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[Accepted]Elohi Adanvdo's Skrell Species Whitelist Application

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: Elohi Adanvdo (elohiadanvdo)

Character Names: Ashley Long, Rassvet Zver', Svhiyeyi Sidanelv, Protector of Tallest Tree

Species you are applying to play: Skrell

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Going with a exotic poison-dart frog color and markings theme for her if I can. Maybe a vivid green, blue, or purple?

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yepyepyepyepyep

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: This race is pretty cool, and I'm a little in love with their home planet, their ethics, and let's just face it, amphibians can be pretty cute. Their character design and concept is likeable, and though they are highly intelligent, they don't use it to their advantage to dominate other races. #OrganicLivesMatter Their species also has a pretty tragic past with technology... #AIScum. But yeah. They got a kickass planet too. Plants everywhere, water, everywhere, etc. It's an amphibian's dream come true!

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Although technologically advanced as a species, they try not to let it go to their heads. They're more of a docile species, and are far more accepting of other races (except synthetics fuck those guys amirite?). They're also willing to share their findings with others and warn other peoples of the dangers of thechnology. Despite the fact that an AI dominated their species, they are wise enough to learn from their mistakes, leave AI tech alone, and focus on other less-sentient sciences.


Character Name: Oquoqua'Dali Walosh-Gakodi

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Oquoqua is a xenobotanist who has an affinity for all things flora. When she was younger she would study all of the native flora at home, and managed to take her knowledge to the next level and peruse her love of plant life in school. When it came to free time, she could be found outside or in the library, and despite the fact that she was perused by a few potential boyfriends, she was too enthralled in her studies to give relationships a thought at the time. She enjoyed college most of all- that's when the exotic specimens were brought in. Her parents are both doctors in the medical field, who specialize in homeopathic therapies and treatments. They never forced her to take their path, and instead encouraged her natural talent with plants. In return, she studied medicine through college and worked on plants with healing properties, to assist her parents in their field of work. For her dissertation, she developed a medicinal plant that was chimeric in nature, a marriage of native and exotic flora. This new plant species has the ability to almost eradicate pain, cure many maladies such as migraines, fevers, digestive upsets, and increase recovery time and survival from physical injuries, viruses, and diseases. She graduated college with it, and today her plant is undergoing clinical studies by her proud parents, and they report that the plant is very promising indeed. Oquoqua is VERY protective of plants and anything that she creates- even if it has undesirable effects... such as a voracious hunger for flesh. So far she has acquired quite the impressive collection of plant life. She can almost always be seen with a Diona nymph (sometimes several!) running at her heels, curled up in her arms, or napping in her pack. She values them higher than any of her other findings, and treats them as if they are her own children.

There's not really much to say about Oquoqua. She had a happy childhood, and as a young adult she enjoyed the merits of education and the support of her parents that got her where she is today. Oquoqua tends to stay bottled up, as she doesn't like to be a bother to anyone- she is very passive, and is more willing to take flight than to fight. Once someone gets to know her, she can be described as airy, delicate, and cheerful, but also passionate, and often shy. She is also socially awkward, and is more concerned about her work than talking. Oftentimes, all she knows to talk about is her work, sadly, and most who have a romantic interest in her can find it rather disappointing. Some seem to feel an 'off' vibe about her, and tend to be weary in her presence. Perhaps it is her tendency to play the part of 'mama bear', especially when it comes to her little Diona nymphs. Currently, her most recent obsession is the Diona race. How can something be both flora and fauna? She will do just about anything to be able to further study them, intent on proving that they are the closest living relative to the source of all life. But she won't go to extremes- Oquoqua will be more than willing to make friends with one if possible. She likes to believe that she is head expert on Diona, and until proven otherwise, will remain the 'head expert'. More by choice than by biological factors, she is a thorough vegan, refuses to use substances, and is pro-life and anti-violence/abuse,even if it is justifiable. If there's a such thing as a space-PETA, she's sure to be a head member.

What do you like about this character? She has a bubbly personality (I literally made this character just so I can make that pun). She's a bit of a recluse like most in the science department, absorbed in her studies, and very enthusiastic about her occupation. She's incredibly dedicated to science, but despite her love of it, she's still a bit of a technophobe, being told of the history of her people (mentally scarring her 4evar). It is not necessarily a hate for synthetics, but is instead a sense of fear for them. Sure, she's shy, but if you talk to her, she's bound to open up. Especially if you talk about the Diona. But beware, she may go on a bit of a passionate rant. But whatever you do, do not threaten her 'plant puppies', as she will become quite scary... to the point that she will space you! But hey, she's still my sexy salamander.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? Not many know this, but I was Abraham in Hellboy. (Jk I'd drown but I'm pretty good at pretending I'm a frog so I guess that's good enough???)

Notes: As always, I appreciate thoughtful questions as well as advice! Thanks in advance. :3

Edited by Guest

Hey there.

I try not to rush judging applications when feedback is lacking, so I'm gonna drop some advice.

You clearly care about the Skrell and this character idea, and I would really hate to have to deny this application just because the topic is sparse. Elohiadanvdo, you can post a link to this application in OOC once a round in order to generate a little more traffic to this discussion.

I encourage anyone reading this to please post your thoughts on this app, elohiadanvdo as a player, or their RP in the past.

This application will be open for another day or two tops before judgement.

I hope there will be more feedback here when that time comes.

Don't forget to advertise!


I also know Ashley Long, but not as well. I can't really attest to Elohi's IC or OOC quirks, but I can give my opinions on the app. A Skrellian xenobotanist makes so much sense given how much flora they have on Qerrbelak, that it's just made me realize there should theoretically be more of those. I like the tying in of love for Diona here, since the DionaxSkrell friendship is largely a dead thing on station these days. IT would be cool to see this possibly bring it back into fashion if it works. As far as the character's personality goes, it seems kind of shallow to me. I got a good communication of decent understanding of Skrell lore, but I feel like her only personality quark is her love for plants, and the supporting features which contribute to it. It's not bad, but I suppose I wouldn't have minded to hear more about family and personal life, I feel it would've made for a much stronger character. But, I lend my support with a word of caution, you might not want to be belligerent about hatred for synths. I really like the "natural vs. artificial" theme you've constructed here in your character, in fact I think it's fantastic, but over-zealous AI aggression has led to whitelist strippings in the past.

Consider me +1. :)

I also know Ashley Long, but not as well. I can't really attest to Elohi's IC or OOC quirks, but I can give my opinions on the app. A Skrellian xenobotanist makes so much sense given how much flora they have on Qerrbelak, that it's just made me realize there should theoretically be more of those. I like the tying in of love for Diona here, since the DionaxSkrell friendship is largely a dead thing on station these days. IT would be cool to see this possibly bring it back into fashion if it works. As far as the character's personality goes, it seems kind of shallow to me. I got a good communication of decent understanding of Skrell lore, but I feel like her only personality quark is her love for plants, and the supporting features which contribute to it. It's not bad, but I suppose I wouldn't have minded to hear more about family and personal life, I feel it would've made for a much stronger character. But, I lend my support with a word of caution, you might not want to be belligerent about hatred for synths. I really like the "natural vs. artificial" theme you've constructed here in your character, in fact I think it's fantastic, but over-zealous AI aggression has led to whitelist strippings in the past.

Consider me +1. :)


Thank you so much for your input, it was just what I was looking for! I will add more about her family, and add a bit more about her personality, but sadly she's more or less a plain Jane. And she doesn't quite have 'synth-hate', but more 'synth-fear'. I'll also elaborate on that part. And thank you for the +1, Mofo! I haven't been able to play much lately, and I have the tendency to switch up characters a bit to make things interesting. I hope to play with you in game again!


+1 i can assure you elohi is totally not a furry squiddy xD

that aside, they're actually one of the nice tajara around and not the annoying asshole types i've been seeing lately again.

on the app: the character, despite all the "bottled up, shy and blush xD" description doesn't look like a snowflake, and seem like a very believable character, while nothing special at all, they actually have a passion and reason to be on station, while the story isn't worth being published as a book, i think the character would be a best seller.

elohi is also friendly OOCly and i don't remember any negative encounters. unless we can count their first tajara app ;^)

their past IC interactions, the app and OOC personality are all ok, so i'm sure they'll do fine as a wetskrell.

+1 i can assure you elohi is totally not a furry squiddy xD

that aside, they're actually one of the nice tajara around and not the annoying asshole types i've been seeing lately again.

on the app: the character, despite all the "bottled up, shy and blush xD" description doesn't look like a snowflake, and seem like a very believable character, while nothing special at all, they actually have a passion and reason to be on station, while the story isn't worth being published as a book, i think the character would be a best seller.

elohi is also friendly OOCly and i don't remember any negative encounters. unless we can count their first tajara app ;^)

their past IC interactions, the app and OOC personality are all ok, so i'm sure they'll do fine as a wetskrell.


Nooo why didn'y you bleach your brain after reading that shit XD

I don't now how to make her seem like a generally shy person who's only absorbed in their work without being all 'notice me senpai/kawaii desu' bullshit, but thanks for the +1 ;w;


After waiting the promised "day or two tops", I am happy to see that there is quite a bit of feedback here.

Before I get to feedback, I'll stop and take a look at how the app reads post-edit.

The mention of potential boyfriends is quite scandalous and the inclusion of the word "perused" raises the rating of this application to PG-13. Steamy word choice aside, there is definitely a character being drawn together by this application.

Her interest in her craft is a commendable trait that I trust you'll be able to portray well. The application comes across as quite bubbly, much like the character herself.

My one note of caution is that your Skrell might come across as very "Human" in play. This may sound like an odd request, but do remember that she is, by definition, alien. What does acting like a Skrell mean? Well that varies from person to person just as personalities do. Experiment with the themes you want to play with in this character. Oquoqua'Dali is your first foray into the Skrell (at least with us) and is your chance to find what being a Skrell means to you and this character.

There is definitely the backbone of a character in this application. As time goes on, it will be your duty to expand upon them while having a fun time with bringing them to life on-station. Among the things to think about: Little details. How does she feel about this and that? Who were people that had an impact on her throughout her life? Anything you come up with that you think adds something to the character is probably a detail that someone out there will appreciate. If nothing else, it will give you an idea of what Oquoqua'Dali is like as an individual.

Best of luck to Dr.Walosh-Gakodi as she hides out in Xenobotany and gets to know her new coworkers.

Application Accepted.


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