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We have had plastic since newcode, but there are only a couple worthwhile things that can be done with it; finishing a table and making a crossbow. Why is this wonderful material so woefully underused?

I can think of at least two ideas that could utilise the plastic material.

  • Prosthetics. Let's face it, a metal prosthetic shell would be extremely inefficient and far beyond what's expected in terms of durability for day to day tasks.. Think of the extra weight that's putting on your body, and then factor in that the internal motors have to work extra to counter its own weight. And it's not like having metal limbs even makes you punch harder in game, or more resilient to damage anyhow. So consider prosthetics that could be made of plastic; light enough as to add little weight compared to the same mass of an equal flesh limb. Durable enough to resist similar damage from physical impacts as bone before breaking. Far, far cheaper to fit and replace. Perhaps less vulnerable to EMP damage, but more vulnerable to heat.
  • Armor. Likely from the protolathe, a plastic/metal hybrid suit of armor plating. Makes you look like Master Chief. Lightweight, durable, comes in glove, suit, boots and helmet flavor. Not space proof. Possibly a further tech that's re-enforced and pressure resistant?


Guns are pretty much a no-go. A plastic ballistic gun couldn't withstand the explosive force of firing a bullet and, as already mentioned, wouldn't handle the heat of housing laser weapon components. What other things can we make out of plastic?


Love the idea, here's what I'd have be made out of plastic

- Camera Frames (Metal + Plastic)

- Trays

- Radios (Metal + Plastic)

- Floor Tiles

- PDAs

- PDA Cartridges (Metal + Plastic)

- Prosthetics (Like you said)

- Much more that I cant think of while watching TV


I use plastic mainly for ghetto toolbelts, as in the plastic bag.

Not only does it fit on your belt it can house any small item, not just engineering tools

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