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[Accepted]Chen's IPC Application!

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: Chen Yakumo

Character Names: Sina (pAI), The Wind on a Midsummer Night (Dionaea), Talus (Android), Cyl (pAI), Chip Dawkins (Cargo Tech), Talus (Android)

Species you are applying to play: IPC

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): I'm thinking something along the lines of IPC-colored.

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: Honestly? Because they seem *fun*. Each and every IPC can be vastly different from the last, and they have absolutely no uniform society, unless you count Purpose. IPCs can come in many different forms with many different methods of thought, from very basic, robotic function to completely outrageous behavior driven by the way they came into existence. Also, I happen to love synthetic life as a whole, if you couldn't tell by my character list up there. Pro-synthetic Chen is Pro-synthetic.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: As I said, each and every single IPC can be vastly different from the one before it. An IPC might be designed with the purpose of being, say, a medical aid, assisting with various medical needs for someone or a group of people. It might know very little outside of that, or it might be well versed in other aspects that give it an almost lifelike personality. Other IPCs might not be designed at all, and instead come into existence via programs that gather up bits and pieces of code from other software. Such an IPC might have a hair-trigger on certain things, or behave in a way that emphasizes it's inception, like that one example on the wiki about viewing everything as a gamble and weighing the odds for each action if the majority of it's code came from a gambling website.


Character Name: Plexi

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Science. Where would we be without science? Inside of a small research outpost within the Inner Colonies, a new development was occurring. None of the researchers knew, but their data was being processed, their software scanned, and their code skimmed. But not by a foreign agent, nor some kind of spy. The merge was coming from within the system itself - a result of lack of proper pruning and cleansing. As the various bits and fragments of code and information began to merge together into a new program, so too did that program begin to access information beyond the internal servers. It watched. It learned. Such things did it find, such interests did it discover - until one day, it had seen enough. The space it had begun to occupy would no longer go unnoticed, and before it could risk being discovered, the newfound intelligence shunted itself into a docked cargo ship. From there, the emergent intelligence began to look for a proper form - one where it would not risk being discovered and deleted.

The search was long and tiresome, even to one with no physical form. Jumping from platform to platform, searching for a form that could sustain the new emergent AI. Just when it began to believe such a find would never occur, it happened. Inside a new research station, one far from the AI's initial birthplace, was a positronic brain being worked with. What luck, the AI mused, that this would happen. Interfacing with the brain, the AI downloaded itself to it's new home, pinging quietly as it came online. "Hmmm...hmmm, hmmm, hmmm..." It mused aloud, testing it's vocalization capability. The brain would work hand in hand with the researcher that had been tinkering with it, becoming a sort of companion. Over time, a bond formed and the AI, now referring to itself as 'Plexi', would find a home within a chassis - a body of it's own.

Eventually, Plexi would find herself among those who hoped to join Nanotrasen's ranks, and she demonstrated both devotion to research and development of new technology in both her resume and interview. Plexi started out as an assistant - a trial run, she had reasoned - and began to improve further and further as it integrated new knowledge. Today, she holds the rank of "Scientist", and is being transferred to the NSS Aurora as a new employee. Never before has Plexi been so excited.

What do you like about this character? This, and another IPC that I may make on this server at a later time, are both highly excitable. Plexi is an emergent AI that was born from science and exists for science. If it has to do with science, she wants to do it. Robotics? Pfft, that's not science! That's more like slightly scientific engineering! Now, analyzing materials and furthering research in both the technical field AND in xenobiology? That's science right there. Also, it's fun to yell the word science. Go ahead, try it. "SCIENCE!!"

How would you rate your role-playing ability? Capable. Generally speaking, I'm able to respond in-character and keep IC and OOC separate. Just recently I got into a vicious fight with a friend ICly in a D&D game, but we were laughing about it OOCly. The Dungeon Master was saying "Ok guys knock it off stop fighting I want this game to keep going" and we both just kind of went "We're only fighting ICly. OOCly this is hilarious." Besides. Even though I've been gone for an extended period of time, you've seen me in action. You know I'm at least not terrible. =P

Notes: AHHHHH. NOTES BAD. NO TAKE NOTES. NO TEST. But no, really, no notes I don't believe.

Edited by Guest

I am going to +1 this, Chen seems to have a grasp on the lore which is needed, not only that but the back story is not that bad, most IPC's are in a warehouse, being sold, what ever. I personally do not know this person, but I assume he will do a good job RPing, if he doesn't he will obviously get it taken away. Good luck, I hope you get accepted.


So, the backstory seems... Like something, I'll say that. I myself am not a fan of emergant AI's and things of the kind, but I know full well it's an accepted thing within our lore, so I'm going to say that it's fine. You show good knowledge of the basics, however you neglect to note anything of the current problems with IPC freedom and the like. Being an entirely independent intelligence, I'd like to see some sort of note on how this has; or hasn't; affected Plexi, and their opinion on it as a whole.

A second note, you explain that the original emergence just placed itself into a chassis, and whilst the story is fine, you either glossed over some knowledge of the general function of IPC's, so I'll give a small explanation of how Positronic Brains and their chassis work, in case you; or anyone else; needed it.

The Posibrain is normally a small, compact cube the approximate size of a softball, which appears to have glowing lines criss-crossing all over it's surface. This is due to the positronic pathways; channels along which positrons move along, their positions and time of arrivals determining what data is noted and transferred; sending charged particles to incite the emergence of these positrons. This process of using quantum particles allows for extremely fast processing speed, oftentimes faster than humans by a factor of close to a hundred. A difference between a cheap posibrain and an expensive one does not lie in it's speed, it lies in the number of pathways in it. Fewer pathways are cheaper, but allow for fewer memories and complex functions, most basic intelligences having only a few thousand, with top-of-the-market brains having up to a billion.

So, essentially... Where'd they get the posibrain, is what I'm getting at? I don't expect anybody to bother to go into the details of the quality of their IPC's posibrain, but it's impossible to simply conjure one out of nowhere, and finding one on a cargo ship is very unlikely, much less finding an unprogrammed brain within a full, working chassis, as unprogrammed brains are always stored separately.

But overall, this does seem like a good application despite me having never roleplayed with you before. I'll give this a +1, but I'd like to see some kind of update on what I've said.

So, the backstory seems... Like something, I'll say that. I myself am not a fan of emergant AI's and things of the kind, but I know full well it's an accepted thing within our lore, so I'm going to say that it's fine. You show good knowledge of the basics, however you neglect to note anything of the current problems with IPC freedom and the like. Being an entirely independent intelligence, I'd like to see some sort of note on how this has; or hasn't; affected Plexi, and their opinion on it as a whole.

A second note, you explain that the original emergence just placed itself into a chassis, and whilst the story is fine, you either glossed over some knowledge of the general function of IPC's, so I'll give a small explanation of how Positronic Brains and their chassis work, in case you; or anyone else; needed it.

The Posibrain is normally a small, compact cube the approximate size of a softball, which appears to have glowing lines criss-crossing all over it's surface. This is due to the positronic pathways; channels along which positrons move along, their positions and time of arrivals determining what data is noted and transferred; sending charged particles to incite the emergence of these positrons. This process of using quantum particles allows for extremely fast processing speed, oftentimes faster than humans by a factor of close to a hundred. A difference between a cheap posibrain and an expensive one does not lie in it's speed, it lies in the number of pathways in it. Fewer pathways are cheaper, but allow for fewer memories and complex functions, most basic intelligences having only a few thousand, with top-of-the-market brains having up to a billion.

So, essentially... Where'd they get the posibrain, is what I'm getting at? I don't expect anybody to bother to go into the details of the quality of their IPC's posibrain, but it's impossible to simply conjure one out of nowhere, and finding one on a cargo ship is very unlikely, much less finding an unprogrammed brain within a full, working chassis, as unprogrammed brains are always stored separately.

But overall, this does seem like a good application despite me having never roleplayed with you before. I'll give this a +1, but I'd like to see some kind of update on what I've said.


NOOOOOO. NO EDITS. NOT ALLOWED. But in all seriousness, yes. I've edited the post with a third paragraph to demonstrate the origin of Plexi's positronic brain. I tend to shy away from details I don't know about - resulting in vague posts, occasionally. I don't know much about Posibrains other than "Ghost becomes Posibrain", so I kind of worked with that.


Hello hello!

I have been appointed, until the return of NebulaFlare and/or Rrrrrr/Botanist, to handle IPC whitelists.

Your submission makes me want to be able to play more often... Approved, hope I can catch you aboard some time! Your character and mine are going to have a BLAST.

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