Coalf Posted May 25, 2016 Posted May 25, 2016 (edited) BYOND Key:Coalf Character Names: POD(AI), R.U.R(Borg), Thomas Conner Species you are applying to play:IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt):- Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I like to think of myself as a very seasoned player, I got about three years of Space station under my belt and no matter what server or code base, I always loved to play as a Borg or as an AI, a machine without emotion, working purely on logic and for the well being of the crew, but eventually it all crashes down on you, the constant non-emotional state you have to be in, the "Do this/that" without a proper thanks, the "AI IS ROGUE" if you make a single mistake. That's why I love IPCs, ever since they first became the thing I fell in love with them, from their design to how they are played, I simply adore IPCs, their awkward tries at emotion, the fact that I don't have to worry about breathing or food when I'm in middle of my job, but also the "racist" slurs such as Robot or toaster, the hate and suspicion that comes from co-workers during a malf round, I simply love it because I am something worth insulting, not a glorified butler but a proper worker on a space station, free to do whatever the I want instead of, plus you finally get hands. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: The suspicion and adrenaline that comes with the race, the fact that every waking moment for an IPC is a nightmare, IPCs have some of the hardest counters,no other race has something like this, they are very squishy, can't use a normal void suit, every EMP, jump in power, ion rifle could mean a quick death, you get no medicine, no hyperzine or drugs and you can't even enjoy a burger or a drink at the bar like others the only thing you are allowed is speak about your trouble which will mostly likely be ignored because "You are just a machine". But you are still someone, inside that box of electronics is something you could call a soul, and that soul ain't giving up, Pain? Shrug it off and save your friends from a crossfire between sec and [insert antag here], Fear? Disable that function and block the door so the alien can't infect your organic co-worker,Gas? Doesn't matter rush through the hallways and get all the collapsed organics into safety, even though IPCs are a machine, a synthetic, they are something more than a Borg or the AI, they are a crew member and as a crew member they can have feelings, they can have personal problems, feel depressed or even scared, to be an IPC is to be a platypus in a world of beavers and ducks, not option A or option B. And that is why it's different, because at the beginning you won't find your kin amongst the Borgs neither will you be a friend of humans and other organics, but in the end you can become a friend for both these group and a tight glue keeping both machine and man together. Because space is wide and good friends are too few. Character Name:R.U.R Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs R.U.R was/is a borg, that is all that unit can remember, of course R.U.R used to be someone else, but that person is long dead, nothing all personality overwritten and lost, maybe it was the mind of a great hero who was to be immortalized in a steel chassis, maybe a kidnap-pee sold and illegally borgified, but that doesn't matter, if nobody remembers a man, does a man still exist? Now R.U.R was/is a Crisis borg, head full of medical information and hands full of random doodads and thingies that make people go up from down, and such a borg doesn't have much time, "Go here", "Inject him", "Make Ryetalin", and unit quickly got used to being called Rur instead of R.U.R, eventualy everything slowed down, stations and crew changed but the order and the job was still the same, take out shrapnel here, inject Bicaridine there until this unit got transferred to an interesting station, the NSS Exodus(I asked like six people about what station we are on and it was 3 Exodus to 3 Aurora so I chose Exodus since the name sounds cooler. ), a research station a prime example of NanoTrasens power and a grim reminder of who controls Phoron. Now unit didn't think much of Exodus, in fact R.U.R didn't think at all until that point, of course operating on such a station require a bit more brainpower than the average robot, so units thinking inhibitors were lifted and a Borg experienced something special, something like an awakening, of course unit still didn't remember anything before it became a borg but this was the closest it was to being a human, and R.U.R became quite happy at least what it thought was happiness, becouse what does a human brain go through during cyborgification? Chemical restriction? Emotion inhibitors? Logic enhancers? As we know, the best lie is the one we tell ourselves. And perhaps R.U.R lives in a lie, her "boyfriend"(robotfriend?) Blank-bot seems to sincerely love her, but does unit love him back or is it just the wish for love? Every time she helped someone breathe again did she do it because of the good feeling of helping or because it was something in her logic? R.U.R might soon find out, as she has gathered enough money (thanks Blank) for a chassis and now is trying to gather enough votes from the administration board to actually get her into one. As we know an IPC chassis let a brain finally have it's own body. But if you were always in the backseat, can you drive?(if you don't get it, it's 2deep4you) What do you like about this character? Because for the first time in forever I will have a chance to progress a character, R.U.R started out as a standart Borg that after some RP with other people on the station turned into extremely flirtatious trying to find out what emotions are and if it can feel, to me R.U.R is that teenager kid at school that started to drink because others find it cool but still didn't like the taste of bear so they just poured it onto the floor whenever they could. She is really trying to act like organics, feeling, liking, loving, hating but she still doesn't know if these are actual emotions are if she is just acting like she has emotions and I find that this is so far the most complicated and the most fun character I have played. Originally R.U.R was supposed to be just another borg (I don't like keeping static names for borgs) but after a while she turned into a full fledged actual character, with romance and people actually saying Hi to the character instead of saying Hi to the borg that came to medbay, and I find that kind of recognition to be very fun and pleasing, that's why I want R.U.R to be an IPC, so I can play each round as R.U.R instead of hoping that borgs won't be taken or waiting for half an hour before a robotics comes on and activates a brain. And I am very curious about how R.U.R will react to a new environment and the environment react to her. Plus hands. How would you rate your role-playing ability? 7/10, I mean I myself can't really rate my role-playing ability, I like to think of myself as good but even I realize that sometimes I fuck up, meta-game a bit or forget that I got shot and stuff like that but I think that everyone makes those mistakes, also my English can sometimes be pretty garbage and that probably makes it pretty hard for people to role-play with my characters. Notes I would appreciate some honest reviews about the character and perhaps some suggestions on how I should continue the characters story-line Edited May 25, 2016 by Guest
NebulaFlare Posted May 25, 2016 Posted May 25, 2016 Oh my gosh. I wanna upvote this so bad. I really really, REALLY want to. That was very well written, and I would adore to interact with RUR with my many characters. But I can't really upvote this, since I never interacted with your characters. Without that knowledge, I don't know how you are ingame. D: Arpee with me! also my English can sometimes be pretty garbage and that probably makes it pretty hard for people to role-play with my characters. I don't notice this. Seriously, I don't.
Baguette Posted May 31, 2016 Posted May 31, 2016 Still only 2 replies? Well I guess its time for a Buh Buh Buh BUMP
rrrrrr Posted June 16, 2016 Posted June 16, 2016 What's sizzity sup, buddy! Haha, twist your knife in me and make me bleed. Some things of note: I think it's still the Aurora and it's called "plasma" here, not Phoron. Nothing life changing and I fucking despise my unwanted soul for pointing that out to you, but worth noting. Good backstory. I really like the way it's written. Not many people can really get the "rambling" style of writing down, but you've got it down really well. I'm going to tentatively say I support you but I'd like at least one more vote saying "yes" or else I'll be forced to approve this by 6/20/2016. I might be dead by then. Imagine that.
Guest Complete Garbage Posted June 17, 2016 Posted June 17, 2016 What's sizzity sup, buddy! Haha, twist your knife in me and make me bleed. Some things of note: I think it's still the Aurora and it's called "plasma" here, not Phoron. Nothing life changing and I fucking despise my unwanted soul for pointing that out to you, but worth noting. Good backstory. I really like the way it's written. Not many people can really get the "rambling" style of writing down, but you've got it down really well. I'm going to tentatively say I support you but I'd like at least one more vote saying "yes" or else I'll be forced to approve this by 6/20/2016. I might be dead by then. Imagine that. 'Phoron' is the actual term for the substance, canonically, iirc. 'Plasma' is what NT calls the substance when pertaining to marketing.
rrrrrr Posted June 21, 2016 Posted June 21, 2016 You've forced my hand into accepting this. Good job.
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