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[Accepted] Zyymurgy's Unathi Whitelist Application

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Character Names:

Shaye Reinke, Zirra'Sharr Rurrsiim, Myr'rhana Zurejhamel'ere

Species you are applying to play:


What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt):


Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:

Yes, and try to cross reference it when stating lorefacts usually

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

Because the fucking scalie squad on discord won't shut the fuck up about it.

But also I genuinely love reptilian species as a concept, and am foremost a player of draconic and lizard species in any and all games that allow it. Reptiles, as non-mammals, are far more alien than mammal-alike Tajaran are; their culture and needs as beings are far different. This makes them more interesting to play in general and adds more challenge to roleplaying, something I always welcome. In addition I'm drawn to the challenge that an overtly sexist society brings; it goes against my personal nature to submit, and that means it will be difficult to balance toeing the line and hiding my dissent both IC and OOC.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

The sexism, mostly. A carnivorous diet and the ability, nay, the NEED to devour monkeys. Speech patterns and body language are completely different. A deep-seated desire for personal space. Their warrior culture, a devotion to honor. The fact they nuked their homeworld to smitheroons. The FACT that their ancestors are literally watching them and spirits are real, and anyone who denies it is a fool.


Character Name:

Zija Yss'Selevir

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Zija is an Unathi woman who went through with her arranged marriage peacefully and properly out of her sense of duty to her people, and later took a contract with NT specifically to escape Ouerea, its culture, and her certain future as a mother.

Born in 2433, her family (mother, father, two sisters and her) emigrated to Ouere after the war began, but before the bombs. Her childhood was marked by the War, watching it unfold from afar; the fear her family felt was no less real for the distance. When the nuclear exchange happened, virtually all of their extended family and friends died -- at least everyone that she knew was now dead. This helped her turn her back on Moghes. Those fighting over the remains of their homeworld were fools, but they had made their bed and they ought to lie in it. Paying allegiance to the Izweski Hegemony was simply something one had to do -- it was belong to them or be clanless -- but her distaste for them only grew with time.

She turned instead to the stars, and had plans to study, come hell or high water, even before her arranged marriage. She had a decent amount of contact with Skrell and Humans from a young age, having been sent to a mixed school, her city home to a lot of miners and surveyors who moved their families to their new job. As a result, her mind had been slightly more open; she knew women doctors existed, and that some of her friends' mothers were successful, but she hadn't thought of Unathi that way and been actively discouraged by her parents and peers. She always had her eye on formal training to be a chef -- her duties as a women demanded she cook, but she took joy in it and wanted to become a GOOD cook.

Luckily her arranged husband was sympathetic; they really did get along, and he wanted her to be happy. If it was a simple as culinary classes offworld, he'd do it. When her father gave her over, a few months after their marriage she was studying. She excelled at the course, having been educated in home-making since her girlhood, and ended up passing ahead of schedule. Her education was standard, her peers mostly men and mostly aiming for line cook positions on-world; she kept her head down, and her focus on her work helped her do so well. When she was certified, she was given a brochure that opened her eyes; Unathi women were allowed to take jobs with NanoTrasen. It listed things like engineering and security alongside culinary; things she hadn't considered women to even be capable of...

After weeks of begging, her husband relented and allowed her to sign up with NT. It was, after all, his duty to ensure the marriage was a happy one. If signing a contract for light duty with lots of off time that didn't pay well was what would keep her happy from then on, he could easily do that as long as she didn't let the house go to hell, and as long as she took maternity leave when the time was right. If she agreed that this was a bit of fun while he worked to support her and she worked to provide children, it would all turn out fine.

She first went to work telling herself that it was just a fun vacation from home for a few months, that she would soon be home with eggs and her dutiful husband. However, being in space changed her perspective on a lot of things. She doesn't want to abandon her only living family and her husband, but life in space is far better than life ever was back home; she dreads having to give it up and return...

What do you like about this character?

She's someone who's just had the blinders pulled from their eyes, essentially. Everything she was taught about her lot in life, her personal duty and destiny, is basically wrong; that women aren't destined to submit and make children. She's the type who genuinely never considered it would be possible for a female to be in charge of males, or defend themselves, or do great things with their lives. She resents her life, her upbringing, and her very ignorance, while still maintaining her traditions, spirituality, and the parts of her culture that she truly loves. It should be interesting playing someone who loves her people, but not EVERYTHING about them, and who is torn between finding a better life or staying with her loved ones and being unhappy. That kind of personal conflict, in the midst of being oppressed like three different ways, is fun for me. ...Plus, lizard. That flicky tongue thing. Hell yeah.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

About a 9/10 because I toot my own horn far too much.



Edited by Guest

>and am foremost a player of draconic and lizard species in any and all games that allow it.

>got a tajaran whitelist first



the ability, nay, the NEED to devour monkeys.

They can't actually do that these days, now they just eat Ian, Runtime, and every space carp that gets brought on the station.

It's Ouerea not Ouere >:[


Zija is an Unathi woman who got married out of her sense of duty to her people, and took a contract with NT specifically to escape Ouere, its culture, and her certain future as a mother.

'Zija is an Unathi woman who got married out of her sense of duty to her people,' Did you mean:A woman who had her marriage arranged? 'Cause that sentence is currently inaccurate looking at the rest of the application.




how rebellious

The backstory seems like it doesn't have any inaccuracies that I can see and is most importantly, believable, it seems like a plausible way for a Unathi wimmon to be working for Nanotrasens, and I rather like it, myself.

That's all I have to add, really, I don't see anything wrong from here.


I only held off cause I didn't have a good idea for a ligger, gimme a break.

Corrected a couple things, fixed wording to make more sense. Monkey-eating stays in because it's funny.


First off, your knowledge from the lore seems pretty good, to not say excellent, giving it a good thinking, we don't as much black Unathis as i would like to, so that's another good point, at least to me.


Because the fucking scalie squad on discord won't shut the fuck up about it.

Continuing, good thing you may (i think you will make it allright) join the ligger squad.


I'm drawn to the challenge that an overtly sexist society brings; it goes against my personal nature to submit, and that means it will be difficult to balance toeing the line and hiding my dissent both IC and OOC.

Yeah, the sexist society, this was one of the points that drawed me to this species too (because i disagree OOCly too) , aside from the honor and thingies, i'm looking forwards for this character to meet another male of her race out on the station.


The sexism, mostly. A carnivorous diet and the ability, nay, the NEED to devour monkeys. Speech patterns and body language are completely different. A deep-seated desire for personal space. Their warrior culture, a devotion to honor. The fact they nuked their homeworld to smitheroons. The FACT that their ancestors are literally watching them and spirits are real, and anyone who denies it is a fool.

Everything about the ligger mechanics are neatly covered, the monkey part is rather optional, but i think it takes devouring all kinds of raw mamals on station, my own Unathi eats carps on a regular basis, so that's gud.

The Backstory: It's a good backstory, i normally disagree with female unathi playing (because their situation of them), but your character's case is a pretty good cause for them to be working on a space station, i found pretty doubtfull the fact that her husband was so kind and caring about her happines, i will just bypass it saying that she was pretty lucky, not all Unathis are bad, just most of them stick to their guns.

Her condition of just have joined a station can create chances like, Zija trying to know more about the other species, trying to satisfy the tastes of the other races, trying to LEARN new recipes from them, so long and so on.

On my personal opinion, you missed one thing (that i missed too on my Unathi app), does she believes on Th'akh, Sk'akh, or she's just a filfthy heretic? i don't request you to answer this question on any matter, i understand that this could be a personal fact that the players would have to found out about her, feel free to not answer it, it won't affect my final opinion on any perspective


What do you like about this character?

She's someone who's just had the blinders pulled from their eyes, essentially. Everything she was taught about her lot in life, her personal duty and destiny, is basically wrong; that women aren't destined to submit and make children. She's the type who genuinely never considered it would be possible for a female to be in charge of males, or defend themselves, or do great things with their lives. She resents her life, her upbringing, and her very ignorance, while still maintaining her traditions, spirituality, and the parts of her culture that she truly loves. It should be interesting playing someone who loves her people, but not EVERYTHING about them, and who is torn between finding a better life or staying with her loved ones and being unhappy.

I do find pleasant the fact that she sticks with some of the things from her people, that she isn't one of those surreal characters that just says "fuck it" to what they have been told while they were raised and with what have they growed up, Zija may leave her species's ways in time, but it would take time and despice to the species, and her husband should stop her in any case, so i'm glad you pointed this facts out, on a final note, i think that most of the Unathi that begin to work outside of their homeworlds should struggle to adapt to the new norms and guidelines, and you suffice this categorie good as well.

All and all, this is a good application, at least to my eyes, i do appreciate this gimmick for a character, not beign to unique, but having a little touch of uniqueness, and i assure myself that i'm not good at criticizing, i tend to be too favoring, so, sorry for shitty english and such.

So, i do want to see this concept for a character in action, and how it adapts to the different situations that will happen at the station, including wacky humans, crazy invaders, so long and so forth, you have my support with this one +1 and good luck having it accepted.


Just here to add my two cents to Ziy. I must say that after having played a few dead hours with only Ziy and I online, I can vouch for their ability to roleplay. More than once have I been greatly impressed with the thought that goes into their emotes, way of speaking, and character backstories/outlines. Having spoken to Ziy OOC, I can confirm they are a genuinely nice person and are very friendly to work with. I was a dipshit coming in with many questions and confusion. Ziy remained helpful and friendly throughout it. I am absolutely sure they will make a fantastic Unathi, as they RP and adapt to situations very well.

Definitely a +1

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Application accepted.

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