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Quitting SS13


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Didn't know where to post this, so i think I'll post it here.

I'm quitting the game.

I mean I've been ignoring my college stuff way too much. By now I was supposed to know how to code stuff in C, and study by myself more languages

The game is too hard and time consuming for me. Due to my time-zone, the most players can be seen when it's late at night for me. If i enter any sooner than 7 PM I'll find an empty station.

This means I'll end up awake at 2-3, ocassionaly even 4 AM. That is not really healthy I'm afraid.

It's really not that much fun for me. I like the game, it's the most unique game I've ever played. The roleplay was incredible, the gameplay is unrivaled with. Sure it has plenty of elements i disagree with, characters i might not like, stuff which makes me rage, but it was a really unique game.

But damn, it's way too hard to keep up. Too little time to play, too little skill.

So Station Engineer Sam Fincher, Roboticist/scientist Sydney Faust, MD/Pharmcist Stanford Norton, AI DOCTOR, and whatever other characters i never used or had the chance of use will no longer work on the NSS Exodus.

TL:DR : Smokedfish is a filthy casual that can't play spessmen right, so he quits the game so he can eat his school stay in drugs and not do vegetables.

Goodbye and have fun.

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