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The Journal of Dr. Clarke (Comments appreciated!)

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::[Name: Dr. Nettie Clarke]::

::[Position: Medical Doctor]::

::[Location: Medbay Reception, NSS Exodus]::

::[Date: 69585.5]::

::[Time: 13:43]::

Another day, another shift. I had arrived on the station to find medbay reception in a bit of a mess. Apparently, someone spontaneously gibbed themselves, with the outward explosion breaking parts of medbay reception. Eventually, reception was repaired by engineer Talkar Farstridar, whose face had been surgically repaired back to normal after he had an encounter with acid. After that, the medbay went back to its regular, slow pace. I was joined by Gareth Lance, who sat in the lobby talking with anyone who would listen and Tlazo Svydia, who sat in the adjoining desk with me. Besides witnessing what a face full of acid looks like, another unique event was the weird occurrence at the beginning of the shift. Svydia and I were prepping medbay when a large smoke cloud suddenly appeared on the right side of reception. From that smoke appeared Pondimo the Magnificent, a wizard that later spent his time hanging out with the big wigs and traumatizing Izemut Scal'a'har.

Izemut Scal'a'har is a male Unathi that works in Security and sometimes in Botany. Once he heard of Pondimo the trespasser, he immediately went to confront him in medbay. Pondimo magicked Scal'a'har, removing his ability to speak clearly and move normally. When the effects wore off, he was not the same as before. He was empty. He was like a broken doll whose sole purpose in life was to be a vegetable. I hated that look. And I did the unforgivable to take him out of that state. With a medical team, we pulled his tail, one of the most severe taboos in Unathi social culture. He rampaged over the station, was stripped of his job, and was incarcerated for a while. Yet, I do not regret my decision to pull his tail because, in the end, it taught him something: the extent of other people's kindness....or that's what I presume.


::[Date: 69584.6]::

::[Time: 13:23]::

It is my first day on-station as a Medical Doctor. The recent transfer from USS Yamakura came as a surprise to me. The command on that ship felt that it was time for me to leave after only 5 years of service. That's what they do: take new staff in every 5 years to prevent mental trauma. The stuff I have seen on USS Yamakura would shock much of the people on this station. Truth be told, I do not think I would ever receive severe mental trauma. In fact, I actually miss having busy shifts all the time. People would come in with hostile biological organisms growing in their chest, decapitated heads and limbs, severely broken bones, or high amounts of toxins in the body, all the worst things that can come to a medical doctor. That first week working on the ship gave me a high learning curve; It was either do or don't.

Now, as I sit here in my receptionist seat, I wonder why USS command would refuse my offer to stay. Are they really that afraid of lawsuits? Anyway, this shift is the slowest I've experienced in my life. I tried to make friends with Dr. Usiki Zir'u. He's a really nice person but I don't think he likes much conversation. He is of the Unathi, which I do not know much about. I'll keep a note to look them up later. Are Unathi generally uncomfortable in providing discussion? We were simply talking about his hobby with weapons and, because I was too excited about discussing weaponry, did not notice until later that he wanted me to shut up and get back to work, which, had nothing occurring. He must be highly task-oriented. In the end, we did not become friends and now I believe he does not want to talk to me anymore about anything outside of work; i think he dislikes me.

A person named Atyos Tonim arrived in medbay with ERT Responder Finn Coates. Tonim asked if I could help hide him. I did not know what he was wanted for, but my duty as a Doctor was to prevent further injury so I agreed to keep him in the back in the sleeping beds. The exchange was weird overall, but, in the end, we all piled ourselves into the emergency shuttle. I never knew what the major issue was besides Lii'dra and Zo'ra races invading the station because, as I see it, there were very few casualties noted on the crew monitoring console. Anyway, it's fine. I guess this defines my first shift: coming to CentComm at the end of each one.


If you would like to provide feedback, please post below about any thoughts, opinions, and/or feelings. All comments are appreciated!

Bunny Tax:


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Mmh, in case you didn't quite know, antag events and results of said events aren't really canon, thus incidents such as wizards poking around and Lii'dra terrorists blowing stuff up didn't happen In-Character-wise, so while you can write this thing as some alt-universe journal thingy, you can't walk up to someone in-game and say "Hey, remember that wizard?"

Otherwise, it is interesting to see to IC perspective of someone else of one of my characters.

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If it wasn't for Dr.Clarke I think Izemut would have turned into Godzilla that round.


Nettie actually appreciates Izemut and thinks of him as one of her rare friends.


Mmh, in case you didn't quite know, antag events and results of said events aren't really canon, thus incidents such as wizards poking around and Lii'dra terrorists blowing stuff up didn't happen In-Character-wise, so while you can write this thing as some alt-universe journal thingy, you can't walk up to someone in-game and say "Hey, remember that wizard?"

Otherwise, it is interesting to see to IC perspective of someone else of one of my characters.


Ah, I didn't know but that's wonderful! I will continue writing events as Nettie witnessed them but yes, I won't mention them in-game. Besides this is supposed to be a private journal so Nettie would never discuss it with others in-game.

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