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Incident Report - 12/18/2458

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Reporting Personnel: Adolph Hammerstein

Rank of Reporting Personnel: Roboticist

Game ID: bgTv1f is the round after.

Personnel Involved:

-Fabian Goellstein; Offender (Mirkoloio)

Time of Incident: Est. 2:40 to 2:50

Real time: Est. 5:50 UTC-6

Location of Incident: Robotics lab, later crew transfer shuttle.

Nature of Incident:

  • []Workplace Hazard


    [X]Destruction of Property

    [X]Neglect of Duty




    []Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.)

Overview of the Incident: A vague threat was made towards the AI that resulted in it locking down Virology and hindering Medical staff's efforts to search for a cure to a viral infection. Beforehand, I had made a Durand and had it sitting in the mech bay beforehand. It had never left the science department at any point, as directive four states that any "contraband" items produced within the science department is only considered as such if it leaves the confines of the indicated areas. I PDA'd the acting Head of Security at the time, Fabian Goellstein, to inform him that I was ready to check the AI's laws if he gave the word. He replied with "Word" and I informed him I had a Durand ready. I was nearly out the door with it when he replied "NO" and ran to the mech bay door. I, still in the exosuit, opened it for him and walked it back to the charger, exiting it. He then attempted to requisition it for his personal use, to which I told him to get a form, as per standard procedure. He refused, and insisted that I simply give it to him. I, again, denied his request. A simple form would have been sufficient enough for me to hand it over, but he failed to follow any such procedure. I informed him of directive four, and what it denotes. He then took out his baton and started hitting the Durand repeatedly with the intention to destroy it. In response, I simply repaired the meager damages until he walked up to me, wordlessly struck me with his baton repeatedly and cuffed me. When I came to, he had taken my ID and cuffed me to a chair in my lab as I watched him tirelessly beat an armored exosuit to the point of destruction with a stunbaton. After that was done, he dragged me to the crew transfer shuttle that had just arrived, ignoring my requests to have my eyepatch that I dropped due to him attacking me. When the shuttle undocked, he told me the following direct quote: "I am being paid to be an asshole" before walking away.

Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: I did not.

Actions taken: I had attempted to contact Security to keep their wayward interim in check, but no one responded.

Additional notes:


TO: Adolph Hammerstein


SUBJECT: Re: Incident Report



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DTG: 18-20:25-TAU CETI STANDARD-12-2458


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