, another time! ...Hopefully. Quote
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