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So it has come to my attention that we can no longer color jumpsuits, gloves, and the like by chucking them in the washing machine with a colored crayon, this is a severe blow to 2D spessman fashion, however since coloring clothes with crayons doesn't actually make sense, I propose dyes.

Now, I don't actually know how dyes actually work but it's The Future so whatever.

So we have a box of dyes in the locker room, inside it are several cans(?) of dyes, one of each color, each of them has 4 uses and can be applied on the color-able clothes, 4 uses for Jumpsuit-gloves-hat-shoes, once you run out of dye you toss it in disposals and can order more from Cargo.

2D spessman fashion is highly important and dyes would help it significantly.

Yea? Nay?


Cooler option: add flowers to seed vendors that can be used as dyes. Not only it would add a function to flowers already in the game, it would make it so dyes wouldn't be in any limited capacity and more can simply be grown in the garden.

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