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[Inactive]Starff Complaint: ShameOnTurtles Adminhelp Ruling

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BYOND Key: Ryan Falco

Staff BYOND Key: ShameOnTurtles

Game ID: bURWXf

Reason for complaint: This complaint is to contest the adminhelp ruling. I had originally made this adminhelp because I believed Kadra'mi M'rav'ah bursting into a robotics when I had barricaded myself in there. (They were alone, with no security accompanying them.) I had been shown to have military grade explosives and EMP grenades, yet they burst in anyway. The code had also been bumped up due to other traitors violently mutinying against the station

After repeatably using death nettles on them, Which were bluespace enhanced to teleport and explode lethal acid on them and yelling at them to leave or else, they continued to refuse to leave and just repaired while half ignoring me. This escalated and resulted in my death. Another note, is that I had also subverted a borg and this was announced. Anyway, I adminhelped and told ShameOnTurtles what happened and how it went down. And he went to talk to the CE to get her perspective. After a few minutes of waiting he concluded that as long as they are doing their job (Repairing), they can burst in on someone with known weapons and just ignore the antag who had already violently attacked people for trying to get into a area they barricaded.

Is this ruling acceptable? Am I not understanding it all wrong? Is it alright for CEs or Engineers to burst into areas to do their job even with a violent antag their?

Evidence/logs/etc: https://gyazo.com/e69f7c0f56a9643fd8471def13f1d730



Additional remarks:


Right, so, I wasn't here for this, and I'll leave the ruling for the higher ups, but first off. This ruling is retarded, in many senses. No sane person should ever burst into a room containing a very possibly dangerous person so they can fix some shit, that is stupid, and utterly against the setting we're trying to impose here. The player should've been heavily reprimanded for awful roleplay from what I can see here. So this is possible punishment on the points of the player for doing this, and SoT for having failed to see this, though I'll make sure he's aware of this so he can post his own opinions on the matter.


Okay. This was a difficult situation, but I do stand by what I said.


yet they burst in anyway. The code had also been bumped up due to other traitors violently mutinying against the station

When this situation happened, all other traitors had been dealt with by security.


After repeatably using death nettles on them, Which were bluespace enhanced to teleport and explode lethal acid on them

As I said in the PMs, the latter effects of poison and acid weren't doing anything to them - a cyborg and a hardsuited individual. The only thing that actually damaged either of them was the EMP. From their character's perspective, you you doing the equivalent of throwing sodas that teleport people. Less than that, even, because sodas do 1-2 brute upon hitting someone.


they continued to refuse to leave and just repaired while half ignoring me.

And, again, as said in PMs girders should not be relied upon for dedicated barricades. An engineer is easily able to get through them in a moments notice. They didn't take you seriously when you told them to leave because the primary weapon you used was a plant that was a minor annoyance. On the topic of you having explosives, yes, the Robotics lab was damaged because of C4. No, I don't believe a vague threat of "I have bombs in my satchel that are inactive, so leave this area!" (and by extension do even more damage to the area which they are trying to fix) is really that threatening/dissuading for someone. It will give them a moment's caution, sure, but beyond that... not really. The half ignoring bit is again due to you not really doing anything further to oppose them entry. You have to make good on your threats in a situation like this where it isn't very well prepared. They didn't come here to fight or valid you, they came to repair a destroyed area. They aren't going to let an annoying crewmember stop them from doing that.


This escalated and resulted in my death.

  1. You start throwing plants at them once.
  2. The CE hits back once.
  3. You continue throwing plants at them.
  4. You EMP the area, resulting in the death of a cyborg that was valued by the CE.
  5. They try to get revenge, and hit you with a welder a couple times even while being teleported around.
  6. Finally they stop hitting you and immediately call medical when you fall into critical, but you succumb before someone can save you.


Another note, is that I had also subverted a borg and this was announced.

There was no dead chassis around the Robotics lab besides the engineering one that came with the CE, so I assumed it was not involved in this scenario. You didn't correct me on this point - or even mention a subverted cyborg in relation to these events. This is further reinforced by you setting off an EMP grenade. If it was near, it would have been heavily damaged/destroyed. Also, the CE was not hit by anything but the plants during this situation. Why should they be afraid of an absent cyborg?

That's pretty much it. I felt it was acceptable roleplay for them to go to this area. They are quite protected, but still taking a risk. It's your job - as the defender of that area - to make them pay for taking that risk. If it was anyone else you would have got them with the plants or EMP, but unfortunately it wasn't anyone else.

Guest Complete Garbage

A note on the cyborgs: Mix was disabled and powerless, and the other borg made no attempt at me until you told it to. I didn't know it was subverted until you told it to attack me, but by the time it had responded, an EMP was blowing it to pieces.

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