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Kane Gibson's Road Leathers


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BYOND Key:Joe Kane

Character name:Kane Gibson

Item name:Road Leathers

Why is your character carrying said item to work? Kane Gibson once served as an officer of the law on a remote rimworld, ravaged by roving gangs. This was his uniform. Officer survival rates were typically quite low, and the planet has since become a lawless haven for pirates, so Kane wears his uniform as a symbol of his fallen comrades and his own survival.

Item function(s):Just a piece of clothing, occupies the uniform slot.

Item description:A set of tough black leather pants and a jacket, worn over a t-shirt. They seem rather worn, and even damaged in some places. Crude repairs have been made to areas, and the jacket has an ID tag embedded on the torso of the jacket, it reads 'MP-1701 Kane Gibson'.

Item appearance:I have the mob and object icons prepared by myself. Preview: https://gyazo.com/c75827f70a05a0c5f9d5d0f5b82b9925

Download: https://mega.nz/#!91wT3JqB!kQtIgp-MI-h1M46Gn4J2lp6dwczoLnfDUvBKui5cYzg

Additional comments:I feel this item would be a great way to show Gibson's past as a law enforcement officer in a collapsing society, and start conversation between the crew, as it's a nonstandard uniform.

Guest Menown

New uniform regulations state that engineering, security, and medical personnel have to wear their work provided uniforms, man. Kane and his Mad Max Attire probably wouldn't make that cut, even more-so given the terrible state of the uniform itself.


From a CCIA standpoint, engineering uniform restrictions are primarily for safety regulations. Assistants and service positions can mostly wear w/e they want as long as it doesn't violate the 'No shirt no job' rule.

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