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Incident Report - Rin Fukuiomoto, Qooxrimzaooqu-uu Xuqzaoo

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Reporting Personnel: Marc Price

Rank of Reporting Personnel: Head of Security

Personnel Involved: Alex Graves (Security Officer), Einherjar VI (Cyborg), Station AI Katana Alpha, John Westerwood (Security Officer), Rin Fukuiomoto (Assistant), Qooxrimzaooqu-uu Xuqzaoo (Scientist)

Time of Incident: Approx. 17:00 station time

Real time: Approx. 1630 CST 19FEB2016

Location of Incident: Brig, Science

Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property [X]Neglect of Duty [X]Harassment []Assault [X]Misconduct []Other _____

Overview of the Incident: Suspended crewmember Rin Fukuiomoto was illegally in possession of an EVA suit from Science, without proper authorization or paperwork. I ordered them to be relieved of said EVA suit. Xuqzaoo immediately began causing a ruckus over the general frequency, including making threats to physically harm and report me to Central Command, as well as admitting to exceeding their official powers by issuing an EVA suit to Rin without authorization. Xuqzaoo then began to slander myself over the general channel, calling me "idiotic" and claiming myself and my department had "illegally stolen Science equipment." Upon ordering their detainment for said slander, they again threatened me when brought to the Brig and continued to misuse the comm channel. It should also be noted that Xuqzaoo placed Rin Fukuiomoto in danger by using her in Telescience testing prior to the above incident, that resulted in her being teleported to the asteroid without internals, and without written consent for testing.

Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: I attempted to report it to Agent Victoria Belikova, but the shift ended before the form could be delivered.

Additional notes: I find Xuqzaoo's conduct on the station, as well as flagrant disregard for authority and regulations to be utterly unbecoming in a professional work environment.

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TO: Marc Price, NSS Exodus

FROM: Silvia Romanescu, Central Command Internal Affairs, NMSS Odin

SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



This message is to inform you that your incident report has been received, logged and placed within a queue for the CCIA Division to review.

You will be contacted, if necessary, by a CCIA Agent when and if an investigation begins.



SIGN: Silvia Romanescu

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TO: Marc Price, Head of Security, NSS Exodus

FROM: Silvia Romanescu, Central Command Internal Affairs, NMSS Odin

SUBJECT: Re: Incident Report



This message is sent to inform you of the closing of this Incident Report due to Rin Fukuimoto no longer being employed with the Nanotrasen Corporate Conglomerate. If you feel that there is an issue with the closing of this Incident Report. Please let a member of the CCIA Division know.


DTG: 25-17:58-TAU CETI STANDARD-02-2458

SIGN: Silvia Romanescu

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