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Make food go stale/cold if left uneaten for too long


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Doesn't have to change anything mechanically, just let the person eating it know his/her food is stale/cold. OR make it less filling.


--> It's realistical

--> Promotes more bartender-esk approach to playing the chef. Chefs could take orders and prepare food only when asked to, instead of making 20+ food items on round start and having nothing to do for the rest of the round


I already roleplay this, and let me tell you. It pisses people the heck off. Its funny how many people get angry and shout over the radio when they come to the kitchen, or to the hallway serving table and food isn't sitting there.

That is to say, I agree with this whole heatedly, but I think people like the approach of "fuck it, give me food NOW."


Cold spaghetti and pizza should be more filling, as it's the naturally superior state of each food.

Though this would make the chef even more boring, as they usually tend to make food to pass time, instead they'd be relegated to doing absolutely nothing 95% of the time whilst they wait for the 2-3 people who go to eat food to come along an hour into the round. They would have less to do than the average MD/Roboticist on an extended round.

One way to add this temperature deal whilst not nerfing the chefs who pre-make their food, is to simply have it so they can reheat it in the microwave. Bonus points if you can use a fridge to cool foods down, as well, because cold spaghetti is objectively superior.

Cold spaghetti and pizza should be more filling, as it's the naturally superior state of each food.


Ew. No. Gag.

But on topic, the idea of having food lose their temperature is a good point - it's also not too sanitary to leave food out like that for so long. What we could do is replace the marble tables with buffet tables, and people could pick up ready made food from there. That way, food stays heated and yummy, and we don't need to change it out. If chefs want to be fancy, they can take orders as well.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Only if you turn the hallway counter into a deli cooler where you can store food and keep it on display.

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