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Seth Dagon's Money


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Character name: Seth Dagon

Item name: Money

Why is your character carrying said item to work?

Seth is from a very wealthy family that is associated with Nanotrasen, and uses his status to travel and visit stations and outposts on a regular basis. He has a few amateur skills in simple stuff, but is almost always either just a visitor or assistant, depending on whether he's trying to learn something to support his eventual rise through education and internship, or just visiting to take advantage of the bar and recreational portions of the station as he is passing through. He carries a large amount of money and uses it to buy extravagant experiences or help out people in need.[/hr]

Item function(s): It's just money, I'm okay with it just being added to his account, or spawning in with a suitcase of cash, or just a big stack of cash in his backpack... whichever of those is easiest and makes the most sense in your mind.

Item description: A large amount of money. His family is very wealthy and would be very accustomed to saying "money isn't an issue", so, as much as the mods and admins are comfortable allowing a character to have, hopefully that he would be comfortable throwing away several thousand credits just for fun or to help someone.

Item appearance:

As above. I kinda prefer just having the cash, but credits in account are fine, too.[/hr]

How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP?

I have quite a few ideas here... it would be interesting on mercenary rounds for trading... I think the crew knowing about it (as I was going to put it in exploitable information) would make him a great target for kidnapping or extortion. He would have no problems buying rounds for everyone at the bar during a celebration, or even bribing someone in cargo to order something questionable for him. Should he be an antagonist he could use it to bribe people to join the revolution (we've had a few rounds where people are very unwilling to join lately), do him favors, etc... and otherwise make people's day.

Additional comments:

I don't want a "game ruining" amount of money, here, but enough to pay off a ransom as an unexpected benefactor could be fun to RP and lead to cool situations. I know this forum is for custom items, so if this wasn't the right place to ask for this, I'm sorry and I will direct it elsewhere. I am intentionally limiting the roles that the character will play to simulate him being a rich guy who is not interested in "work", so, he would likely never show up as anything more than assistant or one of the trainee roles, or something in the civilian category.

Thank you for your consideration.

  • 4 weeks later...

Eh, you don't really need a ton of money for that. Mark Syion gets through pretty well of "Hey, I'm rich" without actually needing to make it rain on security cadets. It also kind of cheapens other people's venues of RP depending on their character. Gonna have to pass.

Application denied.

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