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Feedback, Archie Sangs (Lab Assistant)

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Archie Sangs

Lab assistant, helper, intershipee,


So the past day or so, I've started up a new character by the name of Archie Sangs. He is of British ethnicity, from Earth obviously, who's been working to become a full-fledged scientist. But, for now, he is currently serving as a lab assistant to either R&D (sometimes) or Xenoarch (Mostly)-- oh and anomalies. This is mainly for training purposes until he earns his promotion/certificates to become an actual scientist, call it an internship if you will.

It's probably the first really serious research character that I plan on developing and I want some constructive criticism on what I need to work on with the character. So far a fair bit have seen him, so I don't expect feedback immediately. But, I'm leaving this up so people can pop by and leave their opinion on the character.

So, criticize away my friends.


I responded to a medical call in science today, and found that archie was accused of sexual harassment and someone ended up banging his head against a window over it.

Quite an odd start


Today he got in a fight with Ana Morgan, and it was an interesting sour of drama that unfolded because of it. He's one of the few lab assistants I've met who seem to be more fleshed out. He has thoughts and opinions and voices himself rather than just being yet another faceless lab assistant.

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