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Where all da Phoron at?


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Posted (edited)

The wiki page on Tau Ceti says the Romanovich Cloud in that system is the only known source of phoron (plasma). Recent news articles say that Tau Ceti supplies only half of phoron energy to human space. The general FAQ in this forum and plasma page both say that the stuff can be found everywhere, though the plasma page seems to be referring to types of objects in space rather than stellar locations.

Soooo, where is all the phoron in known space? Is it Tau Ceti's monopoly or the common commodity suggested elsewhere? With the recent embargo it would be nice to know how much leverage Biesel and NT have.

Edited by Guest

There was a discussion on Wednesday about this in lore chat. I believe the answer wound up being that Tau Ceti has one phoron deposit and that the Republic of Elyra had another, and then Skrell space had some of their own. So, two in Human space that I know of.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Phoron can exist in rare, trace amounts in certain areas, or even modest little bits here and there, but there are only two solar systems with major deposits: Tau Ceti, within Biesel, and Serene Riyadh, within Elyra. They are also the largest known deposits. It is the difference between finding a deposit of 300 barrels of oil and 300 billion barrels of oil.

Tau Ceti supplies most of the galaxies phoron by refining and processing it in Tau Ceti, which is one of the reasons NT is an aptly named megacorporation.

They also have industries within Riyadh, but it's not as profitable because Elyra and other companies try to compete with it there.

These disparities are a result of periodic rewrites; all of these pages should be amended to represent what i said above.

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