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SirXenomorph's Skrell Application

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: SirXenomorph

Character Names: Jackie Mueller, Alex Ketane

Species you are applying to play: Skrell

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Mid-Shade Blue

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, I enjoyed it.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

I wish to play this specific race because I feel that I can role-play well as a skrellian, as I predominantly has Skrellian (and Tajaran) Characters aboard BestRP which led me to aurora, Thanks to this I have experience with the species and a whole, and I can easily add in the extra parts from the lore page to a good character, I also have a character pre-constructed and I am really looking forward to (hopefully) getting to use them. I really enjoy the race of the skrell and I would like to have a roleplay server with skrell on to play on. Also, Why not have another station warbler?

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

Skrell speak in a warped version of the station language, leaving out connecting words and repeated words, this makes role-playing as them a very different experience to roleplaying as a human Character as you have to speak in a way not natural to yourself in real-life (unless you are very odd). Another Differentiating factor is that skrells are mainly herbivores, meaning that they would be unlikely to consume other foods unless pushed to, which is a problem when compared to humans which can eat nearly everything. In short, Role-Playing as a skrell is more difficult than as a human, but I think I can do it.


Character Name:Har'Kan Veern'Saet

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Hark'Kan was born to Ghup'Sahl and Furt'Shul in 2397, and led a normal life, with little to note, being a boring skrellian, In 2413 he took up a job with Gilthari Exports, in their R&D department. He was assigned the job of designing their new system, The long-range singularity-rotated package teleporter, the Idea being that it would teleport orders straight to their destinations! unfortunately, due to "corporate sabotage" the machine had to be covered up after the first package merged with an employees right arm, After this Hark'Kan decided that he would stop the horrific design, and focused his attention on localised telescience, which lead his to the station.

Hark'Kan has a longstanding anti-friendship with Niko Sapherium (Played by someone I know IRL), Hark'Kan hates how much Niko has a careless attitude and a short attention span and Niko hates Hark'Kans meticulous attitude to everything, and his persistant requests for test subjects. Hark'Kan specialises in telescience, and nearly refuses all other work.

What do you like about this character? Their determination and interest in science. I'm not going to say they remind me of myself because they really don't.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? 7/10 I am capable of very good roleplay but have sometimes proven myself to be terrible after a recent round, sorry AimlessAnalyst, and those other people.

Notes: I messed up my RP big time a few times, but I spun my game around!

Edited by Guest

Okay, I'll be honest, your app rubs me the wrong way. There's nothing specific, but just generally.

THAT BEING SAID, I'm not going to weigh in. Your application has been looked at, and while there's a few changes that will need to be done in regards to the technology, the basic backstory is acceptable. I will leave this application open until February 18th, 6PM PST approximately.

Until that time, you are encouraged to post, once per round, a link to this chat in the OOC channel on the server in order to get people to vouch for your roleplaying ability and character. Should you get no comment by then, the application will automatically be denied. Once the deadline arrives, I will be passing judgement on it.

Best of luck.


Okay so, your backstory is pretty underwhelming in my opinion. Now, I wouldn't say I can write backstories like that all too well myself but, I feel like your character's story is just lacking in substance. How did these screw ups that they did end up leading them to the NSS Exodus, (Where we are right now.) Why has your character chosen to come all the way out here to Tau Ceti to work for Nanotrasen when they could be research telescience with the Jargon Federation? I am possibly being to harsh but those were honestly some questions that came to my mind when I was reading it. There really is almost nothing there in the backstory.

I have seen Alex Ketane ingame a few times. I am not sure how long ago you "Changed" but recently, I have seen him and he really hasn't rubbed off in the best way to me. Seeing as you have the lack of responses, I again would suggest developing your human characters more, get people to know them, get IC friends. Once you get some of that stuff settled out, I would suggest reapplying again.

My final thing is, with the state of the application and my experiences with Alex Ketane, I wouldn't feel comfortable at THIS time giving SirXenomorph the whitelist. But I was serious about that, build up one or two characters in a slightly more active role where you meet a lot of people. Try to make a good impression and I am sure people will give you positive feedback. Going with -1

Guest Marlon Phoenix

I have to agree with the above poster. It seems to me that you've lifted the character as he is "now", and simply drew blanks on his past. He's only 60, so he's a smol baby Skrell. He was 16 was the Federation reformed, and thus was old enough to understand and see all of the big things that were happening. I have no idea how your Skrell fits into his society or why he made the decisions that he did. I don't feel that you show an understanding of the species'. You have a firm grasp on your character now but again I don't see any real grasp on culture, society, his faith or lack-of...

I can't say that I can approve of this application at this time.


Heads up, I'm opinionated and am known to give feedback. This is all just my opinion. All I want is for people to have a good idea of what they're getting into and think about their character designs.

First off, the name. Har'Kan Veern'Saet. I know that we don't have steadfast naming conventions for Skrell, but this looks like a Tajara first name crossed with an Unathi surname. Just rubs me wrong. Not the end of the world, but there I felt it was worth mentioning.

Next, there's very little substance to your actual character biography. There's barely more than a sentence about his life before work. This is just my preference, but I like characters who have something between their birthday and work. It gives a sense of "wholeness" to the character. Like they actually go home after work and think about their day.

The corporate sabotage. It's somewhat possible in the universe, but I'm not sure how likely it is. Again, just preference.

I really like your OOC attitude as it seems in this application. You seem willing to admit to mistakes and learn from them.

All in all, I think if you spend some time working on building characters that have some depth and that you yourself enjoy, you'll go far. Still, I've got to lean on the side of caution and say that you should focus on human characters for some time. I feel like a little practice will go a long way and help you make a very well thought out Skrell character down the line.

Just don't let yourself be discouraged. Make characters that you like and would enjoy seeing, and people will respond. If your attitude's as good as I think it is, I be you'll learn quite a bit.

Best of luck in future rounds.



Alright, the time has come. After reading it again, the only two major issues I have are those:

-Long-range singularity-rotated package teleporter sounds like pop-science. It is not currently a part of our lore, and as such you are invited to either find a new, more reasonable technological advance to teleporters, or simply use a normal teleporter.

-The fact that there was an accident with telescience and that he's still in there (even going as far as refusing to do anything else) is slightly strange to me.

But otherwise, I see no reason to deny it. As soon as you've changed/explained these two things, I will be passing judgement again. Bonus points for fleshing out your backstory.

Alright, the time has come. After reading it again, the only two major issues I have are those:

-Long-range singularity-rotated package teleporter sounds like pop-science. It is not currently a part of our lore, and as such you are invited to either find a new, more reasonable technological advance to teleporters, or simply use a normal teleporter.

-The fact that there was an accident with telescience and that he's still in there (even going as far as refusing to do anything else) is slightly strange to me.

But otherwise, I see no reason to deny it. As soon as you've changed/explained these two things, I will be passing judgement again. Bonus points for fleshing out your backstory.


Alright.. Give me 5.. Guess the Pseudoscience is kinda shitty ( I wrote this at 2:34 AM my time )


App V2:

BYOND Key: SirXenomorph

Character Names: Jackie Mueller, Alex Ketane

Species you are applying to play: Skrell

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Mid-Shade Blue

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, I enjoyed it.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

I wish to play this specific race because I feel that I can role-play well as a skrellian, as I predominantly has Skrellian (and Tajaran) Characters aboard BestRP which led me to aurora, Thanks to this I have experience with the species and a whole, and I can easily add in the extra parts from the lore page to a good character, I also have a character pre-constructed and I am really looking forward to (hopefully) getting to use them. I really enjoy the race of the skrell and I would like to have a roleplay server with skrell on to play on. Also, Why not have another station warbler?

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

Skrell speak in a warped version of the station language, leaving out connecting words and repeated words, this makes role-playing as them a very different experience to roleplaying as a human Character as you have to speak in a way not natural to yourself in real-life (unless you are very odd). Another Differentiating factor is that skrells are mainly herbivores, meaning that they would be unlikely to consume other foods unless pushed to, which is a problem when compared to humans which can eat nearly everything. In short, Role-Playing as a skrell is more difficult than as a human, but I think I can do it.


Character Name:Har'Kan Veern'Saet

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Hark'Kan was born to Ghup'Sahl and Furt'Shul in 2397, and led a normal life, with little interest, Being a skrellian and all..After a brief encounter with telescience at a research institute on Jargon IV, He decided that he should pursue a different science, After going to the library, he found a book on Xenobiology. After reading this book he decided that would be his field of expertise. He searched for an open position, and finally found one, until he was fired after a slime incident, which fired up alot of debate on Jargon IV. To escape the publicity of the incident, he searched for a job outside of Jargon IV, until he came to the NSS Exodus, in 2456.

Hark'Kan has a longstanding anti-friendship with Niko Sapherium (Played by someone I know IRL), Hark'Kan hates how much Niko has a careless attitude and a short attention span and Niko hates Hark'Kans meticulous attitude to everything, and his persistant requests for test subjects. Hark'Kan specialises in telescience, and nearly refuses all other work.

What do you like about this character? Their determination and interest in science. I'm not going to say they remind me of myself because they really don't.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? 7/10 I am capable of very good roleplay but have sometimes proven myself to be terrible after a recent round, sorry AimlessAnalyst, and those other people.

Notes: I messed up my RP big time a few times, but I spun my game around!


Your idea of what makes RPing the skrell isn't...exactly wrong, but it really doesn't seem to strike the nail on the head. You took two very minor points (diet and speech) and made a minor essay out of them.

Your backstory still seems to rub me the wrong way. It's gone to this very handwavey "So they elected Adolph. One thing led to another and suddenly there were millions of people burning in concentration camps."

Given your history in RP so far with the characters I've interacted with.... I'm incredibly hesitant to believe you've pulled a mature 180, but if I can see some evidence of this in-game, I'd be happy to reverse my stance.

Vote: Nay.

Sorry for the delays (past and incoming), but I am handing this case over to the new Skrell Overseer. He will be attending to your application as soon as possible.


Thanks, bud.



My only experience with this player was a couple weeks ago, and I really don't think they should be given this whitelist: yet. You were a geneticist the round I played with you, and you refused Literally every single order I gave you, lied about getting executive permission to roam around with powers, assaulted officers and sparked a manhunt to be forcibly depowered, all during code red when there was a confirmed threat to the station, and you weren't even an antag. I would be incline to believe your RP has improved if it wasn't for the outstanding incident report where you continued ignoring orders from superiors to drive around on a cargo tug as a taxi service, something I was around for and witnessed. Maybe your RP has improved, as has been claimed, I haven't witnessed it, and you seem pretty humble about your mistakes, but I'd much rather this not happen until some time has passed to really demonstrate a maturation of your role-playing abilities.


I appreciate that you seem able to admit mistakes and seem to be fairly reasonable OOCly. However, I can not approve of this application at this time.

I'm sure that if you spend some more time as human characters, you can improve over time and have some excellent IC interactions that will make others inclined to support your future apps. The way is looks now, you're not quite ready for an race whitelist yet. You seem to take feedback well, and I'm certain you'll get there.

Best of luck, SirXenomorph.

Application Denied.

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