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Press Conference: Amnesty Lund - Investigation

Guest XanderDox

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Press Conference: Lund Investigation

You see man in a typical NanoTrasen dress-uniform, an identification tag that says 'Apollo Evans, CCIA' in gold lettering on a black mantle, sits gently upon his lapel. He is wearing a blue beret with a shield emblazoned on the front of it, and he stands in front of a podium with a NanoTrasen logo emblazoned upon it, behind him a slideshow with pictures of Amnesty Lund at various NanoTrasen facilities, doing work. NanoTrasen flags flank the man on both sides. He speaks, his voice is soft but stern.

"Hello. I am Agent Apollo Evans, of the Central Command Internal Affairs Bureau, you won't be familiar with me, as I've only recently transferred from the NMSS Baldr, and Sol's regional administration to the NMSS Odin. Today on behalf of NanoTrasen, and the Central Command Internal Affairs Bureau, I'll be giving our official statement on the tragic accident that occurred earlier this month on June sixth, claiming the lives of fellow Agent, Ms. Amnesty Lund, and her retinue of administrative assistants, and public relations staff, Adrian Archer, Miranda Lamb, Kasey Woodley, and Dion Fenway, respectively.

On June sixth 2458 at 16:00, Amnesty Lund, and her fellow Agent, Alexander Graves, and her staff were departing from Adhomai following an interview with Taj Talk. At approximately 16:10, Ms. Lund's shuttle experienced technical malfunctions which have yet to be determined. The pilot at the time, former PRA Sky Guardian Ahjeeem N'kur, called in to traffic control to report an issue with the engines, before communications were dropped unexpectedly. At exactly 16:16, Ms. Lund's private vessel descended into a textiles factory, killing everyone on board except Agent Graves, who was within the rear of the ship at the time of the crash. Also affected were an estimated 53 Tajaran workers who were killed or seriously injured as a result of the shuttle destroying a large portion of the factory during it's impact.

NanoTrasen and People's Republic of Adhomai law enforcement officials are currently looking into the crash actively, to determine whether or not the incident was an accident, or foul play. While initial investigation has leaned towards an accident, we cannot rule out whether or not the Adhomai Liberation Army or an external faction were involved in this terrible event.

NanoTrasen Corporation extends their deepest condolences to all of Ms. Lund's friends and colleagues, as well as the families and friends of those lost both on board, and within the factory during the crash.

We currently have limited information on the crash, but I welcome you now to ask questions, and I will answer them to the best of my abilities. Due to the investigation being on-going, I may not be able to reveal certain information to the public."

The man clears his throat, and looks out into the audience of 25-30 people, mostly reporters and employees.

Edited by Guest

Aerianna was dressed in a modest uniform, representing her status as a CMO and one of the command staff on rotation aboard the NSS Exodus. She had her hair done back and proper, with a soft, blank expression being the only view into her emotions on the matter, the rest of her kept proper and clean and presentable.

"It is... in my curiosity why Nanotrasen has been delayed in giving this response. It has been nearly a week and a half for any official response to be given when a CCIA agent, one that was well recognized, was deceased in a tragedy that still there are few answers for. I don't expect the investigation to be complete, but everything has been left and feels so vague, so uncertain that no black box files have been analyzed, that everything seems as if even one of the higher members in Nanotrasen being killed, it is still uncertain if it was an accident or if it was foul play. I do not mean to publicly doubt the company I serve, but I wish to ask how such a thing like this could happen, for a response so late and for answers that seem so far away.

And how she could not be cloned. I am aware of what the Vaurca have done. Is there no system in place to replace the lost data and technology? I would not be surprised if lower workers did not have access to such a luxury as DNA backups, but to have a recognized CCIA operative be wiped from the world, unrecoverable, is a jarring event in my eyes. Has Nanotrasen made plans or taken action in preventing something like this happening, has it taken this tragedy for them to realize this, or will they not be putting forth the resources to fund such an opportunity?

Those are the questions that have been on my mind, as well as many other personal matters that have concerned me. Thank you for your time."

An un identified Tajaran male near the back who, based on his loose apparel and unkempt fur, must have snuck in, removes his beige flat cap and throws it at the podium."What about the people in that factory?!" he demands, managing to throw a wooden sandal as well before he is tackled by security. He manages to shout out with, "What about the fifty dead and unrrrrecognizable mothers of childrrren, killed by yourrr agent and herrrr fucking plane!?" before he is dragged out the door, slammed shut behind the security team.
Aerianna was dressed in a modest uniform, representing her status as a CMO and one of the command staff on rotation aboard the NSS Exodus. She had her hair done back and proper, with a soft, blank expression being the only view into her emotions on the matter, the rest of her kept proper and clean and presentable.

"It is... in my curiosity why Nanotrasen has been delayed in giving this response. It has been nearly a week and a half for any official response to be given when a CCIA agent, one that was well recognized, was deceased in a tragedy that still there are few answers for. I don't expect the investigation to be complete, but everything has been left and feels so vague, so uncertain that no black box files have been analyzed, that everything seems as if even one of the higher members in Nanotrasen being killed, it is still uncertain if it was an accident or if it was foul play. I do not mean to publicly doubt the company I serve, but I wish to ask how such a thing like this could happen, for a response so late and for answers that seem so far away.

And how she could not be cloned. I am aware of what the Vaurca have done. Is there no system in place to replace the lost data and technology? I would not be surprised if lower workers did not have access to such a luxury as DNA backups, but to have a recognized CCIA operative be wiped from the world, unrecoverable, is a jarring event in my eyes. Has Nanotrasen made plans or taken action in preventing something like this happening, has it taken this tragedy for them to realize this, or will they not be putting forth the resources to fund such an opportunity?

Those are the questions that have been on my mind, as well as many other personal matters that have concerned me. Thank you for your time."


The man gulps gently, not smiling, but he is not frowning either, watching the angry Tajaran display before turning his attention to Blackthorne

" I do apologize for the late response, on behalf of NanoTrasen. Currently our Public Relations team is in Sol covering Miranda Trasen's trip there; and as a result most of our workers here at the Odin with experience breaking bad news and making announcements were not present to do so. I arrived late to the Odin due to incidents in Sol that I cannot disclose, and the duty of this press conference was delegated to me, due to my work within the Public Relations department prior to my transfer into the Central Command Internal Affairs Bureau. You must remember that NanoTrasen is a galaxy-spanning entity, and can only respond so fast to events that happen out of Tau Ceti and Sol.

To answer your second question, our DNA banks have been restored, and high ranking personnel such as the Odin Heads of Staff and Central Command Internal Affairs are gradually being backed up. Ms. Lund had her appointment scheduled for June tenth, and as such had no remaining backup within our records. Lund has put off her appointments several times, due to commitments relating to her work with Central Command. "

An Odin PD Security Officer approaches the man, and whispers in his ear, some words are exchanged, the man nods and the Officer walks off after the Tajaran and other Officers.



A pair of eyes, belonging to Jim Calhoun, carefully watch Evans as he delivers his spiel. He hears the words coming from the mouth of the CCIA operative, but he does not heed them or believe them, and so he wore a mask of skepticism through the speech. Jim was clad in a navy blue business suit, bearing evidence that it was well-tailored for its wearer. Underneath the blue blaster, he wore a simple sky-blue dress shirt and a black tie. When Agent Evans gave the floor for questions, Jim immediately stood up and seized the closest-available microphone. He watched nonchalantly as the Tajaran acted out and was promptly hauled off by Biesel PD, and then he spoke,

"My name is Jim Calhoun, NanoTrasen ISD and Independent Health Advisory Board Public Safety Rep-Elect. Given Agent Lund's involvement in our organization, we have a vested interest in investigating the crash. I have probed Agent Graves, IHAB's CCIA Liason, for information regarding the crash, however he has given me nothing but no responses, with the exception of something rather...disconcerting that he said to me."

"'It would be the best to leave at that... Before things gets... Troublesome...'"

"I asked for any information on the crash, such as which area of the shuttle experienced difficulties, whether or not an official investigation had been launched, e cetera . He gave me that remark, which sounded very...grave. Aside from that, Graves sounded very well-adjusted for a man that had seen his colleagues killed in such a traumatic event. Not only that, but I am astounded that it took the CCIA to respond to death of one of its agents, especially one as esteemed and diligent in her duties as Agent Lund. What can you tell us about what happened?"


"Even if Nanotrasen does span the entire galaxy or a large portion of it, the employees available for events such as this should be available. With all due respect, allotting everyone to cover Ms. Trasen's trips in Sol isn't the greatest plan. I cannot accurately gauge or understand the amount of logistics that goes into such events, but an expectation I have is that Nanotrasen is able to employ a sufficient number of operatives and agents to be able to cover such things, given the nature of Bluespace Engines as well as the vast amount of citizens and agents that Nanotrasen should, in theory, have available to them to ensure that they are able to cover such tragedies.

As for the second reply... that is greatly unfortunate. I cannot cast blame in the understanding that I do realize the logistics of having to retrieve DNA backups and set appointments to ensure the security and integrity of these backups so that they can be utilized in the future. While it is available to cast blame in it happening in the first place, it is my own desire to cast thanks and understanding that Nanotrasen has learned and is working within their resources to amend the DNA banks and have high ranking staff renewed. It... pains me that she had delayed them so often, to realize she is truly gone, but in the end the only thing I can find is the desire to eventually move on in the realization that it will not change, no matter what I feel of it.

If I may ask, what security was available aboard the shuttle Amnesty Lund was on? What was available to prevent the tragedy, should it have been ruled as foul play? I understand if you must be vague, but a simple "we cannot explain" is... it does not give me a sense of security in the ability of Nanotrasen to protect its highest employees if an entity such as the ALA was able to successfully accomplish this task."


A man quietly raises a finger slightly above his head.

"Yes... I also have a question regarding NanoTrasen's recent statements."

The man appears to be middle aged with short, dark hair. He wars a bright blue blazer which clashes noticeably with the dark shades of the rest of his attire.

"Steven Dushard, Sol Alliance News Network. While the death of any worker is a small tragedy, it hardly seems to merit such fanfare. Meanwhile, other subjects more germane to the people of Adhomai have barely been addressed. With this in mind, does NanoTrasen have any comment on the allegations that their company may have provided the weapons used by the People's Republic of Adhomai during the recent nuclear strikes?"



The man sighs,

"I am afraid that I cannot personally speak for Agent Graves, nor comment on his comments. All I can tell you regarding the tragedy is that we know the shuttle's crash was the result of a mixture of both technical failures within the shuttle, as displayed by the sudden drop in their communications, and the engines of the shuttle itself. Beyond that, we have no information on what caused these issues to present themselves, but adequate and reasonable resources are being dedicated to the investigation team, and NanoTrasen is working alongside PRA officials closely, so that the investigation can proceed smoothly and quickly..."

The man clears his throat, turning back to Blackthorne

"I cannot comment on the logistics involved in Ms. Trasen's visit to Sol, as I am not currently on the Public Relations Team, I merely serve as a Liaison with them when they work within Tau Ceti now, however from previous work of mine within that team, I can tell you that an ungodly amount of work goes into live coverage, radio shows, and extranet reports, which takes up a lot of personnel.

On the matter of security aboard Lund's vessel, from my understanding of Ms. Lund, she always preferred not to have a security detail, frequently refusing to bring escorts on station trips and events, she just wasn't the kind of person to bring lackies around to stand around and act intimidating, she trusted those around her. I do assure you that NanoTrasen provides reasonable protection to our Central Command staff, but you must remember we are not Gods or national treasures, while we are protected and valued employees, we are not Internal Security's highest priority, a majority of personnel security efforts are directed to the Chiefs of Staff and their immediate secretaries, as well as the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer. "

The man clears his throat again, before nodding and turning to the Sol Alliance man

"Mr. Dushard, I'm familiar with your work, welcome to Tau Ceti. While the death of any worker is indeed, a tragedy; this specific event claimed the lives of five Central Command staff, as well as 57 Tajarans, I would hardly call the reaction to this event 'fanfare' .

And on the allegations of NanoTrasen providing nuclear weaponry, and weaponry in general to any entity is ridiculous, and simply false; I will not comment further on questions unrelated to the current matter at hand, thank you. "

The man looks into the audience for more questions


The man raises his hand once again, this time with a small black pen pointing rather than his own finger.

"Is fifty seven the confirmed figure for the death toll of Tajara caused by the collision? Your previous statement listed it as fifty three including wounded."


"My apologies, I meant fifty four Tajara, 53 in the factory, as well as the Tajaran pilot. 57 is the number of total deaths."


"If I might pry, how exactly did Agent Graves survive the crash? Typically in such circumstances, the shuttle would not have survivors. Also, at which point in-flight did the shuttle begin to experience the failures that led to this tragic incident?"


adjusts his microphone on the podium, and shuffles some papers in front of him, before turning his head up back to the audience and towards Jim

"Agent Graves survived as he was in a relatively reinforced room during the crash, and was at the opposite end of the point of impact... As for when the faults occured, or became apparent, the pilot attempted to report them at 16:10, the ship crashed six minutes later."


"This is just a shot in the dark, but six minutes seems like enough time to get everyone into such a reinforced area, despite the circumstances. I assume that is a purpose intended for such a room. I served with Graves and I can attest that he has a cool head during any given crisis. Were the deceased still strapped into their seats?"


"The information we have suggests that they did not expect to crash until moments before the rapid descent began, at which point flight would have been too turbulent to attempt to move."


the Man smirks for the first time during the conference

"We have a team looking into the blackbox now, however we do know that at lift off, all systems should have been nominal, and were reported as such."

"What is the flight history of this shuttle? How long has it been in service?"


"Ms. Lund has owned this shuttle privately for around four years. Since she began working directly with Central Command and we've begun logging her flights..." the man begins tapping on a tablet built into the podium in front of him

"She's flown to Sol, done multiple trips within Tau Ceti, and has gone to Adhomai twice."


The man nods, and begins interfacing with the tablet on his podium again

"Yes, we should, let me see here... We've got six logs... One from the day she left for Adhomai... Hm, data corruption, look at that. Previous inspections before that day show the vessel was in fine shape however."

The man hmms


"Her ship was bought used, yes. Notable maintenance issues in the past year... There was a minor issue with the vessel's flight navigation computer, but that was fixed months ago."

"What model was the shuttle? Anything notable concerning the particular model?"


"Look, Mr. Calhoun.. Is there a point to all of these questions? If there are no more from anyone else, this conference shall be over."

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