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Change In CCIA Leadership


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This post is just to let you know that Gollee is no longer the CCIA Supervisor due to RL getting in the way and has passed that responsibility down to me. So far, I have already made a few changes but only one of them really affect the general player base. That would be the new formatting for Incident Reports. The format can be found here. The formatting is basically the same with some small additions.

Now, that I am the CCIA Supervisor, all concerns with the CCIA Division should be brought to me. I am on the Aurora Discord Channels with the username, Owen. You can also contact me over the Forums PMs.

If you have any questions about this change of leadership, post them here and I will try to answer them.


Skull save our gracious Owened

Long live our noble Owened

Skull save the Owened

Send him robustful

Happy and glorious

Long to reign over us

Skull save the Owened

O Itzal our Skull arise

Scatter her enemies

And make them fall

Confound their CCIA Corruption

Frustrate their terminated personnel

On Thee our hopes we fix

Skull save us all

Thy choicest gifts in store

On her be pleased to pour

Long may he reign

May he defend our procedure

And ever give us cause

To sing with heart and voice

Skull save the Owened

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