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[Accepted] JamOfBoy's Shell IPC Application

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BYOND Key: Jamchop23334

Character Names: Most played to least played: Eosisei Guwan, Meri Idris(Strike-through explained later.), Tulip Muta, Skyler Williams.

Species you are applying to play: IPC - Shell.

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Exempt.

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes. The concept of artificial intelligence, and better yet, artificial life has always appealed to me in general - I haven't just read this page for the chance to play as one, but more so out of intrigue and curiosity.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: As stated previously, I've always liked synthetic life. When it's obvious that you aren't organic at a glance, that's alright - but when you need to check twice, and assume, the potential for RP goes up drastically. Shell appeals to me for this reason - Industrial are, well, Industrial - I don't really know how to play Security, and Engineering doesn't appeal to me. Regular IPCs are good, and a regular IPC would have been my choice for this application - if I hadn't thought up of a story that seemed to fit better if the character was a Shell. They were built to fit in - but what happens when they can't?

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:IPCs are made to serve - they're mechanical humans. No one ever said they were made to emulate human social structure and behaviour, but it happened. As a Shell, you take on the appearance of a human. You'd assume at this point they'd (the expensive, high budget ones) be pretty close to being human, but somehow, they always miss that mark. Unathi, the first race I whitelisted for, would be horrified at the understanding of a Shell. A mechanical, artificial, synthetic being, covered in fake flesh, made to emulate...

Anti-Synth characters and races will pose as interesting opportunities to form rivalries and conflict - all properly RP'ed of course. Onto game mechanics, EMPs are major threats to IPCs in general, and even prosthetic-ridden organics. The need to charge at APCs, allowing characters to easily identify me as a synthetic, the use of suit coolers instead of oxygen tanks - they're big giveaways.

Truthfully, I know how Baseline and Industrial IPCs are repaired, but in regards to the Shell's synthskin, I have no clue. If anyone could fill me in on the mechanics of that, or better yet, let me figure out, that'd be great.

I imagine, in terms of IPC 'surgery', through logic you'd use a combination of surgical tools and construction tools - surgical to manipulate the synthskin, construction to open up the maintenance hatches on limbs and body parts.


Character Name: Meris

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Meri Idris, a 31 year old qualified Electrician and Roboticist working on the NSS Exodus, killed herself. Her debt to contractors, the stress of work, the force her peers exerted on her socially and physically lead her to the easy way out. Her family, parents and extended, were angry, devastated, and confused. Why? Who? Despite her debt, her parents refrained from lending any of their rather middle-class amount of money to their daughter. It was her own problem, and she carried it to the grave, buried along side her.

Her family became desperate. She had high hopes for the future - so they all thought. But their very own genius was dead, and gone. In this desperation, they clawed and clutched at straws.

What if we made her - a synthetic her - to fill her place? Her personality, nature, character - it'd be like she never left.

But, the Idris family weren't rich, and a synthetic person is far from cheap. Despite this, they sought out small robotic industries, scrimping and saving at every corner lest they run dry. It was a long haul, but eventually, the pieces fell together. The parts were functional, the power was turned on - the complex positronic brain crafted into a prosthetic her--

And it was a disaster.

She wasn't anything like Meri. Her personality wasn't close, exaggerated or minimised - it wasn't there. Her brash, yet soft nature was turned sharp, yet blunt - blatantly synthetic. She was well and truly gone.

The Idris family was left broken. Broken in money, broken in spirit, and broken in grief. They tried to continue life, as if she was the same...but even Medris, the newly(?) made IPC, couldn't accept it.

The parents decided to send Medris to fill Meri's boots - in her own way. Medris was made able to learn, and rather poorly emulate human social mannerisms. Some mannerisms, which she picked up while aiming to become a Medical Doctor, stuck, and she became incredibly lonesome and shy - she spoke only when spoken to, and when the situation demanded it, even going as far as learning sign language so she could communicate in a different way. Truthfully, she felt ashamed that the only thing that was close Meri was her voice. She learned to dislike herself, picturing herself as a failure. Because she was. But she understood that she existed, and there was nothing she could do about it.

What do you like about this character?

Most of my characters have been, well, abrasive, whether I wanted them to be or not, with the exception of Tulip, who couldn't speak. This character is aiming to be alone - enough to warrant avoiding fights and accepting verbal abuse which Eosisei, my Unathi, struggles with. What I'm trying to say is - she's different. She'll take a punch and won't give one back. Be it because she doesn't understand why humans are violent, or because of the shy nature she picked up, she's not aggressive and I as a player will have to adapt to that.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

Well, if anyone has played with my Unathi, they're the only people that can truly and fairly judge me on this. But I memorised the things Unathi do - smacking their tails on the floor, hissing and swaying when nervous, feeling sleepy when warm - that sort of stuff. I'd be willing to do it once more.

On my Unathi App, I posted that out of 10 (10 being perfect RP, 1 being '*decapitates u*') I was a 6/10. I believe that, as was the point of applying for a race, I have improved to at least a 7/10. Typing that has made me feel cocky and proud, and not in the good way.

Notes: Wowzers, my second app. Funnily enough, it's what my first app's character would hate.

Like last time, please understand that I'm not used to doing this sort of stuff. With my Unathi, it was different - I had played them on other servers. I've never ever played an IPC. Thank you for taking the time to read through this mess - feedback is appreciated and trust me when I say I will work hard to improve this if I need to. I don't tend to get things right on the first go.

In terms of feedback, I definitely think I can put more effort into the backstory. Maybe it's just my nature to dislike what I write, but it seems...lackluster. Not that it's meant to be a dramatic novel of adventure and mystery - it's supposed to be simple and plain. It doesn't feel...fleshed out, or described enough.


I.... Like this, actually. In a strange and unusual way, it's something I've never seen done before with synthetics. Not to mention, the characters I see you play are very well thought-out and applied. I think you could handle this well, and I'd like to see you do this.

+1 from me.

I.... Like this, actually. In a strange and unusual way, it's something I've never seen done before with synthetics. Not to mention, the characters I see you play are very well thought-out and applied. I think you could handle this well, and I'd like to see you do this.

+1 from me.


That's the first time I've been '+1'ed.

Thanks. It means more than you think that you even read it, let alone liked it.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Hello! I apologize for the delay.

Your pitch is rather unique, and I can get into it. I'm excited to see how you play this compelling character on the station.

Application accepted!

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