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Rusty's Unban Request

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BYOND Key: RustySh4ckleford

Total Ban Length: Permanent

Banning staff member's Key: Alberyk

Reason of Ban: Player is banned due to ban request.

Reason for Appeal: I've been kinda sorta gone-ish a few months now, and I want to get back into playing spess. I was unbanned for a couple of days due to some error with the server and I got to play a few rounds, and the ban was reapplied by Alberyk. I do miss playing my own characters and interacting with the ones you guys have. I know I'm rather offensive to some of you, but I'll keep it out of OOC, and besides, the person who originally requested my ban is no longer in the community, so that same altercation is unlikely to happen again.


I'd be fine with you coming back, if there was an understanding that anymore of your... Vulgarity and audacious attitude coming into OOC will result in a re-application of the ban.


Only people who seemed to have a problem with Rusty, were the people who set out with the aim to have a problem with Rusty. I'd be more than happy to have him back.


Dang ol' man tell you h'wat this here ol' Dale Gribble man is nuttier than fruit cake ol' gramma made back in ninety four yo. But Dang ol' would be lying man if this ol' boy ain't funnier than a clown in space who lost his shoes man. I ain't even seen a dang ol' boy like him take on them ol' shitters from the tumblr like this boy, yo.

Dale Gribble fo' President.



Appeal denied due to your history. You have countless notes about abrasive behavior, bringing topics like childporn and nsfw things to OOC.

Admins were asked and we came to an agreement that we won't unban you.

Appeal denied as of 03SEP2016.

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