swat43 Posted March 17, 2016 Posted March 17, 2016 As she runs her fingers over the over the rusty armour she pushes some of the metal parts and sees as the metal crumples on some parts, but the whole metal still holds. pitiful.. leaving an armor in such state but this is beyond repair.. She leaves the body, and looks at Halla. "This is a good quality scale.. even though i havent seen a dragon myself, only in books, i hope i get to have some bigger samples of it. Market even can't get me anything better than this, i doubt ebony cant compete with this." scratching her chin, she stands up asks. "So what do you think? This is a really bad and unsalvagable imperial armor.. or parts of it.. Im thinking it's either imperial deserters, or just scavengers." Raises her eyebrow and opens her flask to take a sip of her water. "The axe's blade could still be usefull, only for cutting bushes or leave it to rust..." With that she closes her flask, and puts it back. Quote
Gollee Posted March 17, 2016 Posted March 17, 2016 Looking back down at the ground; Halla quickly looks at the overall scene; the body, she had originally thought to have been buried in snow from the wind, had actually been forced into the ground from above. Returning her gaze to the sky, she holds her bow ready, half-nocking an ebony arrow. It jumped them... Man was crushed underfooot... We need to get back to Aela... It planned this attack; and it preferred to act as a true hunter, and ambush them... We need to make sure the others know how this creature likes to fight." Letting go of her bow for a moment, she scoops up the rest of the scales, along with a fair amount of dirt, into a leather pouch. "We shouldn't be in the trees, easier for it to drop on us." Quote
swat43 Posted March 17, 2016 Posted March 17, 2016 Nodding at Halla she tightens the grip on her sword sheathe and smirks. "Since you know better on how hunting goes.. ill follow your lead. Tell me how we should move and ill try to follow you the best of my ability. Any ideas how we will contact the others? Signal fire? No.. it would draw to much attention.." Thinks to herself but leaves this to Halla. if these scavengers didnt stood a chance.. then the two of us is doubtfull.. best to regroup and tell this to Aela.. Quote
Jboy2000000 Posted March 17, 2016 Posted March 17, 2016 Strings starts to cough and hack, launching up half digested fish bits up onto the bandit's corpse, "By Sithis that was a bad idea!" He yells out as the throws himself backwards onto his feet, covering the end of his snoot with both of his hands. "Ugh, let's get back to the others, a rotten bandit corpse and acid is some good information." Quote
Guest Posted March 17, 2016 Posted March 17, 2016 Halla and Nicole would hear light footsteps and rustling of leaves, as if someone was moving through the shrubbery. Quote
swat43 Posted March 17, 2016 Posted March 17, 2016 opening her sheathe bit ready to draw her sword, she narrows her eyes and looks at the direction of the sound. Looks at Halla to see if she also heard it. Quote
Tenenza Posted March 17, 2016 Posted March 17, 2016 Tamira blinks a few time as she snaps out of her daze. She turns to face Strings, looking him straight in the eye. "Yes, you're right." She turns back to face the body, looking beyond into the shadow of the tree where it had been concealed, before taking a moment to pick a handful of the mushrooms growing near the body. Turning towards the direction of the camp, she says "Alright Scale-skin, back up into the cold it is" Quote
Jboy2000000 Posted March 17, 2016 Posted March 17, 2016 Strings sighs and spits the last of the bile that was coating his mouth. "Ugh. Well, that's one fish Ill never get back. And please stop calling me Scale-Skin, Ash-Elf, we both have names." He doesn't even look at Tamira while he speaks, he just calls the words out as he starts walking back to where they came. Quote
Tenenza Posted March 17, 2016 Posted March 17, 2016 Tamira limps a few feet behind Strings, idly brushing off soil and spores from her gloves. "Hmph, what's your name again then, Scale-skin? Something about Strings? Or was it Flings?" Tamira's fingers dance across her satchels as she feels around for her water-skin. Quote
Jboy2000000 Posted March 17, 2016 Posted March 17, 2016 "My name is Pluck-at-Strings, by vocation, Tamira. It appears Im the only one whose bothered to learn the names of their Shield Brothers and Sisters." He reaches into his fishy sack as he spoke, swallowing down another one to replace the one who left thrown up in the snow. Quote
Tenenza Posted March 17, 2016 Posted March 17, 2016 "Plucks-On-Strings, Hmm, sounds like a proud name." Tamira holds up her water-skin, pouring a clear liquid down into her mouth, downing a mouthful. She takes moment to look carefully at the fishes Strings has been eating. Quote
Gollee Posted March 17, 2016 Posted March 17, 2016 Halla froze on the spot, turning slowly until her bow is pointed towards the noise, drawing it back to full length and waiting for whatever it was to make the next move. Quote
Guest Posted March 17, 2016 Posted March 17, 2016 The rustling of leaves continued, going towards them, then, a familiar voice said loudly, "Companion." After that, Aela (did you expect a dragon, ha) popped out of the shrubs and looked at them, "Well, at least you are on guard." She circled around and looked at the ground humming, "Hmph." She turned to the pair again, "What have you found out?" Quote
Gollee Posted March 17, 2016 Posted March 17, 2016 Halla lowered her bow in relief, "Scales, crushed body. Ma'be a week old. Footprints and take-off marks northerl'. This is a quiet monster. It dropped from the sk' and the' didn't hear it coming." Halla glances at the sky repeatedly as she speaks, keeping an eye out for any unusual activity. Quote
swat43 Posted March 17, 2016 Posted March 17, 2016 Relieved, she sheathes her sword, and smiles. (Im preety sure a dragon doesnt make just noises to shake one small shrubery! XD) "We'll.. for now we certainly know that this was a dragon attack. Who got attacked.. your guess is as good as ours.. What we did found was scavenged imperial armor.. old, so these aren't legionaries for sure... or possibly deserters after the civil war just living in skyrim for some reason..." With that she shrugs "If you're looking for a wolf pelt, there's a dead wolf we had to take down.. since they were chewing on the dead." With that said, she looks at the dead body again.. poor sod. Quote
Guest Posted March 17, 2016 Posted March 17, 2016 Aela kneels down next to the body and picks up a scale from the ground inspecting it, "A red dragon, as they said. It is the same one. It's also either very aggressive or protective of something..." She points around the ground, pointing at the scales, "Caused hurt to itself, it was a risky drop." She stood up and looked at, Nicole, "Indeed, they lack both the discipline and the armorer skills to be legionaries. They seem to have started running as soon as they saw it, and the sword I found was rusted, likely bandits that scavenged from a local battlefield. The tracks of the person carrying it ended in the middle of the forest. The poor man was likely scooped off the ground by the Dragon as he was running." She points at the direction of north, The trails split of into different direction, it was a disorganized retreat. She points to south, at the tracks coming to the area, "That's where they came from and that's where we go next." She starts walking to the East, saying, "But first, we need our companions. Let's go." Quote
Gollee Posted March 17, 2016 Posted March 17, 2016 Halla nods, dropping the ebony arrow back into her quiver and taking out a bone one before following Aela. Quote
swat43 Posted March 17, 2016 Posted March 17, 2016 Smiling, she picks up some more small pieces of any scales she can find on the ground quickly, and puts them in bag. let's see if i can make a memorium out of these. Looking at Aela, Nicole agrees. "Yes. If we're to hunt this dragon, it is best to regroup. Allright! Right behind ya chief!" Quote
Guest Posted March 17, 2016 Posted March 17, 2016 Aela, Nicole and Halla After some walking, they reached the area where they first split up, just to the east. There, they stopped and waited for the Strings and Tamira to appear. Aela turned to the two and asked, while they waited, "Have you ever seen, or fought a Dragon before?" Quote
swat43 Posted March 17, 2016 Posted March 17, 2016 Sadly, Nicole shakes her head. "As much as i had a training from good fighters guild and ventured with them on all sort of mines.. I have never faced anything beastial or ferocious as that." after now realising that she didn't had any knowledge as to FIGHT AGAINST ONE, she now feels cold sweat running on her back and forehead and shiwers a bit.. "W..w-we will be able to defeat it together right?" smiles and chuckles uneasily.. g-god damn it.. already shaking... Either im really excited or a bit scared.. N-no.. bit wouldnt be right.. more likely that i am scared! Quote
Guest Posted March 17, 2016 Posted March 17, 2016 Aela smiles, genuinely, "Well, you may get a chance. Either we have to kill it, because it's too dangerous, or it finds us, soon." She adds, "Let's just hope we are ready by then." Quote
swat43 Posted March 17, 2016 Posted March 17, 2016 With a determined look, she looks at Aela and asks. "If it does happen, anything i should know about assaulting one with a sword? I doubt i can just stab it in the head.. the scales to tough to pierce easily.. let's not even talk about the skull.." best i get know something before i regret being eaten for dinner.. Quote
Gollee Posted March 17, 2016 Posted March 17, 2016 Halla shakes her head, "Haven't. I have fought werevultures though. That wasn't fun. Hopefully with five of us, should be eas', right?" Quote
Guest Posted March 18, 2016 Posted March 18, 2016 "Yes, being five, although, I am not sure of the Dark Elf's combat abilities, we should be able to. The potions, if you haven't forgotten to take them, should protect you from all but the direct flames. Just avoid that, easy enough. As for swords, you can puncture its skull just above at the top of the head with enough force, while you can't cut the bone, you can shatter the soft parts with enough punch. But don't try that, I've seen only few people manage to puncture a dragon's skull, one of them being the Dragonborn. I personally can't do it unless I'm using an arrow." She puts a finger on her neck, "The neck, however, can be severed. The scale is weak there, so the dragon can turn its head with ease. Enough hits on that spot can cut through the flash and reach the vital parts, causing it to bleed out rapidly. It's a risk though, as you either need a sturdy shield, or speed. It can bite your legs off in a blink if you aren't careful. But do keep in mind, Dragons are not beasts. They are capable of talking, thinking, strategy, even great wisdom, in some cases." Quote
Jboy2000000 Posted March 18, 2016 Posted March 18, 2016 Strings blinks his eyes and hisses in thought for a moment. "Perhaps. I was given a name at birth, but I was meant for better things. I earned my name as a bard in Argonia, and only picked up a bow here in Skyrim. The Hist gave me a gift, and I used to to play beautiful music, and that game my fingers the strength for the bow." Strings ends his sentence with a wistful sigh, and holds his bag of fish open to the dark elf. "You sure you don't want some?" Tamira The bag of fish was a mixed bag. There was salmon, cut in half and salted, Slaughterfish prepared much the same, but cut into smaller portions, and tiny Histcarps. Quote
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