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[Accepted] Haveatya Head of Staff Application

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BYOND key: Haveatya

Character names: Connor Fletcher, rotating cyborgs named after knights of the round table

How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Likely in excess of a year, on and off.

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I want expand my roles on the station and fill an unpopular and often unoccupied role.

Why did you come to Aurora?: I enjoy Space Station 13 because of role play, "drama", and problem solving. Aurora provides all these and I don't need to be afraid of a random assistant coming to bash my head in with a toolbox every session.

Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Yes

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:

Roleplay is being able to step out of your personal beliefs and mannerisms and create a new identity in a fantasy world. Roleplay is all about being the hero you aren't or being the book worm that you despise. Roleplay is where you can let your imagination flow and escape reality. In the end, Aurora station is a roleplay station and a game; in the end roleplay should be fun and if something gets in the way of that it needs to reevaluated.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:

Heads of Staff should be players that can guide and advise other players both in game, on mechanics, and out of game on rules of the station among other things. A Head of Staff is someone who is fully capable at fulfilling any role in their department. The player needs to know how to perform any tasks that come up and be able to teach others how to do it in a proper IC and roleplaying fashion. Just like anything else, the base is the most important part of any structure and the player's personality and knowledge base is what can be used to mold an exciting and interesting roleplay.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: Similar to the OOC purpose of Heads of Staff, whitelisted players should be the proven and proficient players when it comes to their respective roles or specialties. Whitelisted players represent the best of the the community and should be responsible and kind to new players. People inevitably cycle out of the server and when a new player joins, the whitelisted veterans are the players that should be there to answer their questions and help them get acquainted.

Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions.

Character name: Marcus Graves

Character age: 32

Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs):

Marcus Graves was born in Biesel to a lower class family. He was one of four children and grew up looking out for his brother and sisters while his dad worked two jobs and his mom was bed ridden with disease. Marcus was naturally capable at school, and graduated with a 3.9 GPA, able to

find his way to a business academy. He spent 6 years working as a security guard for the academy while he continued his education. He spent this time helping raise his siblings as well, the passing of his mother hit the family hard even though it was expected. His strong work ethic kept him afloat despite his rough personal life but his oldest sister wasn't as strong willed. She began abusing narcotics, Marcus would not see his silbings fall after spending so much time trying to give them a good upbringing. When Marcus showed up to take his sister to rehab, he entered her small apartment to find his sister in the middle of an overdose he called the emergency services. They arrived 15 minutes later than they were expected to and didn't appear to be working as hard as they could be. His sister passed that day and Marcus was bent on getting the medical personnel investigated for misconduct and neglect of duty.

This was the beginning of his internal affairs career. Marcus pushed paperwork through the system while properly citing standards of care repetitively. After graduation from his business academy, NT offered Marcus a security officer position and entrance into an internal affairs internship and feeder program. With their widespread connections, NT was able to track down the investigation that Marcus pushed for and appreciated his intense work ethic and attention to detail. With a potential position opening up on NSS Exodus, Marcus has been moved to security detail on the station and is waiting for review on his potential promotion.

What do you like about this character?:

My current primary character is a bit laissez-faire and i would enjoy playing a more serious and focused character. Marcus has a less dark background than Tyco but has clear reasons for why he is how he is and I have made some intentional choices about how he acts. I would like to play a role that is incredibly role play focused and the Internal Affairs career is a great way to do this.

What do you dislike about this character?:

I can't really think of anything I'd dislike about Marcus. I would not be trying to play a character I would not like to play.

What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?:

I believe Marcus would be a good Head of Staff because he is a determined and hard working individual but has a latent compassionate side that provides him with the ability to be objective and mission oriented while still being empathetic during his investigations. Marcus is young and I plan to play him like that, he is new to this role and will be growing into it just like anyone would be when they first get promoted to a new career.


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions.

How would you rate your own roleplaying?: 8/10; I find that in general I stick to my character's personality well and rarely break from character even at my character's potential expense. However there are occurrences where I have gotten frustrated and have been guilty of powergaming to attempt to survive or defeat an antagonist. In general, especially in this most recent span of playing, I have tried to combat metagaming against antagonists in OOC and IC ways. I acknowledge that i have made mistakes and any time I am engaged in serious combat or antagonist related incidents I purposely make a point of asking for feedback about my performance.

Extra notes: This will be my first application, I look forward to constructive criticism. I have been around here a long time but have mostly been lurking in the forums and OOC community. I hope that this will be a good opportunity for me to grow in the community!


Hello there! Thought I'd give this a read!

I don't have much experience with the one character you named, so my feedback will mostly be on what's written here. Firstly, an item of errata out of the way:


Aurora provides all these and I don't need to be afraid of a random assistant coming to bash my head in with a toolbox every session.

Don't be so sure...

As for the rest:


Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I want expand my roles on the station and fill an unpopular and often unoccupied role.

Keep in mind this whitelist also unlocks all Command Staff positions, not just the IAA I (believe) you're applying for. Any plans to utilize any of those other job slots? Why or why not?


Just like anything else, the base is the most important part of any structure and the player's personality and knowledge base is what can be used to mold an exciting and interesting roleplay.

Conclusions like this are nice to see. How do you imagine a Head character might typically accomplish this? What defines an exciting roleplay to you?


Whitelisted players represent the best of the the community...

I'm not sure I agree with this on the face. Having a whitelist might mean that a player understands certain expectations and has certain knowledge, but I'm not sure that is enough to place them on any sort of pedestal.

Speaking specifically to responsibilities of Command characters on our server, what things are they capable of that can affect the people around them? Aside from teaching players in their departments, are there other things the players of these characters might be responsible for in any given round?


What do you like about this character?:

My current primary character is a bit laissez-faire and i would enjoy playing a more serious and focused character. Marcus has a less dark background than Tyco but has clear reasons for why he is how he is and I have made some intentional choices about how he acts. I would like to play a role that is incredibly role play focused and the Internal Affairs career is a great way to do this.

Fair enough! Fun is against the rules in IA, you know. I had no big questions regarding the backstory, though I don't make the connection between the family tragedy and the appeal of regulatory work to Marcus. Does he see that component as some sort of driving force behind an efficient operation? With so much security experience, would he want to suddenly jump tracks to administration? I see the education and the internship program, but he's also been a professional in another field for quite some time at this point.


What do you dislike about this character?:

I can't really think of anything I'd dislike about Marcus. I would not be trying to play a character I would not like to play.

This is (to me at least) a question for other people to use as much as you. Are there areas of weakness or difficulty that you find hard to play with Marcus, or might want help with? Opportunities for other players to interact and assist are always good.


What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?:

I believe Marcus would be a good Head of Staff because he is a determined and hard working individual but has a latent compassionate side that provides him with the ability to be objective and mission oriented while still being empathetic during his investigations. Marcus is young and I plan to play him like that, he is new to this role and will be growing into it just like anyone would be when they first get promoted to a new career.

This is a bit how I view my own agent, though she's a bit older and more worn down. The potential conflict of corporate interest with the need for a humane touch is what I like most about IA in the first place.

Thank you for taking the time to respond to these thoughts, and best of luck!

Keep in mind this whitelist also unlocks all Command Staff positions, not just the IAA I (believe) you're applying for. Any plans to utilize any of those other job slots? Why or why not?


I don't plan to utilize any of the head positions, barring HoS. But if I were to use HoS it would not be for a long while as none of my characters are interested in the position.


Conclusions like this are nice to see. How do you imagine a Head character might typically accomplish this? What defines an exciting roleplay to you?


I like roleplay where there is a certain level of heavy to it, stressful situations are what keeps players coming back to SS13. Running from the aliens through maintenance or trying to subdue the malfunctioning AI is what makes SS13 so unique. A head character should be able to teach his subordinates while a head player should be able to explain new things in a clear ooc way through looc if IC it makes more sense for the character they are talking to to know how to do something. These characters are all professionals and trained in their fields, so some things not known to the player should be known to the character.


I'm not sure I agree with this on the face. Having a whitelist might mean that a player understands certain expectations and has certain knowledge, but I'm not sure that is enough to place them on any sort of pedestal.


Your heads of staff are who your new players will immediately look to for guidance in game. I would think they should be a knowledgeable person of course, but an off putting personality could harm the roleplay and interest of new players.


Speaking specifically to responsibilities of Command characters on our server, what things are they capable of that can affect the people around them? Aside from teaching players in their departments, are there other things the players of these characters might be responsible for in any given round?


They, I feel, are expected to be able to cut metagaming down in a sense. With the power they hold, they should be able to encourage proper roleplay despite knowing ooc what is occuring. Antagonists often will try to go after heads as they get more benefits than attacking a staff member. With that in mind, the ability to maintain no IC in OOC is an important concept for them to follow as they may be frustrated but need to keep a level head.


Fair enough! Fun is against the rules in IA, you know. I had no big questions regarding the backstory, though I don't make the connection between the family tragedy and the appeal of regulatory work to Marcus. Does he see that component as some sort of driving force behind an efficient operation? With so much security experience, would he want to suddenly jump tracks to administration? I see the education and the internship program, but he's also been a professional in another field for quite some time at this point.


Marcus enjoys getting things done and feeling accomplished. He gets a sense of validation from completing tasks that he never got from his family life. Alongside that, he appreciates the simplicity and straight forwardness of paperwork and procedure that dominates the IAA's work day. I chose security because it is similar to what my father did. He worked as a police officer for a number of years before being moved to IA for his strong work ethic. So I am sort of burrowing his career for my character's story.


This is (to me at least) a question for other people to use as much as you. Are there areas of weakness or difficulty that you find hard to play with Marcus, or might want help with? Opportunities for other players to interact and assist are always good.


Marcus will have a difficult time ignoring procedure or adjusting to unique situations. It is likely something that will come up if he gets involved in an antag RP situation with a vampire, or something along the supernatural line. He is normally guided by SOP but when it won't apply he will be stuck nervous and unsure of what actions to take and will likely look to guidance. This is vastly different from Tyco and will take getting used to, I may honestly not enjoy it now that you bring it up, but it fits the character I've created more than any other option.


This is a bit how I view my own agent, though she's a bit older and more worn down. The potential conflict of corporate interest with the need for a humane touch is what I like most about IA in the first place..


I agree, the humanity of situations versus the neverending regulations and technological advancement has always been something I've been interested in.

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