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Complete Garbage's IPC Whitelist Application

Guest Complete Garbage

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Guest Complete Garbage

BYOND Key:Complete Garbage

Character Names:Alix Apostolos(Captain/HoP), Jacob Locke(CE), Renholm Wilson(CMO), Alexia Lei(Science), COMMAS(AI)

Species you are applying to play:IPC

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt):N/A

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:Yup.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

For the most part, I wish to play IPCs for a change of pace in roleplay. I often find myself getting a little bored of my 'human privilege,' and wanting for a character that others will react differently to instantly, without having to snowflake the shit out of every aspect. IPCs, specifically, are probably my favorite race, as I've always loved the idea of having a mechanical species as versatile as the IPC, since they can be anything from a simple TV-head to something barely discernible from a human.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

There are the obvious in-game mechanical differences, such as vulnerability to heat/EMP, mechanical parts, charging from APCs, and all the other fun stuff. Besides those, IPCs are probably the most versatile species in the game. As I said before, they can be anything from a TV-head to a human replica, somewhere in between, or something different entirely. The other aspect of versatility is personality, and of course it's something you can do with (most of) the other races, but with IPCs, there seems to be a broader spectrum of things that can be done with IPCs when it comes to the personality side of character creation.

Character Name: SEAM

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

The following is an e-mail transcript logging interactions between Dana Palmer, a project coordinator for SymTex, a producer of synthetics and synthetic parts, and Alex Readwill, head developer for Cosine, an independent R&D firm.


Email 1:

To: readwill8@exo.net

From: d.palmer@SymTexDev.net

Subject: Welcome to the SymTex team!


Hello! I'm Dana Palmer with SymTex, and I've been charged with making sure everything runs smoothly between SymTex and Cosine. As you know, our company outsources all R&D to other firms to save on costs, and we found your firm fit the bill perfectly for our new engineering IPC project, ERIC, or the Enhanced Repair and Improvement Chassis! The company has sent you all of the required specifications and deadlines, and at the end of the project, we'll buy the production rights and put your designs to use! I hope it will be a pleasure working with you! Thanks!

P.S., The company has asked for a full manifest of team members who will be working on this project, to be updated as needed. Please go ahead and send that through me. Thanks in advance!


Email 2

To: d.palmer@SymTexDev.net

From: readwill8@exo.net

Subject: RE: Welcome to the SymTex team!


It's pleasure to be a part of the team. As for the manifest, here it is:

Alex Roadwin-Head Developer

Bernard Hollow-Positronic Specialist

Jarod O'Finnlin-AI developer

Maxwell Alek-AI developer

Khalil Safar-Structural & Electrical engineer

Francis Evris-Mechatronic Engineer

Email 3

To: d.palmer@SymTexDev.net

From: readwill8@exo.net

Subject: Progress


The designs are coming along nicely, and at a quicker pace than expected. No guarantees, but we may finish in two thirds the projected timeline. We already have the main chassis design worked out, and the basis for the intelligence–we're using a new, more intuitive learning design, and adding supplemental pressure-environment sensors, to enhance the design's environmental interface at all contact points. The IPC will essentially be able to 'feel' every environmental trigger a human does, heat, cold, high and low pressure, as well as pressure-distribution. It will know and be able to control with extreme fine manipulation how tightly it is grasping an object. It will be able to thread a needle with an eye smaller than a picometer in diameter. These millions of integrated microsensors and a high degree of actuation control will allow for a more capable and versatile engineering IPC. Hopefully, you approximate the update, and if there's anything you need, let us know!


Email 4

To: readwill8@exo.net

From: d.palmer@SymTexDev.net

Subject: RE: Progress


Well, I'm happy to hear that you're ahead of schedule, but I'm also glad to know you're in such an development phase. I'm not quite sure how to put this, but the company want to scrap the engineering idea and put their money into an IPC that will primarily function in service jobs; retail, bartending, cooking, that kind of thing. I have to ask if you're ready to change your plans, and if you're capable of creating a viable service IPC, or if we should start negotiating the terms for cutting our contract. Sorry I have to do this, and best of luck to you.


Email 5

To: d.palmer@SymTexDev.net

From: readwill8@exo.net

Subject: RE: RE: Progress


This is a little frustrating, to say the least, but I believe we'll be able to work something out. Most of our designs are versatile enough that they can be adapted for service use, and our fine manipulation and sensor tech shouldn't go to waste. The only problem I can see is with our AI algorithms; we've already put the prototype core through advanced engineering instruction courses. Wiping it and starting over would take time, and possibly cause damage to the core. We could leave the engineering stuff in, but we'd also have reduced memory space for the service programs. We've started to adapt our designs, but we're going to need input on how to proceed here.


Email 6

To: readwill8@exo.net

From: d.palmer@SymTexDev.net

Subject: RE: RE: RE: Progress


I understand the position we've put you in, and I apologize. I'm glad to hear you can adapt most of your designs without major issue, and hope that we can continue to go for that deadline. As for the issue of memory, I will leave that up to you. We don't need the engineering programs, but if wiping them will set the project back, then I would advise against it. On the other hand, we could use the extra memory space, so proceed as you wish. Good luck and godspeed.

Email 7

To: d.palmer@SymTexDev.net

From: readwill8@exo.net

Subject: Creative solutions


After going over the options with my team, we came up with a solution to remove the engineering files. We procured a new prototype core, and transferred all of the primary data from the original to the second. We an the service program on the new core, and now we have a prototype core, undamaged, with the service program and without the engineering. The only issue is the budget; the new prototype core wasn't cheap, and we were wondering if you would be willing to give us an expansion to compensate for the cost. Other than that, things are going well. Thank you for your support thus far.


Email 8

To: readwill8@exo.net

From: d.palmer@SymTexDev.net

Subject: RE: Creative solutions


The budget expansion should not be a problem! We'll be willing to compensate the cost of the second core, but that will come out of the final payment to your firm, as per the terms of additional costs in the contract. That deadline is coming up, and I've been asked to request a full list of features that will be available in the finished product. Our marketing team has come up with a new name for this particular line; SEAM: Service and Enhanced Assistance Machine. We're expecting the prototype and designs by the end of the quarter. Thanks for all your hard work!


Email 9

To: d.palmer@SymTexDev.net

From: readwill8@exo.net

Subject: SEAM feature list


Right! Almost everything's done, and the first prototype product is performing well in all of our testing areas. There have been a few problems, but nothing we couldn't overcome. The feature list is attached.


-Friendly personality and emotion response ability

-Intuitive taste prediction programs allow for creation of new culinary dishes and beverages

-Large database of existing food and drinks

-Ability to provide CPR and basic medical care to all major humanoid species.

-Basic self-defense and crew-defense protocols(it can identify when itself and others are in harm's way, and will determine the best way to react to rectify the situation.)

-Fine manipulation and perceptive measurement allow for precise mixing.

-Knowledge of basic chemistry interactions.

-(Experimental)Limited taste sampling ability and artificial taste perception sensors.

-Guaranteed intelligence lifetime of at least 15 years with maintenance.

-Guaranteed chassis lifetime of at least 5 years with maintenance

-Cheap, durable chassis design allows for easy replication on production lines.


Email 10

To: readwill8@exo.net

From: d.palmer@SymTexDev.net

Subject: Great work, thank you!


The designs and the core looks perfect. We'll begin replicating the cores and fabricating the chassi in the net few weeks. These should hit the market in around three months! You've done amazing work, and we look forward to working with you again. As for the prototype–we'll be selling it to one of our prospective bulk buyers, most likely NanoTrasen, so that they can have a look at the model. Again, thank you for your hard work on the project, and let this be the start of a long, lucrative relationship between our companies.


End transcript.

What do you like about this character?

It is, of course, a line model prototype, which I think may open up some new roleplay opportunities for me. Overall I'm quite happy with the work I've put into it so far, and am willing to put in a lot more to make it into one of my better and more used characters.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? 7/10; Decent, but there is room for improvement, to be sure.


Please pardon any spelling/grammar errors, I did my best to make this as articulate as possible!

Also, I know what I did for my bio is a bit different, so if you want an actual, like, two-paragraph bio, please let me know.


Hello hello!

Nice app you have. But I have two questions:

One, the way you described the self-defense and crew defense protocol worries me. We have a term we call "combat mode" for that sort of things - for IPCs that basically have a switch to try and play hero. How exactly will this protocol be enacted?


Guest Complete Garbage
Hello hello!

Nice app you have. But I have two questions:

One, the way you described the self-defense and crew defense protocol worries me. We have a term we call "combat mode" for that sort of things - for IPCs that basically have a switch to try and play hero. How exactly will this protocol be enacted?



Alright; One: The point of the self-defense/crew-defense protocol is not to get engaged with threats, but rather find the best way to directly remove itself and others from harm's way; i.e. If someone starts shooting up the bar and someone else is bleeding next to my character, I'll try to drag them out of the bar and to the medbay. Or if there's a fire in the next room, and nobody's around but there's a fire extinguisher on the ground, my character would get out instead of trying to be a station-saving superhero. In the event someone directly engages with my character, I'll follow the standard steps of self-defense, which, by my understanding is, talk them down if you can, if you can't, try to incapacitate the assailant without causing unnecessary harm.

Two: The password is steel satsuma, m'lord!

Guest Complete Garbage

Will do! Thanks!

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